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Well apart from new arrivals the ones I can see being there towards the end are Freddie (of course) Angel and Siavash. I think Siavash is going to end up with a huge fan club, although I can't stand him meself.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Well apart from new arrivals the ones I can see being there towards the end are Freddie (of course) Angel and Siavash. I think Siavash is going to end up with a huge fan club, although I can't stand him meself.
me neither Squiggle, I think the spitting puts me off him

I adore him, not overkeen on the spitting either but as long as he doesn't spit ON me I'm ok with it.

Typically will be the quiet boring ones that get through and all the ones we are talking about at the moment will, slowly and surely, get voted out cos they are annoying.
Happens every year and won't stop now.
Freddie could be there if hes tough enough to last the distance and be up practically every week! Noirin, Rodrigo, Sophie and Kris are dead certs as everyone in there seems to like them!
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
I’m still neutral towards Siavash – feel I’ve not seen enough to decide yet.

But clearly plenty of FMs are impressed…

i am liking him,though i tend to keep an open mind on all hms...judge accordingly.

bit like a united nation attempt of sorts to be fair and neutral at all times. Glance
I've got a feeling that Lisa will cling on grimly to the bitter end, while being unpopular, rather like Carole did in BB8. Rodrigo looks like a cert to be there too. Freddie is very popular now but if the rest of them accept him as he is then his USP will disappear.
captain marbles
Originally posted by Sunnie:

I adore him, not overkeen on the spitting either but as long as he doesn't spit ON me I'm ok with it.

Typically will be the quiet boring ones that get through and all the ones we are talking about at the moment will, slowly and surely, get voted out cos they are annoying.
Happens every year and won't stop now.

I have to say though Sunnie (with my tongue a little bit in my cheek) that you will never ever adore Siavash as much as he does himself Big Grin

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