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....when your insurance comes due for renewal. My home insurance was due for renewal and they wanted £90 more than last year, I went online and got some quotes which were considerably cheaper, though the cover not quite so good. Armed with these quotes, I phoned my current insurer, and although they didn't quite match the quotes I'd obtained, they did reduce the renewal by £120! I should have told them to stick it, for trying to charge so much, and relying on people's complacency to not go elsewhere, but it IS good cover, and cheaper than they charged me last year, so I've stayed with them for another year.

At this rate, next year's premium should be cheaper again!

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You just reminded me i need to get some contents insurance. Oh well iv been here 2 years and nothing as happened yet well except my door getting a good battering twice and the constant threat of flooding (im on a ground floor flat)  im sure it will be fine
Head - Bury - Sand? I couldn't do that Kelly! It would be just my luck to have the earth give way under my house, the Bristol Channel to flood all the way to here, my house to spontaneously combust etc, etc, if I decided against insurance!
Even though I'm in my mid 40's I was able to get great cover with - I thought you had to be a silver surfer for that.   I pay £14.05 a month for building and contents.

Kelly  I couldn't sleep at night without contents cover. Not that what I've got is worth THAT much but it's still way more than I could afford to replace. Having said that I'm genuinely shocked at the number of people who aren't insured.

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