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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

So, to sum up. We still don't REALLY know about Clara and the thing ab out the Doctor's name wasn't quite what one might have expected.

And....John Hurt?....Wow!!!!

What we do know is that Clara was split through time and that is why the Doctor encountered her several times!

 I wonder if a future Doctor will meet a younger River Song someday, so we see how they met (from her point of view) the first time! 

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

So, to sum up. We still don't REALLY know about Clara and the thing ab out the Doctor's name wasn't quite what one might have expected.

And....John Hurt?....Wow!!!!

What we do know is that Clara was split through time and that is why the Doctor encountered her several times! 

Have been deliberately keeping off this thread for a day, as I didn't see the Finale "live" and therefore have had to catch up!


I'm going to have to watch again as it's possible I missed something, but yeah: I thought it all made sense. Clara entered the Doctor's time-stream to save him, and got spit many multiple times across time and space: each of these iterations of Clara was therefore born specifically to save the Doctor - which is what they've all been trying to do. (And Moffat's little conceit is that she's been there throughout all 50 years of the series - just largely unseen in the background...)


The only thing that seemed to be left hanging (unless - again - I missed something) was the identity of "the girl in the shop" who gave Clara the number of the TARDIS phone. We'd all pretty-much assumed it was River, but Clara didn't recognise her on their first "proper" meeting...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

10/1 on Rupert Grint and Russell Tovey.


I much prefer the 33/1 suggestion of Russell Brand 

Wow! Russell Brand would be brilliant!  


It won't happen though, he's too busy earning millions in films.  Rupert Grint wouldn't possibly be considered because he's severely typecast now. Russell Tovey is a possibility I guess. 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

10/1 on Rupert Grint and Russell Tovey.


I much prefer the 33/1 suggestion of Russell Brand 

Wow! Russell Brand would be brilliant!  


It won't happen though, he's too busy earning millions in films.  Rupert Grint wouldn't possibly be considered because he's severely typecast now. Russell Tovey is a possibility I guess. 

Yeah, sadly I doubt it too - nice thought though - I do think he'd be perfect (but I think he's perfect in every way, so I'm biased)  I agree about Rupert Grint, but you never know...     I don't get all the hype about Russell Tovey tbh, I'm not sure what I'm missing.     I don't want it to be a woman either - I like my Doctors to be eye candy.    From the others being touted I could quite fancy  (in more ways than one) David Morrisey who's 16/1, not that I think the bookies have any more idea than anyone else.   

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

10/1 on Rupert Grint and Russell Tovey.


I much prefer the 33/1 suggestion of Russell Brand 

Wow! Russell Brand would be brilliant!  


It won't happen though, he's too busy earning millions in films.  Rupert Grint wouldn't possibly be considered because he's severely typecast now. Russell Tovey is a possibility I guess. 

Yeah, sadly I doubt it too - nice thought though - I do think he'd be perfect (but I think he's perfect in every way, so I'm biased)  I agree about Rupert Grint, but you never know...     I don't get all the hype about Russell Tovey tbh, I'm not sure what I'm missing.     I don't want it to be a woman either - I like my Doctors to be eye candy.    From the others being touted I could quite fancy  (in more ways than one) David Morrisey who's 16/1, not that I think the bookies have any more idea than anyone else.   

Not knowing makes it a really good game!   Russell Tovey would work as a complete contrast to Matt Smith, but I don't reckon its him as he's still working on the dragged out Hobbit series of films for the next couple of years. I heard someone on the radio say it wouldn't be a woman because the US market wouldn't get it. An actor of colour, however, wasn't being ruled out, especially as they have a black president.  


Hey! What about Idris Elba! *swoons* The current series of Luther is the last so.... 



Yeah, I'd seen Idris Elba suggested - I wouldn't mind him,   I haven't seen Luther so I've no idea if he could act his way out of a paperbag, but I'd watch him regardless!    Also suggesting David Harewood, but I can't see him being 'whacky' enough somehow.    It'll take a lot for me to get his Homeland character out of my head.  Fun guessing as you say - and they'll probably come up with someone that's never been thought of.    

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Yeah, I'd seen Idris Elba suggested - I wouldn't mind him,   I haven't seen Luther so I've no idea if he could act his way out of a paperbag, but I'd watch him regardless!    Also suggesting David Harewood, but I can't see him being 'whacky' enough somehow.    It'll take a lot for me to get his Homeland character out of my head.  Fun guessing as you say - and they'll probably come up with someone that's never been thought of.    

Idris is already in the mix?! Won't happen either.  Too expensive. David Harewood still has too many miles to go with his stage performances and other TV stuff. 


I reckon, just as they did with Matt Smith, they will pick an unknown. But let's carry on the guessing game! 


Well...I have gone all pathetically fangirl because Matt's leaving  I am even starting to annoy myself!!! It's waaaaaaay worse than when Ten-inch went, way, way worse. 


Anyhooo, the episodes with Clara in have been my least favourite so far mainly because I can't warm to her. Maybe that will come or maybe she will join Martha in the 'she was ok' ranks! I can't even really put my finger on why she hasn't won my approval (I'm sure she's devastated!!!) I have got a Matt Smith fest planned for this week, so maybe she will 'fit' better when I watch them close together and the series makes sense.


