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You have a bit of a pulse throbbing in your arm or leg?  Or worse... your eye!    I have this little throbbing pulse halfway between my shoulder and elbow on my left arm, and you can see it moving like a scene from alien!  


This one time I had one on my leg/thigh that was so severe that I balanced my pen on it, and it threw if off!


Totally pointless and unnecessary thread and a little bit gross... LOL.


Anyone else get this?

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Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

 .... sorry i got distracted - when I began posting earlier i was going to say that I get that with my left eye quite a's dead embarrassing in meetings-  and on a couple of occasions I've actually had to say outright what's happening for fear of potential misunderstandings 

I get it in my arms and legs more.  Thankfully


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