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Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Germaine sed the introduction of Brirtish Troops in libya wud prob result in an increase in the rape incidents !!!


I didn't see it, did she explain why?

She sed historically the incidents of rape had always increased during war time and so applied this pattern to our troops.

She also sed, "Little girls learn to flirt with their fathers. You know the "kiss daddy goodnight" " Suggesting that the sexualising of children begins at home!!


I've got quite mixed views on this.  Of course in an ideal world, any woman should be able to walk anywhere she wants alone in the middle of the night virtually nekkid without attracting any unwanted advances.  But we don't live in that sort of world.  Nothing gives anyone the right to rape anyone, to try to make someone have sex with them, or even to draw conclusions about them by how they dress; unfortunately life isn't like that, and there always have been, and always will be, a very small proportion of men who perceive women who dress revealingly as being slappers, and thinking that gives them the right to harrass them or worse.  I think that women have to take on board that, rightly or wrongly, the way they dress DOES affect how they are perceived and can lead to unwanted attention, and maybe should take this into account when they choose what they are going to wear .


As for Nick Freeman, I think his comment about his daughter shows incredible hypocrisy - she looks incredibly cheap and tacky. 

Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Renton:
She sed historically the incidents of rape had always increased during war time and so applied this pattern to our troops.


She's right

TEMPS are you then saying our troops will rape people?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying renton

TEMPS do you think all men are potential rapists then?

Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Renton:

Germaine sed the introduction of Brirtish Troops in libya wud prob result in an increase in the rape incidents !!!


I didn't see it, did she explain why?

She sed historically the incidents of rape had always increased during war time and so applied this pattern to our troops.

She also sed, "Little girls learn to flirt with their fathers. You know the "kiss daddy goodnight" " Suggesting that the sexualising of children begins at home!!

Germaine Greer is my arse..anyone who buys into her shoite needs their heads testing..anything to sell another shoite book....

Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Renton:
She sed historically the incidents of rape had always increased during war time and so applied this pattern to our troops.


She's right

TEMPS are you then saying our troops will rape people?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying renton

TEMPS do you think all men are potential rapists then?

Oh Renton, go jump up and down for attention elsewhere

Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Renton:
She sed historically the incidents of rape had always increased during war time and so applied this pattern to our troops.


She's right

I do know that incidents of rape increase during war (look at the Congo), but how would the troops being there increase it? Is it to do with creating an atmosphere of war (foreign troops) rather than a civil uprising?

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

I do know that incidents of rape increase during war (look at the Congo), but how would the troops being there increase it? Is it to do with creating an atmosphere of war (foreign troops) rather than a civil uprising?

I think her point was that we shouldn't rush into putting troops on the ground, after the story about Viagra being handed out to Libyan troops came out. I think she suspected that it was propaganda.

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Renton:
She sed historically the incidents of rape had always increased during war time and so applied this pattern to our troops.


She's right

I do know that incidents of rape increase during war (look at the Congo), but how would the troops being there increase it? Is it to do with creating an atmosphere of war (foreign troops) rather than a civil uprising?

Rape happens in War, I don't know why, it's just one of those things and her point was that if you send troops in there it would raise the potential for British Troops to do the same.  I think her comments came across as though she was definitely saying it would happen...whereas it's more it COULD happen than it would happen.  If you get me


i can , with hand on heart, declare that having seen women in various states of disaray ,and having also been familiar with women who were dressed less than conservatively,some with cleavage exposed ,and  legs and  tummies and bums, i have never  yet  felt the need to rub up against these women and say dirty /offensive things to them or  feel the need to assualt/atack/belittle them.


live and let live ..


I have a theory as to why there are more incidents of rape during conflicts. It's as if a switch is flicked in the soldiers heads, and because they are in a war situation of  "Kill or be killed" I think it is some kind of primeval way of making sure they procreate.That is just my opinion.I am not for one second making excuses for anyone, it is just my take on things and doesn't make it any the less evil and horrendous.

Originally Posted by Sezit:
Originally Posted by sprout:

I'm kinda thinking like you Sezit. I'm not condoning it in any way, but is it kind of a 'tension release'? 

No I don't think it is a tension release, I think it is a most dispicable crime against women. If it was just a tension release they could Spank the monkey.

A power trip maybe?  Kinda like we are here and can do what we want?  Or as someone else a weapon?  Kill the men rape the women.  Such an awful crime particularly in those countries where if a husband finds out his wife has been raped he abandons her

Originally Posted by EllaBella:
Originally Posted by Sezit:
Originally Posted by sprout:

I'm kinda thinking like you Sezit. I'm not condoning it in any way, but is it kind of a 'tension release'? 

No I don't think it is a tension release, I think it is a most dispicable crime against women. If it was just a tension release they could Spank the monkey.

A power trip maybe?  Kinda like we are here and can do what we want?  Or as someone else a weapon?  Kill the men rape the women.  Such an awful crime particularly in those countries where if a husband finds out his wife has been raped he abandons her

There's another take on it 

Originally Posted by Sezit:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

i think the romans had a knack  for it as well.

Yes they did Jackson. We were also told that Vikings came and raped and pillaged, but, I think that was scurrilous  rumours put about by the Picts and Scots.

You know, I wish I'd taken more notice in History at school (30 odd years ago) but the teacher we had wasn't very good 


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