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I always knew Eastenders were punching above thier weight by going live. Don't get me wrong it was pacy in some parts tonight, but Jack Branning poor love, nerves really got to him and he was spluttering his lines all over the place.

As usual for me Eastenders got it wrong with such a huge story line...I recall feeling the same dissapointment when Ronnie finally realises that Danielle is her daughter, only for Danielle to get knocked over and killed by a car going at the break-neck speed of 5 miles per hour.

Ok Stacey did it, but hang on, if she was the real culprit, why was she giving Bradley such a hard time last week or whenever it was accusing Bradley of killing Archie? When she was the killer all along?

I don't think she was convincing at all. I felt it would have been more plausible and believable if they made Peggy the killer, or even Phil. Remember it was only 6 months ago, Peggy had wanted Phil to Kill Archie. Eastenders never seem to get it right, when it matters the most.

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Eastenders never seem to get it right, when it matters the most. Tags:
Eastenders never get it right full stop. Inconsistent storylines and characters that have personality changes overnight .......................never understood it why they get the accolades that they do. Poor .........very poor continuity IMO. unbelievable.
Soozy Woo
I understand what you're saying Senora but I think some of the actors do the best they can with the scripts they're given. It doesn't ring true that Stacey's the murderer as others had far more motives than her. Jack was the only one I noticed that fluffed his lines, saying "the public" instead of the police, oh and I think Ronnie walked out of the shop with something without paying, minor point though.

After the rumours about Bradley committing suicide it seems he fell and didn't deliberately jump. I'd been wondering till tonight what scenario would make him commit suicide.
Yellow Rose
I noticed jack fluff his lines near the beginning when he was talking to Max & bradley, which made it more real for me...we all get tongue tied when we're shouting or trying to get a point across...

As for it being Stacey...hmmm....I really hope this is the end of it and they don't turn it round as her confession 'i did it' meaning it's her fault that Bradley was in the frame in the first place for telling him about Archie and now he's dead....what i mean is, make it so she confessed as Bradleys death is a consequence of her actions and not her actually doing the act of killing Archie....does that make any sense at's

Ah well, onto the next storyline...
The Devil In Diamante
I think Stacy had a pretty good motive! Archie took advantage of her at her lowest, she was struggling with mental illness and no one believed her when she told them he had attacked her. Something like that would leave its mark even after she had the illness under control.

As for Ronnie telling Roxie Archie had raped her too i knew it!!! All the way through the Danielle story line i thought this was the case with the possibility of him being Danielles father.
Must admit, I was disappointed that it turned out to be Stacey. To me, it would have been more credible if it had been Peggy, or even Phil. Still, I'm sure I'll still watch it, though I wish they would get someone who can tie everything together better to script it.

Didn't really notice the mistakes the actors made, being live. Overall it was quite rivetting.
I haven't watched it for years but turned on for a few minutes last night because everyone was talking about it.  Deja vous or what?  Ricky & Bianca were getting married,  Phil was on a rampage while Dot sat with a fag in her mouth still crying about her Nick............and it went on in the mournful way it has done for years.   I have enough in real life to depress me without watching this.

Love EE. I noticed errors such as Scott Maslen messing up his lines at the start, Ronnie not paying for the paint, the mic on Stacey's coat being visible in a scene with Bradley when they were trying to run, heartbeat noises in the background when Bracey were kissing, Max putting his fingers down his throat, Janine's mini slip oh well most ran smoothly.

Babs Windsor had a face like thunder on the BBC3 Aftermath show

darloboy (Play The Game!)

Devil in Diamante. (wondering why Reference isn't showing up in Reply box for me) I had the same thoughts as you, so maybe Stacey isn't the killer. Still too many loose ends that I hope the scriptwriters will address.

