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I'm dog sitting a Shih Tzu over night and it started off well but now she has vomitted so I think she has ate something she shouldn't have.  Not sure what though.....I've brushed mopped and hoovered everywhere but she keeps licking everything in sight!  


I'm nervous now because she's just lying around quietly and only made noise when my OH came home.  She seems nervous.


I'm supposed to feed her around 5ish but worried she'll keep barfing and the sight of her doing the first one nearly gave me a nervous breakdown because I didn't know what was wrong with her til it came out 


Do you think it's normal for dogs to vomit?  I'm really worried about her getting sick whilst in my care.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We had a Shih Tzu (awww lil pookie). He had a delicate tum tum occasionally til he decided on the foods he could tolerate.

Licking everywhere is odd,

"There are a variety of causes for obsessive licking including boredom, pain, allergies, disease and stress."

It seems like a stress thing So perhaps you should try distraction - go for a walk, play a game, petting, make a fuss of the lil darling.

But you should say "no" to the licking cos she could pick up a bug. And positive distraction afterwards.

Originally Posted by Sprout:

Maybe her being sick has got it out of her hopefully  and she's just a bit fragile 

Hope so Sprout!  My sister did say she will throw up if she has ate something she shouldn't have.


She needs watching at all times and we've been following her around all day making sure she's not finding a stray crumb 


Only 24 hours to go 

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

We had a Shih Tzu (awww lil pookie). He had a delicate tum tum occasionally til he decided on the foods he could tolerate.

Licking everywhere is odd,

"There are a variety of causes for obsessive licking including boredom, pain, allergies, disease and stress."

It seems like a stress thing So perhaps you should try distraction - go for a walk, play a game, petting, make a fuss of the lil darling.

But you should say "no" to the licking cos she could pick up a bug. And positive distraction afterwards.


 Thanks Saint.  I have been saying 'No' all day to her she's gonna think I'm a meanie! 


We gave her a football to play with and she has been looking at it like it's come from outer space  She's a very pampered, girly dog!


I think it is stress   


Thanks people, I really am sweating it since I got her and can't wait til she goes home!  I love seeing her when I visit my sister but this is different.


I've given her her dinner but she hasn't ate any of it, she's snoozing now and snores VERY loudly but it's comforting because I at least know she's still breathing.  Yes, I am THAT freaked out  My niece would never forgive me if anything happened to the dog in my care.


I think this dog believes that I am hiding another dog in my house because next doors dog has been barking non-stop for ages and she's going mad looking for it  Poor dog must never see/hear other dogs!


That's what I would do...   just leave her food out next to her water.



When she's awake, if she really starts pacing and getting het up you or the OH could take her for a walk round the block to distract her... 



ermmm...   where does she normally sleep?   & where will she be sleeping tonight?


Chuffers (my parents dog) sleeps on their bed, so when we had him we took him up to bed with us...     he would NOT settle...   


he wanted to roam the house (but we couldn't let him in the boys room...  on account of when the boy was little & staying at his grandparents house, chuffers used to pay him a visit on a night & the boy used to wake up to Chuffers on the bed humping his leg!! hahahaha - the jokes around this still go on) ...    


anyways.... he does settle eventually..     but its stressful for everyone.


In a way it would have been better if Chuffers was used to sleeping downstairs then we could have shut him in the lounge & let him get on with it 


Ells, don't worry if she is refusing her food. Either she is pining for her owner, (which my mum's dog used to do on her first night with us), or she's still feeling sick and doesn't have any appetite. As long as she is drinking water and doesn't seem really unwell, she should be fine. 

My golden retriever has always had a weak digestive system and we give her porridge when she's sickly, as it's pretty gentle on the stomach - or scambled eggs, as Pengy said.

Good luck.


She sleeps in the kitchen normally but at the minute her food, water and bed are in the living room so I can keep a close eye on her and she's had some food and plenty of water so I think she might be settling now.  


