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Although I can appreciate the talent required to produce a piece of work such as this, I don't think that this best captures Kate as she is now.


When I look at the picture (the picture below can be expanded to a larger size) it feels like the artist has looked forward to her as she approaches her forties.


The cheeks, chin and mouth area don't feel quite right. Below her eyes adds to the impression of someone getting older. I also feel that the hair displays hints of grey.


Listening to the news reports, the royals are all saying how wonderful it is, but I would not be surprised if in private they are not a bit more critical.


What do you, the other forum'ers think?



Tags: Kate, Middleton, Duchess, Cambridge, Bad, Poor, Strange, Old, Aged, Portrait, Disappointing

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

in fact I'm sure I don't like it ! It looks like it's been done from a photograph , no life about it , and a bit overworked. 


Trying to figure what it is about her lower face- it's almost like it's at a slightly different angle to her upper face?


I've read that one art critic has said that the upper (eyes) and lower face are actually displaying two different emotions or expressions, hence they don't quite gel or makes the viewer feel at odds with what they are seeing.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

in fact I'm sure I don't like it ! It looks like it's been done from a photograph , no life about it , and a bit overworked. 


Trying to figure what it is about her lower face- it's almost like it's at a slightly different angle to her upper face?


I've read that one art critic has said that the upper (eyes) and lower face are actually displaying two different emotions or expressions, hence they don't quite gel or makes the viewer feel at odds with what they are seeing.

mmm.. dunno.. I think it's more the draughtsmanship of it that's the issue,  the angle/ direction of the planes of the face is what's bugging me

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

in fact I'm sure I don't like it ! It looks like it's been done from a photograph , no life about it , and a bit overworked. 


Trying to figure what it is about her lower face- it's almost like it's at a slightly different angle to her upper face?


I've read that one art critic has said that the upper (eyes) and lower face are actually displaying two different emotions or expressions, hence they don't quite gel or makes the viewer feel at odds with what they are seeing.

mmm.. dunno.. I think it's more the draughtsmanship of it that's the issue,  the angle/ direction of the planes of the face is what's bugging me


Looking at it again, it feels to me like everything below the eye's is advancing toward me with the eyes receding. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Found this From the Guardian  

Kate Middleton is – whatever you think of the monarchy and all its inane surrounding pomp – a pretty young woman with an infectious smile, a cascade of chestnut hair and a healthy bloom. So how is it that she has been transformed into something unpleasant from the Twilight franchise? The first thing that strikes you about Middleton's visage as it looms from the sepulchral gloom of her first official portrait is the dead eyes: a vampiric, malevolent glare beneath heavy lids. Then there's the mouth: a tightly pursed, mean little lip-clench (she is, presumably, sucking in her fangs). And god knows what is going on with the washed-out cheeks: she appears to be nurturing a gobbet of gum in her lower right cheek. The hair is dull and lifeless; the glimpse of earring simply lifts her to the status of Sloaney, rather than merely proletarian, undead.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

in fact I'm sure I don't like it ! It looks like it's been done from a photograph , no life about it , and a bit overworked. 


Trying to figure what it is about her lower face- it's almost like it's at a slightly different angle to her upper face?

she had two sittings and then the artist used a photograph to complete it.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Amazing talent as you say - but I'd hate it if it was me.  Very aging - looks like her 'before' picture for '10 years younger'     She looks like she's pursing her lips a bit.  She looks old and a bit mean with a steely stare.. Not natural at all.


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Found this From the Guardian  

Kate Middleton is – whatever you think of the monarchy and all its inane surrounding pomp – a pretty young woman with an infectious smile, a cascade of chestnut hair and a healthy bloom. So how is it that she has been transformed into something unpleasant from the Twilight franchise? The first thing that strikes you about Middleton's visage as it looms from the sepulchral gloom of her first official portrait is the dead eyes: a vampiric, malevolent glare beneath heavy lids. Then there's the mouth: a tightly pursed, mean little lip-clench (she is, presumably, sucking in her fangs). And god knows what is going on with the washed-out cheeks: she appears to be nurturing a gobbet of gum in her lower right cheek. The hair is dull and lifeless; the glimpse of earring simply lifts her to the status of Sloaney, rather than merely proletarian, undead.

OMG - I'm an art critic!  


I agree with it all.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

in fact I'm sure I don't like it ! It looks like it's been done from a photograph , no life about it , and a bit overworked. 


Trying to figure what it is about her lower face- it's almost like it's at a slightly different angle to her upper face?

she had two sittings and then the artist used a photograph to complete it.

cheers Jackson 


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