Particularly in a school environment?
I have this issue over my daughters school transport (long story) but to cut a long story short it ended up in an appeal. At the appeal I had no help or support, not for want of trying, but because there was nobody who was able to help due to her age or the nature of the appeal.
Anyway..... at the end of this appeal the woman from the transport team, in summing up, said... "Lilgyps may have a diagnosis of autism, but by missgypsies own words, its not really a serious issue for lilgyps. In her own words missgypsie admits that lucy will go on to live an independant life, get a job and get married, so while it looks like we are dealing with someone who is autistic, its not as severe as some cases".
firstly those words she is talking about is my input at the end of lilgyps yearly assessments when the school, the parents and the pupils, list their HOPES. for the future, and of course i put that, what else am i to put? I explained that every parent hopes that for their child... she just looked at me smugly.
Anyway I lost the appeal, and now I really want to make a formal complaint against her. I have got on to the legal advice people at the N.A.S but they can take anything up to two weeks to get back to me.
So my question is this, Should she have had access to those yearly assessments? She is not a teacher, or a member of a school, she works for the council organising transport. Not just for the special needs schools but for every school in the city that has transport needs.