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On another Forum I visit there's a thread where members talk about their dreams and hope to understand if there's any meaning worth paying attention to. This reminded me of Danica talking about 4 dreams she had about guinea pigs. Out of curiosity I checked with a dream interpretation site and it said this, which I thought was pretty good considering what Danica said in her interview and what she'd learnt about herself.


Guinea Pig

To see a guinea pig in your dream represents your need to be more responsible and attentive. Alternatively, it suggests that through experimentation and taking risks, you learn how and how not to do something.  You learn from your mistakes

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Originally Posted by Baz:
That's really interesting YR I have a recurring dream whereby I am trying to go somewhere .... never the same place .... But although I appear to know the way ( and can sometimes even see my objective) it is always blocked by something ... diversion, transport link etc.etc.

Hi Baz, there are some really good dream interpretation sites worth checking with certain dreams that puzzle us. In the past I've had some fascinating dreams, lately they're full of rubbish that make no sense at all, just a spilling out of useless mind chatter I think

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
I know what you mean YR , mine are usually like that too But I've had this one on and off for year's , and it always leaves me feeling very uneasy for some reason ! Sometimes I recognise the place I'm trying to get to, but often , although its very vivid, I don't .

From what I understand about dreams is that when particular ones are repeated - and I've had that happen lol - it's because we haven't understood/learnt from the meaning that's being given to us and until we do they'll continue. If you like I'll try and find the site again I found for Danica's dream

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
Ok ... If you find a meaning I'd be interested to know . As for never learning lessons , that's the story of my life

Some believe life here is a school to learn, if that's the case I've had some hard lessons lol. Here's the link I wasn't sure what of your dream was the most significant word to enter into the alphabet. If one word jumps out at you I'd suggest using that to see if the interpretation feels right for you

Yellow Rose

I've had two dreams which scared me, not at the time, but afterwards.

Dream one, I'm on the backstairs of an old castle walking up to meet Princess Diana, who is coming down. We get into a car and drive to a hospital where we watch an operation and then visit some of the patients. Several years later, the papers started telling us about Diana's secret hospital visits.

Dream two happened in Oxford where we had gone to the christening of my two grandsons. I was staying at the house, my daughter and her then boyfriend booked into a B&B. I went to bed and dreamt that the door opened, my daughter walked in crying and sporting a black eye, telling me her boyfriend had beaten her and taken the car back to Devon. I forced myself awake. I had only been asleep for about 30 min. Went back to sleep and the next time I woke up, my daughter came into the bedroom crying, black eye and the bastard had taken the car back to Devon. I have never had that explained to me. The only thing I can think of is that I might have some sort of ESP. I come from Romany gypsy stock. Maybe it's that.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Baz:
That's really interesting YR I have a recurring dream whereby I am trying to go somewhere .... never the same place .... But although I appear to know the way ( and can sometimes even see my objective) it is always blocked by something ... diversion, transport link etc.etc.

In a way that's quite similar to a situation I often have in dreams, it's where I need to make an urgent call and for the life of me I can never dial the number I need.


I also quite often dream about being engulfed by a tidal wave.


When I was first married we lived in a rented place and were on the council waiting list.    I dreamt that they offered us a flat in a new build that was happening in town.  In the dream we went to see it, but it overlooked a pretty shabby view and had only one bedroom.   While we were viewing the council woman came in and said that wasn't ours - ours was a different one  - two bedrooms and much nicer view.  We took it.    


A few days later - we got a letter from the council offering us flat number 26 in that new build... we went to see it... it was in exactly the position I dreamed with the scabby view - it had one bedroom.   Our rented place was crap so we decided to take it anyway - and went to the council office to say so.   When we got there were told that the builders had messed up the door numbers and the flat we'd looked at was actually flat 25.    I knew exactly where flat 26 was going to be and that it had two bedrooms and a nicer view.   I was right.    I've never had any dreams like that before or since - but I'll never forget how weird that was.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I realise I now sound like a fruitloop btw.


No you don't at all, It can be explained.

Have a read of this:ÃĐjà_vu


I know you are talking about a dream and not DÃĐjà_vu, but I think there is a link.


How does deja vu account for me saying 'I hope it's not going to be the one in my dream' before we went to see it? 


EC  - when we saw the first flat I did write it off as 'Oh.. it was a fair bet we'd get offered one in the new build' - i could even have passed it as coincidence (26/1 chance) that we got offered the one we did in the first place - it was fact that the numbers were confused and we got offered the wrong one  - and the differences being exactly as per the dream that kinda freaked me out.


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