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Originally Posted by Cupcake:

Thanks everyone.  Really pleased at the reaction on ths thread and the amount of posts on it too.  I agree with everyone on here, that it's disgusting, the things that this canadian guy (and the lawyer) came out with.  Some very good posts, thank you. 


Bit more so than the foreign aid poll?   

Originally Posted by erinp:

Myth Women who are sexually assaulted 'ask for it' by the way they dress or act, rape only happens to young women.

Fact Many women are led to believe that if they are not part of a certain category of women then they are 'safe' from being raped. Women and girls of all ages, classes, culture, ability, sexuality, race and faith are raped. Attractiveness has little significance. Reports show that there is a great diversity in the way targeted women act or dress. Rapists choose women based on their vulnerability not their physical appearance.

Sometimes women see themselves as 'unworthy' or 'undesirable' because of their age or physical appearance and therefore 'safe' from rape. Some men joke or make comments about women's appearances or age to indicate whether she is sexually desirable or available, or as part of their defence in court, saying he thought 'he was doing her a favour', using her appearance or age. Women are raped from the age of three to ninety three. Rape is an act of violence not sex


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