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Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by wonder:
She deserves it more than some, so I say if she does win. A worthy winner

Why does Sophie deserve to win, whats she done to deserve it.?

It's easy for people to blankly say she deserves to win but it's alot harder for them to give genuine reasons why.

Is it a genuine enough reason that she has been the one housemate that has enticed me to watch the show, without fail - every night, from Day 1 to day 91? The housemate that over 3 months has brought out an array of emotions in me, ranging from despair to ecstasy, and the housemate who stimulates me to post on this forum morning, noon and night?

This is all new to me - no housemate that i have previously supported have made it beyond week 8; and there were times that i did not even think Sophie would make it to that stsge. For instance, up for eviction in Week 6 (with the already popular Siavash) - before nominations had even been made; had Karly not been nominated that week, Sophie could easily have gone home!

Hmmm ok,at least you bothered to give some valid reasons "to you" for her to win.

But I still say that people struggle to come up with any entertaining moments from her in the hose.
Although I would prefer Siavash to win, I think that Sophie would be a worthy winner. For the following reasons:

I did not like Sophie for a long time. I didn't like how she joined in with the Kris-led Freddie baiting. How she mocked Freddie from her shared bed with Kris, keeping him awake, and generally appearing like she was a person who needed to hunt with the pack to gain credibility. A sheep, a person who could never think for themselves. In short, I didn't like her at all.

But something happened with Sophie when that awful Kris left. She started to mix with the others and she transformed herself into a very popular member of the house by just being herself. Looking at Sophie, it is easy to fit her into a stereotype .. the dizzy blonde bimbo with big boobs, with very little in the way of brain matter behind the rats tails hair. She comes across as one of a legion of fashion victims, victims of the fashion industry who are brain washed into believing that you have to be thin to be taken seriously. All these things and more defined Sophie as one of those vacuous and feather-brained, lightweight, not very interesting barbie dolls.

But Sophie is different. She doesn't think she is that special, but that is what makes her so special. She has no ego whatsoever. She has the sweetest nature, the friendliest and most infectious disposition, and all the HMs love her for her just being her. She has a brilliant sense of humour and can quite happily join in with others when they take the pee out of her. She stuffs her face and has the attitude of I'll diet tomorrow. Sophie's biggest mistake imo was getting with that awful Kris and it spoilt the first few weeks of the show for her, but she has pulled it back and proved that, yes, she can think for herself and she is her own woman.

But, still, I want Siavash to win because he has been consistent in his behaviour since the beginning of the show, which i feel that Sophie has not.
Twee Surgeon
"I did not like Sophie for a long time. I didn't like how she joined in with the Kris-led Freddie baiting. How she mocked Freddie from her shared bed with Kris, keeping him awake, and generally appearing like she was a person who needed to hunt with the pack to gain credibility. A sheep, a person who could never think for themselves. In short, I didn't like her at all"

And thats why she shouldn't win, yes time has gone by and her gang mates hae left so shes had to change her behaviour, but that doesn't suddenly mean shes a changed person.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Although I would prefer Siavash to win, I think that Sophie would be a worthy winner. For the following reasons:

I did not like Sophie for a long time. I didn't like how she joined in with the Kris-led Freddie baiting. How she mocked Freddie from her shared bed with Kris, keeping him awake, and generally appearing like she was a person who needed to hunt with the pack to gain credibility. A sheep, a person who could never think for themselves. In short, I didn't like her at all.

But something happened with Sophie when that awful Kris left. She started to mix with the others and she transformed herself into a very popular member of the house by just being herself. Looking at Sophie, it is easy to fit her into a stereotype .. the dizzy blonde bimbo with big boobs, with very little in the way of brain matter behind the rats tails hair. She comes across as one of a legion of fashion victims, victims of the fashion industry who are brain washed into believing that you have to be thin to be taken seriously. All these things and more defined Sophie as one of those vacuous and feather-brained, lightweight, not very interesting barbie dolls.

But Sophie is different. She doesn't think she is that special, but that is what makes her so special. She has no ego whatsoever. She has the sweetest nature, the friendliest and most infectious disposition, and all the HMs love her for her just being her. She has a brilliant sense of humour and can quite happily join in with others when they take the pee out of her. She stuffs her face and has the attitude of I'll diet tomorrow. Sophie's biggest mistake imo was getting with that awful Kris and it spoilt the first few weeks of the show for her, but she has pulled it back and proved that, yes, she can think for herself and she is her own woman.

