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Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Ooh, hang on...
what's he dealing? Glance

Anything he can get his hands on. Weed, E's coke.
Dont get me wrong iv experimented. But hes on suspended sentance for the same thing. The day he got back to work he begged and pleaded telling us all what a stupid boy he had been.

Really learnt his lesson!
call the coppers when you know he something on him (if he brings it to work). Or just ring them & let them know he is bragging about doing it again
Koala Brother
Originally posted by Justafriend:
hes a dealer? lovely man you work with then.

yeah on the other hand he could work in a pub or a bar, cause THAT patricular lethal drug is ok, cause buiness men tell the sheep its ok,...a guy selling weed, a drug that has NEVER killed ANYONE is to be despised,...and according to some even wished dead,
where we are without doubt ENCOURAGED to use the wet drug, and if you sell THIS drug, you are just a decent guy doing his job,
people REALY SHOULD get some perspective on "drug" issues before coming out with their tabliod fed opinions,...oh and the tabloids make quite a nice proffit from advertising the "ok" drug,.... but THEY are "respectable" of course,
baaah baaaah baaah Mad Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
hes a dealer? lovely man you work with then.

yeah on the other hand he could work in a pub or a bar, cause THAT patricular lethal drug is ok, cause buiness men tell the sheep its ok,...a guy selling weed, a drug that has NEVER killed ANYONE is to be despised,...and according to some even wished dead,
where we are without doubt ENCOURAGED to use the wet drug, and if you sell THIS drug, you are just a decent guy doing his job,
people REALY SHOULD get some perspective on "drug" issues before coming out with their tabliod fed opinions,...oh and the tabloids make quite a nice proffit from advertising the "ok" drug,.... but THEY are "respectable" of course,
baaah baaaah baaah Mad Shake Head

Clapping Nod Alcohol has caused a lot more damage and cost the NHS a lot more money than marijuana ever has.
I have a personal story about drugs and the way they destroy lives,
MY father was a drug addict, he TRIED to get off it, his doctor warned him, and finaly would no longer even see him because he couldnt break his addiction,
the local dealers all KNEW he was an addict and they all KNEW that their "filthy evil drug" was killing him,
did they ever ONCE refuse to supply him with is drug? no not once, they even encouraged him to have more, one dealer even used to open for buisnees early so she could proffit from his misery, eventualy the drug killed him at the age of 62,
sadly EVEN THOUGH I knew the names of the filthy drug pushing scum who supplied him with his drugs and I knew where they "plied their evil trade" it was pointless going to the police, cause HIS drug of choice was alcohol, and the "dealers" were not prosecuted because that particular drug just happens to be "legal"
but the end results are NO DIFFERENT from any of the "illegal" harder drugs,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
a guy selling weed, a drug that has NEVER killed ANYONE is to be despised,...and according to some even wished dead,

Just to clarify, it was cocky people I preferred dead.

Hope that's OK! Glance

yeah I figured that out, but there ARE people who would think that way and some of em come on this forum,
Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Ooh, hang on...
what's he dealing? Glance

Anything he can get his hands on. Weed, E's coke.
Dont get me wrong iv experimented. But hes on suspended sentance for the same thing. The day he got back to work he begged and pleaded telling us all what a stupid boy he had been.

Really learnt his lesson!

Are you lot on some kind of Care in the community set up? Convicts, Nigels, you on the net all day... Confused
OHG sorry to hear about your dad. I think the problem with the 'not harmful' marijuana is that it IS addictive and can lead to taking harder drugs. I live in a very rural part of Cambridgeshire in a small village and have seen the teenagers (well some not even in their teens) become addicted, which in turn has lead them to not be able to function in society, the misery it has caused their families is heartbreaking. Of course they can just as easily become addicted to alchohol, but it is far harder to come across at their young age. As i'm sitting here, I can actually see them skinning up on the Green outside my house, we have phoned the police on several occasions but all they get is a slap on the wrist.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
At last you know what's in the drinks pubs sell. That's not the case with illegal powders and pills.

I agree with the powders and pills part. That's why I think that there may be a case to regulate all drugs, but that's a whole 'nother rant and prob not best for here.... Laugh

But actually do you know what is in the drinks you buy (Not necc. you personally but a general you)? Most lagers contain animal fats so are not veggie, also drinks have chemicals in them, preservatives, tannins, e numbers.... most people don't even know what a unit is, let alone the contents of their drink!
Originally posted by pussycatj:
OHG sorry to hear about your dad. I think the problem with the 'not harmful' marijuana is that it IS addictive and can lead to taking harder drugs. I live in a very rural part of Cambridgeshire in a small village and have seen the teenagers (well some not even in their teens) become addicted, which in turn has lead them to not be able to function in society, the misery it has caused their families is heartbreaking. Of course they can just as easily become addicted to alchohol, but it is far harder to come across at their young age. As i'm sitting here, I can actually see them skinning up on the Green outside my house, we have phoned the police on several occasions but all they get is a slap on the wrist.

It is addictive, like most things (alcohol, chilli, chocolate, food in general, exercise, etc). But doesn't always lead to harder drugs. That statistic only really shows that people don't just start off doing heroin, they work their way up. And those kids on the green (lol, in both ways!!), what harm are they really causing? If they were drinking they would be loud, obnoxious and more likely to commit crime. By them smoking, they will prob just help the local shop's sales of mars bars increase! Smiler
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Ooh, hang on...
what's he dealing? Glance

Anything he can get his hands on. Weed, E's coke.
Dont get me wrong iv experimented. But hes on suspended sentance for the same thing. The day he got back to work he begged and pleaded telling us all what a stupid boy he had been.