She is giving me the evils everytime I type on the laptop because I must be disturbing her


Out for a walk in a wee while so she can have a poo.......I really hope she doesn't eat anything strange while we're out.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I agree with Ditts and Cinds - it's probably missing it's owner and being in a strange environment.  If it does look hungry, you could try it with scrambled egg 

I think my sister would murder me if I said I gave the dog an agg.  I've put her food out so hopefully she has some of it at least.

why?  my vet recommends scrambled egg or steamed chicken for my dog 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I agree with Ditts and Cinds - it's probably missing it's owner and being in a strange environment.  If it does look hungry, you could try it with scrambled egg 

I think my sister would murder me if I said I gave the dog an agg.  I've put her food out so hopefully she has some of it at least.

why?  my vet recommends scrambled egg or steamed chicken for my dog 

This is their first dog so they're very cautious and so far had no problems with her.  She seems a lot more settled now thankfully so hopefully no more problems

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



he wanted to roam the house (but we couldn't let him in the boys room...  on account of when the boy was little & staying at his grandparents house, chuffers used to pay him a visit on a night & the boy used to wake up to Chuffers on the bed humping his leg!! hahahaha - the jokes around this still go on) ...    


My sister used to have a giant German Shepherd and every time I went to her house it used to try to hump me.  I was the only person it did it too, apart from once when my sister borrowed one of my sweatshirts to go home in after the gym, she got home wearing it and the dog tried to hump her (I must have the scent of a bitch).


One time when I had been out clubbing with my sister and stayed at hers I woken up the next morning to the dog lying on the bed next to me.  My only relief, he wasn't smoking a cigarette. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



he wanted to roam the house (but we couldn't let him in the boys room...  on account of when the boy was little & staying at his grandparents house, chuffers used to pay him a visit on a night & the boy used to wake up to Chuffers on the bed humping his leg!! hahahaha - the jokes around this still go on) ...    


My sister used to have a giant German Shepherd and every time I went to her house it used to try to hump me.  I was the only person it did it too, apart from once when my sister borrowed one of my sweatshirts to go home in after the gym, she got home wearing it and the dog tried to hump her (I must have the scent of a bitch).


One time when I had been out clubbing with my sister and stayed at hers I woken up the next morning to the dog lying on the bed next to me.  My only relief, he wasn't smoking a cigarette. 



Dogs don't smoke.





They do hump drunk people who are asleep though

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



he wanted to roam the house (but we couldn't let him in the boys room...  on account of when the boy was little & staying at his grandparents house, chuffers used to pay him a visit on a night & the boy used to wake up to Chuffers on the bed humping his leg!! hahahaha - the jokes around this still go on) ...    


My sister used to have a giant German Shepherd and every time I went to her house it used to try to hump me.  I was the only person it did it too, apart from once when my sister borrowed one of my sweatshirts to go home in after the gym, she got home wearing it and the dog tried to hump her (I must have the scent of a bitch).


One time when I had been out clubbing with my sister and stayed at hers I woken up the next morning to the dog lying on the bed next to me.  My only relief, he wasn't smoking a cigarette. 



Dogs don't smoke.





They do hump drunk people who are asleep though


It's like that old joke isn't it.


What do you do if a Rottweiler tries to hump you?


Fake an orgasm.

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm dog sitting a Shih Tzu over night and it started off well but now she has vomitted so I think she has ate something she shouldn't have.  Not sure what though.....I've brushed mopped and hoovered everywhere but she keeps licking everything in sight!  


I'm nervous now because she's just lying around quietly and only made noise when my OH came home.  She seems nervous.


I'm supposed to feed her around 5ish but worried she'll keep barfing and the sight of her doing the first one nearly gave me a nervous breakdown because I didn't know what was wrong with her til it came out 


Do you think it's normal for dogs to vomit?  I'm really worried about her getting sick whilst in my care.

My family have shitzu's and my dads one goes into violent shaking and vomiting when its parted from him..maybe its just a stress thing with the one your sitting..but if the dog came by car it might just have an upset stomach....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm dog sitting a Shih Tzu over night and it started off well but now she has vomitted so I think she has ate something she shouldn't have.  Not sure what though.....I've brushed mopped and hoovered everywhere but she keeps licking everything in sight!  


I'm nervous now because she's just lying around quietly and only made noise when my OH came home.  She seems nervous.


I'm supposed to feed her around 5ish but worried she'll keep barfing and the sight of her doing the first one nearly gave me a nervous breakdown because I didn't know what was wrong with her til it came out 


Do you think it's normal for dogs to vomit?  I'm really worried about her getting sick whilst in my care.

My family have shitzu's and my dads one goes into violent shaking and vomiting when its parted from him..maybe its just a stress thing with the one your sitting..but if the dog came by car it might just have an upset stomach....

Its not "shit" Stonks



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