But, still, I want Siavash to win because he has been consistent in his behaviour since the beginning of the show, which i feel that Sophie has not.

Very well put Twee Thumbs Up
Originally posted by captain marbles:
It looks like Sophie could be the last one out on Friday but does someone who has only really been a Housemate for the last 3 weeks really deserve it?
For the first 5 or so weeks she was virtually silent, simply echoing what Kris had to say and following Lisa's nomination party line.
After Kris went she bonded with Rodrigo, another HM who has coasted to the final, but still pretty much did what Lisa told her. Pretty much right up to the eviction of Bea the only way she stayed in the public eye was her faux drunken antics whenever she was within sniffing distance of a can of cider.
Then, with the advent of the magazines she seized her chance and now a camera cant blink without Sophie expressing her " outrage" at being used by Kris, conveniently forgetting that she was the one who made a play for him.
Now, in the final week we've got a Sophie who is perceptive, funny and wittily self-deprecating. Where the hell was that Sophie for the previous 12 weeks?

Sophie was only silent for all this time because there is no live feed so we don't know whats happening for 90% of the day, and BB show what they want us to see, and it wasn't Sophie, because if they kept showing Sophie they would have been accused of dwelling on a sexy girl for too long.
Originally posted by Videostar:
"I did not like Sophie for a long time. I didn't like how she joined in with the Kris-led Freddie baiting. How she mocked Freddie from her shared bed with Kris, keeping him awake, and generally appearing like she was a person who needed to hunt with the pack to gain credibility. A sheep, a person who could never think for themselves. In short, I didn't like her at all"

And thats why she shouldn't win, yes time has gone by and her gang mates hae left so shes had to change her behaviour, but that doesn't suddenly mean shes a changed person.

Sophie is the only one who deserves to win, and her odds wouldn't be 1/4 if she didn't deserve to win.

Hope she does anyway.
She's the last of the females, and I don't want to watch any of those fellers winning.
Originally posted by Videostar:
"I did not like Sophie for a long time. I didn't like how she joined in with the Kris-led Freddie baiting. How she mocked Freddie from her shared bed with Kris, keeping him awake, and generally appearing like she was a person who needed to hunt with the pack to gain credibility. A sheep, a person who could never think for themselves. In short, I didn't like her at all"

And thats why she shouldn't win, yes time has gone by and her gang mates hae left so shes had to change her behaviour, but that doesn't suddenly mean shes a changed person.

Exactly VS. That is the very reason why I think Siavash should win. He has not changed, he remains the same person that entered the house.

Having said that though, I think that Sophie has not just changed recently. To be fair to her, I seen a change in her after Kris left, which is some 7-8 weeks ago now. I also think that some behaviours can be forgiven if the person proves themselves to be decent and kind after the event.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Justafriend:
she upset me with her straight jacket comment.
But i cant see anyone worthy of winning if siavash doesnt so it would have to be sophie after siavash.

I would have made the same remark under the same circumstances, and the way Freddie was acting it seemed appropriate to me.

Quite a clever observation really.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
she upset me with her straight jacket comment.
But i cant see anyone worthy of winning if siavash doesnt so it would have to be sophie after siavash.

I would have made the same remark under the same circumstances, and the way Freddie was acting it seemed appropriate to me.

Quite a clever observation really.

It was rude, nasty and playing to the gallery, and typical of a girl who hates anyone who is different to her.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Videostar:
"I did not like Sophie for a long time. I didn't like how she joined in with the Kris-led Freddie baiting. How she mocked Freddie from her shared bed with Kris, keeping him awake, and generally appearing like she was a person who needed to hunt with the pack to gain credibility. A sheep, a person who could never think for themselves. In short, I didn't like her at all"

And thats why she shouldn't win, yes time has gone by and her gang mates hae left so shes had to change her behaviour, but that doesn't suddenly mean shes a changed person.

Exactly VS. That is the very reason why I think Siavash should win. He has not changed, he remains the same person that entered the house.

