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I thoroughly enjoyed that It's great to see our favourites back, I like the transition into the new Downton too Vera was despicable! I'll be racking my brains thinking of how they can get rid of her I wonder if Gwen is happy in her new job, I hope they find a way to tell us how she's getting on I liked Mary a whole lot more tonight, she seems to have softened
~Sparkling Summer~

I watched it as well as sky+ it so can watch at my leisure! We warmed up for last night by watching the first series on dvd.... Brillo!


I lurve Bates, Matthew and the divine Lord Grantham and all the women apart from Vera (eeeeebil cah) and Ethel (that one's a tramp...mark my words!).


I actually cheered when Bates and Anna had a wee snog!! Then shouted when the eeeebil cah came along to ruin everything for them....they need to set Miss O'Brian on to her....good on Mrs Hughes and her magic listening grate...and I think Carson has one of the best voices on telly...ever!

As for beating spooks in the ratings...... I assumed that people were sat there in shock after watching the shieght that is called the x factor (we caught the last 0.25 hour) They were unable to turn over! Though to be fair the script was well written. Spooks was below par and the last scenes were sick making. "I love you mommy!" mebbees they are writing spooks for the US too!
Garage Joe

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND...will Lady Sybil get it on with Branson the chaufeur?? She should  I would....but he would be behind Matthew, Bates and Lord G in the queue!!!


I don't want Matthew to marry Lavinia either....not cos she is nasty (she is a tad drippy at the moment though!)...but cos Mary is so fabulous! I also keep expecting Mrs Crawley to say 'I'm Harriet Jones, Prime Minister'!!!!

Well.. What did we all think of tonight's episode?! Lady Edith so she looked down on Mary for her fling with mr pamook and here she now is, snogging a married farmer! I'm shocked! I do love her tractor driving antics though (even if that tree stump wouldn't actually come out of the ground like that) Mary! Why?! You should have just told Matthew that you love him!!!!!! I think I've developed a little crush on mr Crawley he is looking and behaving rather dashingly indeed! Lady grantham had me chuckling tonight Carson, aw so sweet, what a gentleman I missed mr bates, I do hope there's plenty of time for him next week!
~Sparkling Summer~

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