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OOOOOOOOHHHHH....I so can't wait for this!!! I shall be watching both and looking for any clues in the behind the scenes one!!!


I do hope that the good Mr Fellowes is aware that he will totally ruin my Christmas if the delectable Bates is found guilty. I should have e-mailed him and told him so weeks ago...given him time to change the ending, shouldn't I???


*swoons over Matthew*

Originally Posted by MrsB:

OOOOOOOOHHHHH....I so can't wait for this!!! I shall be watching both and looking for any clues in the behind the scenes one!!!


I do hope that the good Mr Fellowes is aware that he will totally ruin my Christmas if the delectable Bates is found guilty. I should have e-mailed him and told him so weeks ago...given him time to change the ending, shouldn't I???


*swoons over Matthew*

  Looking forward to it too 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

Apart from Great Expectations, this is the only thing I'm really looking forward to watching over Christmas 

Ooooooooooh when's that on? TBH - it's all a bit mad in my house from dawn till dusk at Christmas - we enjoy all being together and don't watch much telly. I'm so delighted that I have a recording box thingy ..........i will have a massive self indulgent telly fest when they've all buggered off!

Soozy Woo

ooooh....huge congrats to Downton!! Maggie or Joanna surely are far better actresses than Elizabeth??? Only 10 more sleeps til it's on....woooo-hooooooooooo!!! All being well, we are having a Downton party on Crimbo night...the bestest china is coming out, the fancy cakes and we will enjoy in style...we are even getting the posh glasses and decanters out  I hope they survive the shock of actually being used...we've only had them 15yrs....this will be their first outing!!!!!


We are sky+ it so if MIL is still in hospital for the big day, we will have the party when she is home.


Watching the behind the scenes now....*sigh*....Dan Stevens is impossibly handsome....and how pretty is Daisy????? Actually, the entire downstairs cast are far, far better looking in RL!!! 


Sweet....the party is on hold as MIL is going to be in hospital over crimbo ....we will still watch on the day but save the posh stuff for when she is home and we watch it again!


Oooooh....Mr Bates......... *sigh....again*


I am loving this behind the scenes programme....roll on 9pm Crimbo Day....seen some still from the episode....the costumes are fabulous as ever...can't blooming wait!!!

Yes! I caught up on behind the scene's y'day morning and then we watched the main show last night! I hate to say it but I found it slow in places I was hoping for a last minute discovering of evidence that would prove mr bates is innocent and then he'd be home with Anna by the closing! Clearly that storyline is going to run a while, he did look fit though I missed cybil, I will be pleased to see her back Matthew looked HOT! We should have seen him marry Mary at the end but we'll have that to look forward to! I'm glad she binned off Carlisle, and I'm really glad Matthew punched him Lady grantham's one liners were brilliant. I loved the christmas tree. Daisy was great, I thought her storyline was touching. I bet her new dad leaves her all his property in the future. We love to hate Thomas, It wouldn't be the same without him really
~Sparkling Summer~

I echo all you say, sweet (apart from the finding it slow bit... I wanted it to be slow.. in a strange way I was bit disappointed at the ending (is that it all resolved?) - but you don't know where it will go from there,    Like you I was cheering that punch - and I loved when Carlisle said to Lady G she wouldn't see him again and she replied 'Is that a promise' - I love her... she's like an 1920's Blanche!    I absolutely love this show.  My sister got Series 1 & 2 for Christmas, she hasn't seen any so I told her to record the 'special' but on no account to watch it until she'd watched the boxed set.  I missed Sybil too.  Roll on Series 3!



Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Did you want to savour it kaffy?! I know what you mean though, I will really miss the show, it'll be a welcome sight when series 3 arrives! I bought series 1&2 for my SIL, she had said she wished she had got into it, so when she opened it I told her to record the special but not to even read the details



I have watched it twice and loved it!!! Cheered like a loon when Matthew lumped Carlyle one and when Mary said yes!! Wailed like a banshee when sexy old Bates was found guilty.....Anna's bottom lip was on top quivering form again. I was a tad disappointed that it was Sybil and not Anna who turned out to be pregnant.... Loved Lady G's response to the broken vase!!!!


Hated both Lord Hepworth and Marigold the 'maid'.....poor Lady Rosamund  


Agree that Daisy could end up the benefactor in her new 'Dad's' will....hope they don't take the storyline down any creepy routes. Glad she has got her promotion....and very glad that the nasty Marigold is not there any more to lead her astray.


Gutted Thomas is the new valet....good to see Miss O'B have a bit of a pop at him though! Can't believe he didn't twig that the dog must have gone when she didn't bark at her name being called when they were right outside the shed!!!! Tis good that the upstairs lot can see right through him though...excluding another lapse from Lord G that is!! 


Didn't like the ouija board bits...esp the silly 'message' from Lavinia blessing M&M....just didn't sit right in the whole atmosphere of the show and felt a bit contrived. so very happy that we have the ending we wanted.....and lots of scenes with the scrummy Matthew in them!!!! Loved their scenes at the shoot....that was some serious foreplay!!!!


Missed Sybil and Branson as well....suppose she will be bought home to have the baby in series 3....hope their relationship works when they return and that Lord G accepts the marriage....I reckon there may be a lot of focus on the integration of Branson into the family! I hope Lady Edith does finally get here man as well....both her and Mary were knocking on the doors of spinsterhood for women of their generation so it would be nice to see them all settled.....Sir Anthony was only shot in the arm so I assume the rest of him is still working, so why she would nothing but a nursemaid is beyond me!!!


Hope series three brings freedom for Bates, marriage for M&M and Lady Edith & Anthony, a healthy baby for Sybil and Tom and probably a whole lot of scandal for Mary! We will also be treated to more stunning costumes and I hope we can look forward to seeing Matthew looking very dapper and sexy! Mind you...Bates managed to make the prison garb look fabulous, didn't he??!!





I recorded it and watched it at midnight from the comfort of my bed.

Put on my new (asked for) jammies, got a big ol' cuppa cha with a dollop of scotch in it 'cos I'm fighting off the threat of a sore throat/aches and shivers. *cue violins*


Lolloped on the bed and wallowed in 2 hours of enjoyable escapism.


Lady G played a blinder in every scene and although the ending was a bit predictable, it didn't spoil my enjoyment all that much.


Free The Bates One!


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