I could just about live with The Vash winning, even tho he's let me down badly lately.
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally posted by disley21:
It really will say a lot about society in general if a vacuous, dizzy blonde who only has her breasts to make a career out of wins...

Oh indeed, how very dare Sophie occupy the same position formerly held by some of our societies finest contributors, such as Pete, Nadia, Brian Belo and Anthony Razzer

Are you suggesting Pete, Brian and Anthony are going to carve out careers using their breasts as well?
Sophie is the only one who deserves to win, and her odds wouldn't be 1/4 if she didn't deserve to win.

Hope she does anyway.
She's the last of the females, and I don't want to watch any of those fellers winning.
I think that you share your sentiments with the majority of the viewing public and it's quite telling that you nominate her as the least worst candidate rather than someone who should win for what they've achieved in the house.
captain marbles
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
she upset me with her straight jacket comment.
But i cant see anyone worthy of winning if siavash doesnt so it would have to be sophie after siavash.

Yes, and that as weeks after Kris left, her fans cant argue that was her own nasty mind coming out with that comment about him.

Has that comment - which was clearly used on the HL show, damaged her chances of winning... no her popularity improved all the time at the stage. As ever there is a standard used on this forum for comments or incidents involving Freddie - because nobody on here kicked up a stink when Kenny and Tom suggested that Sophie was mentally challenged. I think most viewers judge housemates on what they see overall, rather than the random instances that dislikers choose to place under a microscope. Did any Freddie fans stop supporting him when he blatantly went into the DR and suggested that BB should further throw the no fake romances rule at Kris and Sophie?
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by Justafriend:
she upset me with her straight jacket comment.
But i cant see anyone worthy of winning if siavash doesnt so it would have to be sophie after siavash.

I would have made the same remark under the same circumstances, and the way Freddie was acting it seemed appropriate to me.

Quite a clever observation really.

It was rude, nasty and playing to the gallery, and typical of a girl who hates anyone who is different to her.

Could that be your own prejudice creeping through? For instance, there were very few housemates similar to Sophie - yet she got on with most of them. You fail to even recognise that Sophie and Freddie got on really well at times.

Interesting that just a couple of days before the final of BB10 - and with Sophie a possible winner, you are posting more negative Sophie comments than you have made for ages. Hhmmm...
Cold Sweat
Originally posted by disley21:
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally posted by disley21:
It really will say a lot about society in general if a vacuous, dizzy blonde who only has her breasts to make a career out of wins...

Oh indeed, how very dare Sophie occupy the same position formerly held by some of our societies finest contributors, such as Pete, Nadia, Brian Belo and Anthony Razzer

Are you suggesting Pete, Brian and Anthony are going to carve out careers using their breasts as well?

But they would if they could
Originally posted by disley21:
It really will say a lot about society in general if a vacuous, dizzy blonde who only has her breasts to make a career out of wins...

I dont think she is vacuous at all. She is quite the comedian and doesnt take herself too seriously. There have been vacuous, dizzy blondes in BB but I think she is more than that.
Pity we didnt see it earlier.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by captain marbles:
I think the main thread I've gathered from the replies is that most FMs dont really mind if she wins, in other words she seems to be the least worst alternative to, in the main, Siavash. This seems to be a reflection of how many of the best HMs have been eliminated, leaving us with quite a weak final line up.

I think Vash would win hands down if it werent for BB crucifying him with this vid of Day 50. Oh and that god aweful costume.
Reality Junkie
It's just a pity everyone doesn't spend all their time giving the reasons why they think a certain HM should win instead of spending all their time trying to say why a certain HM shouldn't win.

Everyone can think of a few things that may have been said by an HM.

It's a darn game show, they can say what they want, and most of them say things to get a laugh, we know they don't mean it.

Sophie has been the most real all through the show and hasn't been running into the DR and crying every 2 minutes.

She deserves to win and she should do.
Originally posted by Mollie:
Very well written post... and I agree, I think if she wins it will be because Siavash didn't get enough votes.. more a default thing.. she hasn't done enough to win, she hasn't had very much thrown at her compared to siavash.. none of them have...but.... out of whats left in there besides Siavash.. I would rather see her take the title then david charlie or roddy

Agree Mol. Thumbs Up
Senora Reyes

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