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It's years since I've watched Neighbours - have seen the trailer. I enjoyed it back then but have moved on. Never watched Home and Away, used to watch Emmerdale years ago but that was when it was about a farm. Only soaps I watch now are Corrie and EE, I'll never give up Corrie but wonder why I continue with EE, except it's a bad habit of many years

Yellow Rose

No, but I never did, even in its Jason and Kylie hayday.


AS for Sharon, I can't stand her character.  Letitia Dean is an awful actress who just pouts and has understandably done almost sod all since leaving EE.  I don't think the EE script writers are capable of writing a Sharon scene where she doesn't name drop Den and Ange. 


It's like the script writers are forever trying to remind viewers of what great characters Dirty Den and Angie were. 


Short of working into a Sharon monologue that 30 million viewers watched Den and Ange's Xmas domestic some time in the mid 80s, it's hard to see how the script writers could have the Sharon character name-check her 'EastEnders iconic' parents more blatantly and more often.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

See? That is exactly how I see the writing Carnelian.  The writers just revert to whatever theme worked all those decades ago now. It's lame and desperate and the trailer makes me run even further away from the programme! 

Absolutely!  It's just awful, isn't it?  Ok, we 'get' that Den and Angie were the characters that drew in the viewers in the 80s, but can't they just write Sharon's character as a normal human being who would have day to day concerns rather than referencing Den and Ange all the time?  It's like her character is the only EastEnders character who has parents! It just serves to remind viewers of the EastEnders hayday.  The Sharon character grates on me because it's so phoney.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

See? That is exactly how I see the writing Carnelian.  The writers just revert to whatever theme worked all those decades ago now. It's lame and desperate and the trailer makes me run even further away from the programme! 

Absolutely!  It's just awful, isn't it?  Ok, we 'get' that Den and Angie were the characters that drew in the viewers in the 80s, but can't they just write Sharon's character as a normal human being who would have day to day concerns rather than referencing Den and Ange all the time?  It's like her character is the only EastEnders character who has parents! It just serves to remind viewers of the EastEnders hayday.  The Sharon character grates on me because it's so phoney.

It must be getting to a swansong I reckon. If they have to drag ancient history up like that the bottom of the barrel is well and truly being scraped! 

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've noticed EE often brings back, or refers to, situations/people that happened years ago and expect us to remember the storyline back then! I don't as it's too far back even though I probably watched back that far. Do the writers really think that nothing else happens in life for us all except what happened in EE yonks ago

I like that in the soaps, I think it's true to life.  You often get soap characters who act whiter than white and watch the program and maybe shout at the TV (if you're a bit nuts), 'what a hypocrite that character is!  They've had affairs themselves', but that's how people quite often are - often sanctimonious when they think everyone's forgotten their own indiscretions.  In real life, when people are being sanctimonious, occasionally others remind them of their history to take them down a peg or two.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

It's just the trailers are driving me mad. Or maybe they're for Home and Away or Neighbours. Whatever. But those ones for Eastenders with Sharon turning up like!  Miss Haversham or what! 

Xochi. I used to watch Neighbours back in the day when my son was a two year old baby. It very conveniently came on the telly box at 1 o'clock when I put him down for his afternoon nap.I would have my sandwich and cup of tea and love every minute of it. In those days it was a proper soap with Jim and his family and Des and wotshername. I stopped watching when it turned in to the Australian version of Grange hill.By the way my baby is 29 now!

I used to love Eastenders, but I stopped watching not too long ago when Phil was on crack cocaine one day, then cured the next. plus there is far too much shouting and bawling in it now for me to settle down and enjoy it.


I stopped watching Neighbours when Libby, Carl the doctor's daughter, got married to that guy in a kilt - way back in the 90s 


I still watch home and away and am so excited because I've finally found somewhere I can watch Shortland Street the New Zealand soap that I had withdrawal symptoms from.


I dip in and out of EE  because it generally bores me with storylines that go on and on and on and on    Corrie I do watch but at times I do get bored with that - the Tyrone and his gf abuse is getting old now 


far too few soaps have funny story lines these days - it's all about doom and gloom 


I stopped watching Neighbours about a year or 2 ago.


Same with Corrie although I will tune in if there's a big storyline going on that everyone is talking about.


I still watch Home & Away, Hollyoaks and Eastenders but only when I can be bothered to catch up on them.


I usually just read all the spoilers over on Digital Spy so I don't have to watch anything.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I stopped watching Neighbours around the time Daphne gave birth while still wearing her tights or was it dungarees? 

Haha Cinds ... we had this very same conversation in a Neighbours thread a few years ago - and I can't remember which it was now.


What I do remember is that I felt cheated. I was pregnant with my first offspring then and I thought the birth would be just as easy. Huh!!

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I stopped watching Neighbours around the time Daphne gave birth while still wearing her tights or was it dungarees? 

Haha Cinds ... we had this very same conversation in a Neighbours thread a few years ago - and I can't remember which it was now.


What I do remember is that I felt cheated. I was pregnant with my first offspring then and I thought the birth would be just as easy. Huh!!

What do you mean? It is that easy.  I didn't even break a sweat.


*disclaimer* I had an epidural and a cesarean.



I used to watch Neighbours avidly. The whole office did around the time of Kylie and Jason. I carried on until Channel 5 got it, but as I could not get Channel 5 I stopped. Since getting Freesat I can get Channel 5, but I have never gone back to watching it. Don't miss it and will never go back as I don't rate soaps now. To me they are on a repeat cycle, watch one for a couple of years and you seen it all.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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