I wasn't surprised by what Ronnie said about Archie as I'd wondered about that months ago. Despite a few hiccups I still enjoyed it

Yellow Rose
Reference The Devil In Diamante Today at 10:00:
Reference: "As for Ronnie telling Roxie Archie had raped her too i knew it!!! All the way through the Danielle story line i thought this was the case with the possibility of him being Danielles father."
I reckon he is I was trying to explain to the OH last night but his eyes started to glaze
He's not, but I understand why a lot of people thought so. I think last night cleared up a lot of the confusion, though. Roxy asked Ronnie straight out if the abuse was "before Joel", and Ronnie said it was. Although she didn't spell it out, Roxy was checking that Archie wasn't Daniel's father. The revelation also explains (IMO) why Archie hated the teenage Joel and worked so hard to split him and Ronnie - he was jealous of that "spotty oik" being with "his girl"...
Eugene's Lair
Lacey Turner would have turned up regardless YR since it was Charlie Clements (Bradley) last day.
When I read here the other day about her throat problem I was convinced she'd still do it  people in showbiz are real troopers, it's their industry that coined the phrase the show must go on lol

Yes some of it was confusing, I suppose it will be explained eventually. Hard to imagine how the scripts written ages ago for next week and beyond will tie up with last night, will be interesting to find out though
Yellow Rose
Everyone on this show now, is punching above their weight.  Every storyline on there is sub-standard and ridiculous now, and the writers need shooting.  The acting is pretty fair, and to be honest EE was good in its day, but it's really really unbeliveably shit now.  (And please no 'why d'ya watch it then?'  That old chestnut has been asked before!  So I won't even answer that question.)

Stacey being Archie's killer is stupid stupid stupid.  And the stupid EE writers/producers had the same pathetic inane idea of shelling out at least 7 'possible suspects;' and lo and behold, it was not ANY of them, it was silly stacey slater, the angst ridden miserable cow who needs to really bloody cheer up!  Her glum moody face proper gets on my nerves! 

Seriously, why the HELL was it her?  Out of all the people 'under suspicion,' she was the least likely.  Making her the killer is just daft;  because Archie 'supposedly' raped her, and then oh, it's suddenly not HIS baby after all, 'SO WHOSE IS IT?' screeches Bradders.  Stacey's face is crumpled and angst ridden as she is thinking 'F**k nows, the stupid f**king script isn't finished yet; it will more than likely be another Mitchell brother/cousin/uncle/grandad, who know f**ker knew existed!  Or maybe it'll be Nick Cotton!!!'  (Or Dirty Den making another return from the dead!!!!!!)  This programme is so shit now that it could be ANYONE!

It should've been Peggy or Ronnie who killed Archie; and no one else IMO.  Making it Stacey was plain stupid, and backs up everything I have said about EE being dire.

And WTF did Bradely run for, when he knows damn well it wasn't him?  Makes no sense at all! 

And where is that bloody Mitchell brother who appeared out of nowhere the other week?  I really think if he never came back, no one would care, or notice!

If I was an actor in this badly written, badly produced panto, I would leave before my career is bollocksed up.  It's just dreadful; even worse than the diabolical Hollyoaks.
After the rumours about Bradley committing suicide it seems he fell
He jumped! I saw him leap and I saw the stuntman leap in the show afterwards!

I personally think it was a great show, and considering it was live, was very well put together considering the amount of scene changes and activity. Even my brother thought it was very cleverly done (he's a broadcast engineer and knows all about TV editing and stuff and never usually pays a compliment to any TV show unless he's worked on it - even the bloody weather gets critiqued ffs)

Re the plot - hmm well yes, quite. How could Stacey let the man she loved sit there in sheer mental turmoil when she could have prevented it? And I hear Max Branning is the father of pending Baby Branning? Why couldn't it have been Sugar the dog or something just to give it some intrigue?

Am fed up of lacklustre, one tone Ronnie. She barely portays any believable emotion, I feel her talents would be better served in mime, seeing as her only asset is the evil eye/I'm proper pissed at you look.

I thought dozy Lucy Beale's scene with Phil grabbing her arm was totally wooden and crap, when it cut to Bianca she was poised ready for angry/shouty stuff and came in just a millisecond too late.

I thought the struggling with the police looked very staged, considering they both managed to break free of one policeman each at the same time (if it were real there would be a few policeman with their batons and CS Gas out and they would have both been on the floor with their wrists cuffed). Also Bradley's hand moved when he was supposed to be dead.

I did think Janine, Bradley (R.I.P. *sob*) and Stacey were the best actors on the night though and handled the situation well given the pressure they must have been under. However, although these actors work hard they do earn an extremely good wage and a bit of pressure isn't a bad thing now and then.

And thereth endeth my opinioneth.

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