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A Canadian Police Officer has been chastised for making innocuous comments.  Basically, he said that if women dress 'like sluts' then they should be expected to be treated like them.


In addition; 'celebrity' Lawyer Nick Freeman claims that woman are victimising men by 'dressing like hookers,' and he basically implied that if women have 'unwanted' sexual advances or contact, and they dress 'like sluts,' they deserve what they get.


And here is Nick Freeman's daughter.  When he was challenged about this on morning tv today, he said his daughter looks 'pretty' and lovely.  Double standards???


Views and opinions anyone?  Do women deserve unwanted sexual attention if they dress 'like sluts?'  Or is it an idiotic and offensive train of thought...?  I mean, what does 'dressing like a slut' mean anyway?  Does this mean I can't wear my shorts and sleeveless top in the summer for fear of having my ass groped?! 



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Just watched the repugnant twunt on This Morning. 


The whole point of the Slutwalks is that the focus should be on teaching men about their behaviour and attitudes towards women, not victim blaming. There is still this belief that women should be covering up and constantly worrying about their safety, as if men can't control themselves when they see a bit of flesh, or women out enjoying themselves.


Women can wear 'sexy' clothing for their own reasons, whether it is to feel good about themselves, whether it is what they feel comfortable in, or whether it is to attract a partner. They may want sex, but they still want to choose who to have sex with. Telling women that they are effectively 'asking for it' from any passing stranger, or even someone known to them, is letting rapists off the hook.


Women are raped in every country and culture, around the globe, from women forced to dress in Burkhas, to women in tribes where it is normal to go topless. Educate men, or boys, to respect other human beings, whatever they choose to wear! 


There is nothing that annoys me more** than men who think they have the right to tell women what to wear or imply somehow what they are wearing has some effect on them.  Honestly does my head in. Infact this is one of those subjects that i could ran about.  Men who are out looking for sex and could potentially have it in them to rape someone have the issue, not the girl who walks past them in a short skirt. 


I think women are still massively controlled by men, we talk about other cultures and those women like we are a million miles away from them, but i dotn think we are. I cant stand when i hear my friends say 'oh i cant wear that, hubby wouldnt like it'  ' oh id love to go to burlesque dancing but fred wouldnt let me'. It makes me roll my eyes and grit my teeth.


** apart from the tv licence, thats just theft and another rant for another day!

Originally Posted by Renton:

We all live in the real world so . . .


If a woman walks around with her boobage hanging out she should -

Expect most people to look

Expect lots of people to gawp

 . . . and sadly, expect some cretins to be sexist and act likewise


Thats the world we live in

And most victims of shootings, stabbings, and general beatings, on our streets, are men, so men should protect themselves by dressing like women? 


I do think some young women (and the odd bit of mutton around ) look shocking when they go out, but i can look and say, bloody hell she looks terrible. It still doesn't mean i have the right to go up and grope her.


Its like saying i have the right to go and grope a man on the street because he has his tshirt off !!!

Originally Posted by Renton:

We all live in the real world so . . .


If a woman walks around with her boobage hanging out she should -

Expect most people to look

Expect lots of people to gawp

 . . . and sadly, expect some cretins to be sexist and act likewise


Thats the world we live in


I'd like to respond, but i've had to delete everything I've typed so far. 


I give up.   Obviously no way attitudes are ever going to change if that's ^^^ anything to go by.


I'm still trying to work out how you define 'be sexist and act likewise'    

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Renton:

We all live in the real world so . . .


If a woman walks around with her boobage hanging out she should -

Expect most people to look

Expect lots of people to gawp

 . . . and sadly, expect some cretins to be sexist and act likewise


Thats the world we live in

And most victims of shootings, stabbings, and general beatings, on our streets, are men, so men should protect themselves by dressing like women? 

BLIZZIE  - you just want me to dress up for you - don't you LOL


*wiggles hips*

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Renton:

We all live in the real world so . . .


If a woman walks around with her boobage hanging out she should -

Expect most people to look

Expect lots of people to gawp

 . . . and sadly, expect some cretins to be sexist and act likewise


Thats the world we live in


I'd like to respond, but i've had to delete everything I've typed so far. 


I give up.   Obviously no way attitudes are ever going to change if that's ^^^ anything to go by.


I'm still trying to work out how you define 'be sexist and act likewise'    

Hold a door open for them?

Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:


I'd like to respond, but i've had to delete everything I've typed so far. 


I give up.   Obviously no way attitudes are ever going to change if that's ^^^ anything to go by.


I'm still trying to work out how you define 'be sexist and act likewise'    

Hold a door open for them?



Plus the whole 'dont dress like a slut' thing just goes along with the idea of a rapist being someone lurking in an alley waiting to pounce, when in fact something like 60% of rapes are committed by someone the woman knows and trusts. There was a good article about it in the Stylist a couple of weeks ago - I'll see if I can find it, but basically saying we need to stop blaming the victim... with attitudes like this is it any wonder the conviction rate is only 6%



Tanya Gold on why she'll be joining the SlutWalk


Why can’t men discuss rape without falling down a well? Kenneth Clarke, who is usually one of the more human seeming Tories, stumbled last week when he suggested that date rape is not as serious as what he might call ‘normal rape’ or ‘serious rape’.


