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This may be tricky.
We probably all find it easy to think of someone we like, love, admire.respect. Someone who gives us pleasure.
Likewise we possibly find it easy to think of people we dislike, detest, loathe or find annoying for some reason.
But - this is the tricky bit - who do you find dull?
I don't mean you dislike them. I mean someone who leaves you with no feelings whatsoever. A take 'em or leave 'em person. It may be difficult because it is comparatively easy to have feelings `for` or `against`  somebody. But I mean somebody who you find so dull that they remain insignificant.
I think it is hard to think of somebody who fits that description.
(For example I was going to say that I find Tim Henman extremely dull. But then I realised that I find him so dull he annoys me.)
Can you think of anyone for whom you have no feelings whatsoever?

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Hi brisket!

It's really quite hard to think of someone that makes one feel absolutely nothing for.  My first reaction was Jordan or Katona, but the feelings are more than that, they just annoy me, intensly.  The only person/s I can think of are two neighbours who really look as dull as dishwasher, but is that because I don't know them?  I guess once you gather information on a person you are hard pushed to make that decision.

Good post! xx
Hey Karma... How're you?

Two days away from the office and I get woken at half eight by my neighbour mowing his bloody lawn! It's still technically winter and - even worse - now my lawn (and I use the term loosely) looks crap next to his. 

Actually - is he dull? Perhaps a little but when he speaks every so often he does this accidental Daffy Duck noise so a conversation is always fraught with possibilities.
a girl in my office is  taking dull to new boundaries, she corners me at the coffee machine,tries to lure me into convo by saying hello how are you? then the enxt 25 minutes is spent talking all about her and her daughter, who seems to be aspiring to the same dullness, doing her  prince charles thing at school, and it seems i have to know every inflection of every conversation this child has ever had doing her prince charles outwardbound stuff, i am also implored to understand what a wonderful, intelligent,sensitive child this daughter this,i don't know why i have to know this,her son is briliant, of course in a very dull way and apparently very mature for his age,he bought new trousers last week, that was a highlight i think, they were sensible trousers i am led to believe,her husband may not be so dull as he refuses to pick her up and makes her get the bus home, and i feel that has some merit.
she likes cheap pink wine   and ordering things from avon, some times her feet hurt ,she's been married 20 years and is going to a travel inn in nottingham to celebrate with her hubby.she is afraid of driving especially roundabouts .

i could go on...
JB I hate situations like that, where to be polite you just smile and nod while your eyes glaze over and you find yourself wondering if you remembered to put toilet cleaner on the shopping list...

In regards to dullards, I click with people who have a bit of fire in their belly, an opinion, some balls, well, just a personality really

Wishy washy types I tend to avoid, and that's not even purposely. Just kinda happens that way. And it's the same on the net as it is in day to day life. When you are in a convo with someone and you think watching traffic lights changing would be a more interesting way to pass the time then you know there's summink wrong.
I'm impressed J - if she's been married 20 years a "girl" is the last thing she is.
And hello you gorgeous creature you. x

I have a work colleague who's called her daughter something vaguely off key and "exotic" except I keep forgetting it (I'm thinking hard right now, I know it's a place name) so end up calling her Bermondsey or Felixtowe's not making me friends I admit.

And yes...I also have another one with a 2 year old who is of course the cleverest, most special person in the whole world. I've had blow by blow accounts of her achievements from conception.That child needs a sibling and fast. And her idea of sophistication is lambrusco rosso and cheddar with herbs or apricots in. But she's not dull - when she's not trying to be what she's not she's very funny. 

Karma is right - I just need to think of people who make my mind wander.
I have a 'friend' from my post natal group who is so dull it hurts! She just arrives with her FLK (funny looking kid) and sits there while everyone does everything around her even wiping her childs nose to bottom (but that's another story). You be polite by asking her how she is and she duly answers but I never listen to it because it's so boring. But... She never asks us how we are or anything about us - she couldn't tell you what anyone's hubby does for a job or if they have brothers or sisters what job we have or what kind of birth we had with our children or anything that you might know about people you've known for 3 years...

She will only talk about her child like she's the only child and I just zone out because you get blow by blow account of the bedtime story or the tantrum she had 2 weeks prior...

God she's sooooooooo boring and sooooooooo lazy. She's never made a cup of tea for anyone or tidied up any toys she'll happily sit there watching us tidy up, feed her child and make lunch for everyone! Her child wrecks our houses and she never says anything or helps sort out the carnage...

She laughs at everything even if it's not remotely funny (usually some stupid story about what her child did in nursery or such other crap). She laughs when I'm trying to discipline my daughter totally undermining my authority.

Looking back at this she maybe dull but she also annoys me to the point of wanting to punch her so this doesn't count does it? It was good to get this off my chest though... *and breathe*
Does so dull that your eyes glaze over, you stop hearing their conversation and look around desperately for someone to save you from the drone...count?

If so, my mate's girlfriend.  She goes onandonandonandonandon.....about absolutely nothing of any interest.  I don't mind shooting the breeze but, sheesh! she'd give a mickey finn a run for its money.
Why's he/she with her Cosmo..? There has to be something. I know too many people prefer nice looking over personality. She must be sensational.

Because when they met she was from a successful (bit of dosh) family,
He came from unfortunate circumstances, couldn't believe his luck and then got regularly told - like a chinese water torture - that yes, he WAS lucky.
By her.

He's actually brighter, funnier and generally much more fun than she is.
I swear he gets a wistful look in his eyes at times.........
sliced white bread

That's outrageous!   It's an uncut Bloomer or nothing.  Everyone knows THAT.

My ironing lady is a bit dull too.  She talks like this:

"So I said to him.....

"And he said to me, "Mum"....

"And I goes, "What?".....

"And he said "But blah blah blah.."

"And I goes "Oh!"

"And he says "Yeah"

"So I says ........

"And he looked at me

"And I looked back at him

"And then.  And then.  And then.............

ad infinitum It's like that Catherine Tate sketch but no where near as entertaining.

Saz i was thinking the same about my self as i read this thread shall we start a dull club? We could laugh at a loaf of sliced white bread (in the wrapper) on a table and hang around coffee machines catching people off guard.

We could even play a game where whoever keeps someone talking there (with a glazed look) the longest wins! What do ya reckon?

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