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Just had an email from Thomas Cook telling us that they have been informed of building work going on NEAR our hotel and that it may cause some noise/visual disturbances and if we wanted to change our hotel we could do so without incurring admin fees (although I suspect we'll still have to pay if the other hotel is dearer).  It states that the work is going on in a nearby hotel but nothing more specific as to how close.


I don't know now whether to change hotels or stick with the one we've chosen as it's had fairly good reviews and I chose it because it is small and I hate packed hotels  Really don't want to get there and have the holiday ruined but am also not sure if it will be close enough to bother us at all.

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Just re-read the email and it's actually the hotel next to ours


Here's what they say:


Renovation work is taking place to a hotel next to the Sun Hill Suites. Due to the nature of the work noise
and visual disturbance may be experienced throughout the hotel. The hotelier is committed to ensuring
guests have an enjoyable stay.
As we are sure you will understand, the nature of the building activity means the situation can change on
an almost daily basis. We can, therefore, only report on the situation as it currently exists. If, however, the
circumstances change to any great degree, you can be assured we will contact you again.
We remain confident that your chosen accommodation will continue to provide you with an enjoyable and
satisfying holiday and we are equally confident you will want to continue with your holiday plans. However,
it is only fair to remind you that, should you wish, you may change your accommodation without paying the
applicable administration fees (subject to availability and receiving or paying any difference in cost).


This happened to us when we went to Tenerife and we did opt to be moved. They only moved us to a sister hotel a few yards further up the hill, and there wasn't any problem with the building site anyway.

The thing is Ells, if you choose not to move now that they have made you aware of the problem, I'm guessing you won't have any cause for complaint if the building work does spoil your holiday.


Awww I'm gutted Rexi....was so excited about my holiday and now don't know what to do for the best. OH wants to stick with it coz it was the only hotel in that area that did apartments for all inclusive as the others are all just hotel rooms (too cramped for 4 of us) so it might mean having to completely change the whole holiday, destination, date of travel etc if we want to change.


Ellis, I'd definitely change,in fact I'd most probably be cancelling and  demanding a full refund unless they had something else completely acceptable to me at no extra charge.  

It's likely to be very noisy, imagine trying to sit and relax by a pool with a constant bang bang banging going on. And I wonder just how early the work starts and how late into the evening it goes on? As for the content of that email, what a load of s 'visual disturbance' what's that travel agent speak for? I'm assuming that your sea view is well and truly screwed. Sounds to me like they're covering their backsides against complaints and I bet that they've had loads from the beginning of the season/Easter hols.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

This happened to us when we went to Tenerife and we did opt to be moved. They only moved us to a sister hotel a few yards further up the hill, and there wasn't any problem with the building site anyway.

The thing is Ells, if you choose not to move now that they have made you aware of the problem, I'm guessing you won't have any cause for complaint if the building work does spoil your holiday.

That's the thing I was worried about Yogi....deciding it might be ok, going there and THEN realising it's a nightmare and not being able to be moved from there.  I've been waiting for a call back from TC all afternoon but it's getting close to their closing time so I'm going to go into the shop on Monday and see what the options are.  We got a great deal way back in September when we booked so all the prices are around ÂĢ400 dearer now and I'd be fuming to have to pay that now.  

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Maybe phone them up and ask how many complaints they have had about it. If it's loads you might have to rethink, but if it's only a few then it might be alright.


The season hasn't really started yet so I'm guessing they haven't had a lot of holidaymakers out there yet.  The girl I spoke to on the phone today said she had just been emailed by their overseas team of the work.  Will ask on Monday though about complaints so far.

Originally Posted by Ells:

The season hasn't really started yet so I'm guessing they haven't had a lot of holidaymakers out there yet.  The girl I spoke to on the phone today said she had just been emailed by their overseas team of the work.  Will ask on Monday though about complaints so far.

That doesn't sound q so bad Ells. Maybe also ask for further clarification re just how noisy, at what times of day the work is going on and what exactly they mean by 'visual disturbance'! Oh and when are you planning on going? Could be that it might be all finished by then if they're refurbing ready for the Summer season and/or there may be restrictions on building work in the area during high season?


Going in 3 weeks time Supes  


I think maybe on Monday if I am reassured that the noise/visual won't be too disturbing then I may ask the manager of the branch to put in writing that if it end ups being too bad that they will move us?  Do you think they'd agree with that?


Although I really do think they will tell us it won't be too bad just to save themselves money!!  



ARGGHHH!! What to do!


What about emailing back with some specific questions Ells? And/or can you find a number for the local rep and speak to them re exactly what the extent of the issue is? Or see if there's a forum for the area you are going and ask the 'locals' what they know? 3 weeks is not long, so ignore what I said up there ^^^ I'd still go, but, if not reassured re how noisy etc. I'd try and change to other accommodation and/or maybe a different area with accommodation that suits but still uses the same flight. Good luck x


Cheers Supes xxx  I have posted on the Thomas Cook forum where a rep just told me they would change the hotel and refund me if the new hotel is cheaper but that I'd have to pay if it was dearer (which they are....I've already been looking) and have also posted on a forum where there a lot of people who live in Turkey and are great at answering stuff like this so just waiting on one of them to reply to see if they know the score.


Just going to try not to panic about stuff now til I get a chance to go into the travel agents on Monday but am hoping they don't try to fob me off or expect me to pay hundreds to go to another hotel!  

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Ells, I personally would probably try to change hotels, but you never know how noisy these renovations will actually be. It may not be that bad. Can Thomas cook elaborate on the details..?

I'm hoping so Sweet.....they were supposed to ring me back today but didn't bother their arses!  I'm going into the travel agents on Monday to see how much they know and to see what the options are.


Ells, really sorry to hear about this situation and I don't want to put a downer on your anticipated holiday but..... the travel agents AND often the hotel concerned usually understate just how disruptive these situations can be.


I'd really be pushing for assurances before agreeing to accept the original booking.  Hope you get a good deal/offer and have a fab time xx


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