Men still have the fantasy, it seems, that a rapist is a hooded man in an alley with a knife – a bogeyman from a childish nightmare. But the truth is duller and more terrifying than that. Most women are likely to be raped by men they know. Date rape is normal rape. The aberrant monster in the alley is most often a fantasy; Clarke’s decision, as Justice Secretary, to close 23 courts that deal specially with rape and domestic violence, shows that his understanding of the issue is still in the hooded bogeyman phase.


I once asked Jill Saward, the victim of the Ealing Vicarage rape of 1986, why rape isn’t taken seriously and why victims are commonly disbelieved when they do bring an accusation; only 6% of the 15,000 rapes reported annually result in a conviction and the vast majority are not even reported. She says we are a culture in denial; that we are simply unwilling to compute the fact that our brothers, fathers, husbands, sons are capable of such a crime. ‘We want to believe that we live in a civilised society,’ she told me. And how to stoke the denial? Blame the women.


Recently, in Toronto, Michael Sanguinetti, a policeman who was giving a personal security class at a law school, told the women present that if they didn’t want to be raped, they shouldn’t dress, ‘like sluts’. Well, quite. As we all know, rapists never rape anyone unless they are wearing small skirts and skimpy tops, ideally in colours that match.


Understandably the women were enraged and went on to found SlutWalk, a movement where they basically go on a walk, dressed as sluts, or not, in the company of supportive men, or not, and make a big fuss about what Sanguinetti really meant, which is women are responsible for violence towards themselves. The woman has the power, you see. She can bring rape to her, and she can send it away; it’s like old-fashioned courting, but violent.


I am for SlutWalk; I am for any movement that sees women stand up, and even walk, for themselves


The SlutWalk has been widely covered in the media and the walk is being repeated in cities across the globe. The London SlutWalk is in June, and I will be on it. Because it is not women who cause rape; it is men. Rape is the only violent crime where the victim is routinely found guilty and from the mouth of a policeman the ‘advice’ was particularly shocking. It made me wonder how many raped women have gone to the police for justice and seen in their eyes the message – ‘your fault’. No wonder I have interviewed women who told me how they paced outside police stations after a rape, willing themselves to report it but finding they just couldn’t because they didn’t think that they would be believed. It is worth mentioning that one in four British women will be the victims of sexual assault in their lifetimes; in the Congo, there are 48 rapes an hour.


So I am for SlutWalk; I am for any movement that sees women stand up, and even walk, for themselves. Not that SlutWalk hasn’t been analysed. It has had a mixed reception from women, who are ever collaborators in their own degradation. I have read thousands of words on the history, etymology and use of the word ‘slut’. I could write a Slut Thesis for you with my Slut Pen. Some fret particularly that the word actually means ‘dirty’, and who would want to be dirty?


But, in truth, most of the anti-SlutWalk women dislike the movement because it is too angry – not feminine, not fragile, not polite. But I am glad it is angry; you can’t just politely ask for justice and expect to be given it as a gift, as if we were all guests at some fabulous criminal justice cocktail party. The SlutWalk has a splash of jolly irony and it is a modern, media-savvy shout for justice in a world where women are ever held responsible for male violence. It also suggests that not every woman with a feminist agenda should wear a black sack and weep all the time. Better to SlutWalk than sleepwalk; and I hope to see Kenneth Clarke there too.


I'd like to know which type of rapist they were talking about on This Morning considering there are 5 different types..not all rapist are under the same profile..take the Anger retaliatory rapist..he rapes women cos he hates them because he had poor relationships with females (normally his mother) growing up..his traites show the way he talks about and treat women..women are below it does'nt matter what you wear....

Originally Posted by stonks:

I'd like to know which type of rapist they were talking about on This Morning considering there are 5 different types..not all rapist are under the same profile..take the Anger retaliatory rapist..he rapes women cos he hates them because he had poor relationships with females (normally his mother) growing up..his traites show the way he talks about and treat women..women are below it does'nt matter what you wear....

Exactly, stonks. 


And I'd bet my house on not one of those 48 women an hour, in the Congo, dressing as a so called 'slut'! 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I'd like to know which type of rapist they were talking about on This Morning considering there are 5 different types..not all rapist are under the same profile..take the Anger retaliatory rapist..he rapes women cos he hates them because he had poor relationships with females (normally his mother) growing up..his traites show the way he talks about and treat women..women are below it does'nt matter what you wear....

Exactly, stonks. 


And I'd bet my house on not one of those 48 women an hour, in the Congo, dressing as a so called 'slut'! 

Exactly blizz..I read an artcle a couple of years back and it stated if a woman in South Africa was'nt raped twice in her life then she was lucky....

Makes you wonder what the figures really are around the world because I bet its only about 1 in 10 that report their rape....

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Exactly blizz..I read an artcle a couple of years back and it stated if a woman in South Africa was'nt raped twice in her life then she was lucky....

Makes you wonder what the figures really are around the world because I bet its only about 1 in 10 that report their rape....


oh god, I missed this, awful  


Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Plus the whole 'dont dress like a slut' thing just goes along with the idea of a rapist being someone lurking in an alley waiting to pounce, when in fact something like 60% of rapes are committed by someone the woman knows and trusts. There was a good article about it in the Stylist a couple of weeks ago - I'll see if I can find it, but basically saying we need to stop blaming the victim... with attitudes like this is it any wonder the conviction rate is only 6%

    I quite agree. A very good read that article you posted. 

Ev (Peachy)

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