Really learnt his lesson!

Are you lot on some kind of Care in the community set up? Convicts, Nigels, you on the net all day... Confused

Laugh Laugh
I don't have any issues with people smoking weed, I have a problem with where the money goes. The scum that are selling it who can't be arsed working for a living take peoples hard earned cash and where that money goes to after that is what makes me really mad.

Legalise it and you take away my issue with it, but then its widely available to the young kids who waste their lives in a smoky haze. I guess you could say if they want it they will get it anyway but I think it just makes it acceptable and I am undecided whether we should do that or not. I agree with the idea that if we "let" people drink then we should "let" people get stoned but both cause big problems so its difficult to say because one is legal the other should be too, if that makes any sense.
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
OHG sorry to hear about your dad. I think the problem with the 'not harmful' marijuana is that it IS addictive and can lead to taking harder drugs. I live in a very rural part of Cambridgeshire in a small village and have seen the teenagers (well some not even in their teens) become addicted, which in turn has lead them to not be able to function in society, the misery it has caused their families is heartbreaking. Of course they can just as easily become addicted to alchohol, but it is far harder to come across at their young age. As i'm sitting here, I can actually see them skinning up on the Green outside my house, we have phoned the police on several occasions but all they get is a slap on the wrist.

It is addictive, like most things (alcohol, chilli, chocolate, food in general, exercise, etc). But doesn't always lead to harder drugs. That statistic only really shows that people don't just start off doing heroin, they work their way up. And those kids on the green (lol, in both ways!!), what harm are they really causing? If they were drinking they would be loud, obnoxious and more likely to commit crime. By them smoking, they will prob just help the local shop's sales of mars bars increase! Smiler

ok faerykelstar, i'll tell my 14 and 15 year old that they are not doing any harm.
I also consider alcohol to be a more serious drug than others. But it is peoples choice that makes the difference. If people want to get their hands on their devil they will.

I am sick & tired of people saying hooch is a gateway drug. I know of many people that have used it for years & have never gone for anything harder.

I also have an alcoholic relative & have seen the depths this person will go to to get alcohol.

I mean if we want to get into a slanging match about which is worse, I would say cars (carbon monoxide) & cigarettes.
Koala Brother
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
OHG sorry to hear about your dad. I think the problem with the 'not harmful' marijuana is that it IS addictive and can lead to taking harder drugs. I live in a very rural part of Cambridgeshire in a small village and have seen the teenagers (well some not even in their teens) become addicted, which in turn has lead them to not be able to function in society, the misery it has caused their families is heartbreaking. Of course they can just as easily become addicted to alchohol, but it is far harder to come across at their young age. As i'm sitting here, I can actually see them skinning up on the Green outside my house, we have phoned the police on several occasions but all they get is a slap on the wrist.

It is addictive, like most things (alcohol, chilli, chocolate, food in general, exercise, etc). But doesn't always lead to harder drugs. That statistic only really shows that people don't just start off doing heroin, they work their way up. And those kids on the green (lol, in both ways!!), what harm are they really causing? If they were drinking they would be loud, obnoxious and more likely to commit crime. By them smoking, they will prob just help the local shop's sales of mars bars increase! Smiler

ok faerykelstar, i'll tell my 14 and 15 year old that they are not doing any harm.

Umm, I never said that. Just educate them about the con's of all drugs, including alcohol, which imo is a much more harmful, dangerous and violent drug.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
OHG sorry to hear about your dad. I think the problem with the 'not harmful' marijuana is that it IS addictive and can lead to taking harder drugs. I live in a very rural part of Cambridgeshire in a small village and have seen the teenagers (well some not even in their teens) become addicted, which in turn has lead them to not be able to function in society, the misery it has caused their families is heartbreaking. Of course they can just as easily become addicted to alchohol, but it is far harder to come across at their young age. As i'm sitting here, I can actually see them skinning up on the Green outside my house, we have phoned the police on several occasions but all they get is a slap on the wrist.

I dont agree about the "addictiveness" of weeed, it CAN be addictive in the sense of, where one WILL get a "craving" for it but no physical effects like one does with lets say, alcohol or heroin, where you get all sorts of side effects due to withdrawal from those drugs,
where I used to live there was a bargain booze outlet directly across the road from my flat, and the kids had NO problem getting alcohol whatsoever, it wasnt in the least unusual to see kids as young as 10 drinking from bottles or cans and even being sick, they ALSO were offten smoking weed as well, so they dont have a problem getting ANY drug really,
as for leading on to harder drugs, again, THIS IS debatable, almost every heroin addict smokes weed as well, but very few weed or "pot" smokers "do" herion,
if you are the type of person who will become addicted chances are you WILL become addicted to something, fags, booze, coffee,other drugs at sometime,
MY opinion is either legalise ALL drugs for consenting ADULTS or ban ALL drugs,
but that would never happen not while we have a multi billion pounds drinks cartel industry,

if they did legalise ALL drugs, it would create jobs, earn revenue, free up massive amounts of police time, wipe out the majority of gang crime at a stroke, monies made from the now legal drugs industry could go towards education about the pros and cons of drug use, and also towards helping people who are addicted and wish to come off their drug.
I think it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the stupid situation we are stuck with at the moment Nod
old hippy guy
Some weed smokers can get very anxious and angry if they can't get hold of any so it is very addictive IMO. I also think it can desensitise (sp)people to other drugs so you might be more inclined to think oh they are only popping a pill, or only doing a line. Going to a dealer becomes the norm and that can make a massive difference to how you view other drugs.

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