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Have seen a few eps of it and most of them the groom seems to buy/book the complete opposite of what the bride is saying she really really wants.  Shock horror, on the day she loooooves his choices and couldn't be prouder.


If I was going on a show like that I would have my OH's ear bent on what I want and what I would kill him for so he'd KNOW exactly what I wanted and would get it (well, if he values his life that is).  Therefor I have decided that the groom knows exactly what to get and the bride is secretly sending him messages telling him if gets X instead of Y he'll be playing with Pamela and Lucy on his wedding night.



Originally Posted by Ells:

If I was going on a show like that I would have my OH's ear bent on what I want and what I would kill him for so he'd KNOW exactly what I wanted and would get it (well, if he values his life that is).  

Exactly.... maybe the brides are just pretending to want other stuff... or they don't really care what happens but the TV company needs some dramaz!

Originally Posted by Ells:

Have seen a few eps of it and most of them the groom seems to buy/book the complete opposite of what the bride is saying she really really wants.  Shock horror, on the day she loooooves his choices and couldn't be prouder.


If I was going on a show like that I would have my OH's ear bent on what I want and what I would kill him for so he'd KNOW exactly what I wanted and would get it (well, if he values his life that is).  Therefor I have decided that the groom knows exactly what to get and the bride is secretly sending him messages telling him if gets X instead of Y he'll be playing with Pamela and Lucy on his wedding night.



PMSL!! Ells, you have a point! 

Originally Posted by suzybean:

I saw a cracker of an episode last year where the groom went against all he knew the bride wanted. The wedding was in Vegas and he couldn't afford for most of her family to attend. She was or why she went through with it I'll never understand.

oh that one was fantastic! I was watching with my mouth hanging open for most of the episode, and I don't know why she went through with it either!

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

I saw a cracker of an episode last year where the groom went against all he knew the bride wanted. The wedding was in Vegas and he couldn't afford for most of her family to attend. She was or why she went through with it I'll never understand.

oh that one was fantastic! I was watching with my mouth hanging open for most of the episode, and I don't know why she went through with it either!

Saz did you get that PM I sent you the other day?

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

I saw a cracker of an episode last year where the groom went against all he knew the bride wanted. The wedding was in Vegas and he couldn't afford for most of her family to attend. She was or why she went through with it I'll never understand.

oh that one was fantastic! I was watching with my mouth hanging open for most of the episode, and I don't know why she went through with it either!

I know, and she looked like death warmed up all through the ceremony! Wonder if they're still together hmmmm 

Originally Posted by suzybean:

I saw a cracker of an episode last year where the groom went against all he knew the bride wanted. The wedding was in Vegas and he couldn't afford for most of her family to attend. She was or why she went through with it I'll never understand.

I saw that one....which probably makes my first post a bit redunant now but yep, he completly effed it  up and the poor brides family were gutted aswell.  I wouldn't have married him and I'd have loved to have seen the aftermath of that one

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

I saw a cracker of an episode last year where the groom went against all he knew the bride wanted. The wedding was in Vegas and he couldn't afford for most of her family to attend. She was or why she went through with it I'll never understand.

oh that one was fantastic! I was watching with my mouth hanging open for most of the episode, and I don't know why she went through with it either!

Saz did you get that PM I sent you the other day?

oh bugger, sorry! I never notice them on here, they're not very prominent are they?

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

I saw a cracker of an episode last year where the groom went against all he knew the bride wanted. The wedding was in Vegas and he couldn't afford for most of her family to attend. She was or why she went through with it I'll never understand.

oh that one was fantastic! I was watching with my mouth hanging open for most of the episode, and I don't know why she went through with it either!

Saz did you get that PM I sent you the other day?

oh bugger, sorry! I never notice them on here, they're not very prominent are they?

They aren't at all, I'd one for weeks before I noticed it had to apologise for seeming rude but they don't exactly stand out and even though I'd got an email notification it musta  got dumped in a clear out without even reading it.

Originally Posted by sprout:

Point is though Suzy, are they still together I wonder ............through thick and thin? 

Sorry Sprout, missed this last night. Yeah, I did wonder! Strange thing is that because the whole wedding was so traumatic it could only be uphill from there, they're probably the happiest couple on the block 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

They did a catch up program recently (think its still on iplayer) and they were still together when they filmed it They seemed happy and were planning a blessing on the 1st anniversary I think - you know, something where all her family could be there I don't think she had forgiven him though!

 will seek that out over the weekend.....she's gonna bring the wedding up in every pointless argument they ever have until death (or divorce) do them part 

Originally Posted by suzybean:
 will seek that out over the weekend.....she's gonna bring the wedding up in every pointless argument they ever have until death (or divorce) do them part 

All the way through the best man kept telling him it wasn't a good idea and the bride wouldn't like it... he seemed to make better decisions about everything actually, even the dress


Oh that reminds me of the tantrum she threw in the dress shop when she didn't like the dress and she was saying he'd have to sell his car or something so he could buy her the one she wanted

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by suzybean:
 will seek that out over the weekend.....she's gonna bring the wedding up in every pointless argument they ever have until death (or divorce) do them part 

All the way through the best man kept telling him it wasn't a good idea and the bride wouldn't like it... he seemed to make better decisions about everything actually, even the dress


Oh that reminds me of the tantrum she threw in the dress shop when she didn't like the dress and she was saying he'd have to sell his car or something so he could buy her the one she wanted

Oh yeah! Still she got to wear her dream dress through the Drive-thru Chapel of Love, or whatever it was in Vegas 


Makes you wonder, eh? I think I was the most unbridezilla bride ever. That's because I'm inherently lazy and just lack the eye for creative detail. One flower looks just look another to me! My family and friends were at the end of their tether with me and my 'easy going nature'...all I kept hearing during the run up was 'just make a bloody decision Suzy!' 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

hahaha! Seems like a good approach, at least you weren't stressed

I was the least stressed person at my wedding! I'd made the hardest decision already, to marry the bugger. I was comfortably numb for the rest of it  It was a really good do though, and the honeymoon wasn't too shabby 



Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I was similar, Suzy, but I did get a bit Bridezillaish about the car.


I wanted black (not easy to find in the 80s) and ended up having to get one from a Funeral Director.


No, I didn't lie down in the back! 

Oh Blizzz 


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