Having said all that, the series finale was brilliant! I love the way every thing makes sense and then suddenly old Moffat lobs in another curve ball....this one came in a big John hurt he the Doctor before he was the Doctor? What he would have been had he not become the Doctor? Is he the Valeyard? Roll on November 23rd!! 


I love the trio of Vastra, Jenny and Strax....they so should have a spin off series! I want my own Strax...we would have a blast....literally in his case!!


My nominees for new Doctor are Steven Mackintosh and Aiden Turner, just in case Mr Moffat is reading  


Right...lunch and a watch of 'the Bells of Saint John'...operation 'Try to warm to Clara' begins!



Hey Mrs B - how is Operation Try to Warm to Carla coming along?     I quite like her, I agree about Martha though, she was just ok, but the only assistant I've actively disliked was Catherine Tate.   i was so glad to see the back of her.    


I had a day of mourning for Matt, but I've now moved on to 'Remember when Christopher Ecclestone went - then we got David Tennant .... and despite being devastated when he went, we then got Matt.   I'm sure they'll choose wisely... although I doubt my Russell will be in the frame!  


I'm totally with you on Strax - I love him and they really could make their own spin off with him and Jenny and Vastra.


Anyway... we have two more episodes of Matt to look forward to.


Daily Star

Paris Jackson was rushed to hospital in the early hours of Wednesday after an apparent suicide bid.

Her mother Debbie Rowe is understood to have confirmed the reports to Entertainment Tonight and said the 15-year-old is currently at a Los Angeles hospital.

A lawyer for Katherine Jackson, Paris’ grandmother, alluded to how Paris is still coming to terms with the loss of her father Michael Jackson, four years after his death.

'Being a sensitive 15-year-old is difficult no matter who you are.' Perry Sanders said in a statement to MailOnline.

'It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you. Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention,' Mr Sanders added, as he made an appeal to the media for privacy.


Last edited by Former Member

Update on the 50th Anniversary schedule from the BBC:


The 75 minute special episode is called The Day of the Doctor, scheduled for Saturday 23 November as being the 50th anniversary.


Besides this and the drama documentary An Adventure in Time and Space (about the creation of the 1963 series) there are other programs on television and radio. for more details.


These include a re-run of the very first story An Unearthly Child (4 parter in black & white) which will be shown in a restored format for the first time in the UK. That's where the Doctor and his companions go back to when there were cavemen. It was the second story which introduced the daleks.



El Loro

The countdown is on until August 23 when the first episode of Doctor Who series eight will be unleashed to eager fans.

And as the anticipation hots up across the world, Time Lord Peter Capaldi has been pictured out on location in London with the drama’s latest casting, Michelle Gomez.

The two stars, who were spotted in full costume, were seen busy filming scenes at the iconic St. Paul's Cathedral on Saturday along with other cast and crew members.


Action! Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez film series eight of Doctor Who at St. Paul's Cathedral in London

Action! Peter Capaldi and Michelle Gomez film series eight of Doctor Who at St. Paul's Cathedral in London


Dressed in a Victorian coat and a floral top hat, the 43-year-old actress looked fierce in her new role as the Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere.

Michelle and Capaldi, 56, were spotted last month filming their first scenes together in Cardiff city centre where they were faced with a battle against the Cybermen.


The first trailer of the new series was released a week ago, with the footage beginning with an eerie voice saying 'life returns' before Peter’s on-screen assistant Jenna Coleman appears on-screen in her role as Clara Oswald.

Countdown: Doctor Who returns to BBC on August 23

Countdown: Doctor Who returns to BBC on August 23

Location location: The prdocution team for Doctor Who continued filming the upcoming series in London on Saturday

Location location: The prdocution team for Doctor Who continued filming the upcoming series in London on Saturday



The Time Lord's assistant worryingly says: 'I don't know if I know who the Doctor is anymore?'

Peter later appears and in a chilling voice, he says: 'I'm the Doctor. I have lived for over 2,000 years. I have made many mistakes. It's about time I did something about that.'

Meanwhile, the Green Wing star will be joining a stellar host of other guest stars who have been confirmed to appear in the latest series, including Keeley Hawes, Ben Miller, Frank Skinner and Hermione Norris.



I am sooooooo excited!! I have been avoiding the leaked scripts like mad which hasn't been as easy as you'd think!! I am so ready for Peter Capaldi to step into the Doctor's shoes and show us a whole new side to the man...I can't wait!! We are having a post G.C.S.E results/Doctor Who party on the big day...curry, beer, Doctor Who and a load of happy (fingers crossed!!) teens! I must remember not to drink too much too early though...Nathan doesn't need his mates seeing his old mum getting all emotional over the return of the Doctor...even thought they all know what I am like when in comes to the Man in the Blue Box!


Mind you...I'm not sure they will appreciate the Doctor Who themed decorations I will be adorning the house with 


Awww, Kaffs!!! If only you lived near by!! Mind you...if the results on the 21st don't go as expected, there will be a load of miserable, drinking to forget, teens there instead! I will lock them all in the shed until Doctor Who has finished (that episode, not the series...can't handle disgruntled parents!!) if they are going to be grumpy!!


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