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although i know a bit how her mind is working. only casue of the mad 'russian' girl i knew who if she didnt dance well was beaten with sticks !!!!! so she would just come out with fat comments and nasty comments but wouldnt mean them because thats all she knew. Its not personal its like the body is a tool to be trained, not an aesthetic thing if that makes sense.

she was hard as nails she was.
i could see what she was trying to say, but she went about it in completely the wrong way..and it was not because of the language barrier

she could have just said "if you do not want put weight on in big brovver house and stay healthy you need to do exercise and keep active"

would have been miles better than "you look 3 months pregnancy, you need to excerise and lose weight"
Originally posted by Forest:
I'm not sure. I really can't make her out. Her character confuses me. I couldn't say for sure whether she is for real or not. I usually get an instant feeling about a housemates sincerity rightly or wrongly, but she has me stumped. The jury is still out. Unfortunately she will be gone before we will get to see what she is all about.

Good honest post. She's definitely got a complexed personality; very difficult to figure out...very oddball. Laugh
I do feel sorry for her. She has unfortunately developed feelings for Noirin and this is making things difficult. Not only has Angel been o her own for some time, Noirin is straight and Angel is out of her depth, tongue-tied, wanting to spend time with Noirin but unable to because she fancies her rotten and as a result can't speak properly.
If anything the blurted comments about Noireen's appearance were meant to cause the other woman to want to spend time with Angel, working out and being in her company.
Incidentally, I noticed that soon after she'd said Noirin didn't always spend time on her appearance Noirin did in fact slap on the full works and changed her outfit... so it did bother her or at least drew to her attention that she might not want to dress down too much but instead use her beauty as an asset in the house.

Angel is very hard to understand at times. I think I "get" her but sometimes I wonder at her naiivity. Why didn't she ask Siavash if she could have the photograph and explain to him why, for example.
Why does she have this pattern of taking things?

I think she will be happy to leave the house because I think she will find it hard to bear trying to live with a woman who does not return her feelings and who is not understanding of her.
Sometimes I feel sorry for her as I do the other foreign hms as there is an obvious language barrier there to get across their real feelings and explain their actions.
I do wonder though if she acted the way she did on nomination day to get nominated deliberately.
When her name was announced as up for nomination I thought she was looking out to see who would console her.
Norien didn't go near her so I think she will be glad to leave.
She's upped her profile now and I think thats what she probably set out to do.
Good luck to her too. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I do feel sorry for her. She has unfortunately developed feelings for Noirin and this is making things difficult. Not only has Angel been o her own for some time, Noirin is straight and Angel is out of her depth, tongue-tied, wanting to spend time with Noirin but unable to because she fancies her rotten and as a result can't speak properly.
If anything the blurted comments about Noireen's appearance were meant to cause the other woman to want to spend time with Angel, working out and being in her company.
Incidentally, I noticed that soon after she'd said Noirin didn't always spend time on her appearance Noirin did in fact slap on the full works and changed her outfit... so it did bother her or at least drew to her attention that she might not want to dress down too much but instead use her beauty as an asset in the house.

Angel is very hard to understand at times. I think I "get" her but sometimes I wonder at her naiivity. Why didn't she ask Siavash if she could have the photograph and explain to him why, for example.
Why does she have this pattern of taking things?

I think she will be happy to leave the house because I think she will find it hard to bear trying to live with a woman who does not return her feelings and who is not understanding of her.

Very perceptive post. Smiler
I felt sorry for her, and still like her Thumbs Up

I think she's a sad, lonely soul, but quite a nice, straightforward person. I do think she has big problems with her own obsession with fitness that she shouldn't pass on to others, but I also like her straight talking.

Noirin has had 100 compliments in the house and one bout of criticism...get over it and stop making it more of a big deal than it was woman!

As for her taking the photos, I do wonder if it's a cultural thing, my ex's cuture was like that, everything belonged to everyone else and they had a better concept of sharing than we do here...not saying this is definite, just wondering.....and she wasn't taking it for selfish reasons, she was making something out of them for the whole house to look at.

I do think she has a large mischevous streak too and likes to wind them up, but i don't think it's malicious in any sense

It will be a shame when she goes tomorrow , as she probably will Frowner
She has admitted to fancying Noireen, so she wants the best for her.

In Angel's eyes Noireen is beautiful, but lazy.

Angel is a perfectionist, and wants the object of her lust to be perfect.

Nothing more, and nothing less.

I still like her, and remember, Noireen complained to Angel she felt a bit overweight when she entered the house, so Angel probably thinks she's doing Noireen a favour.
Originally posted by fookat:
in a way but she surely cant think what she has being doing will make her popular?

I do think she has major issues with communicating with people.

There is such a huge difference between our cultures, and put that together with the language problem and this is why so many people have a problem with Angel and yes, you are right, she does have a problem communicating with the others.
I'm not going to analyse my thoughts and feelings and agonise over whether she struggles with communication/language.

I'm just gonna say - I didn't like her when she went in ....warmed a tiny bit and then went right off her again.

she's one strange person (not in a good way) and not very nice. On one of the early days she ran to the bathroom crying about how everyone hates her all honesty I'm not really surprised. I just dont think she's a very nice person.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Sky:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Sky:
Is she misunderstood? Or is she her own worst enemy? Confused
Both. She has loose lips, but she isn't a bad person.... just a bit thoughtless. Still like her. And good on her for saying sorry to the 'beautiful one'

Thumbs Up

That was a very heartfelt apology. If only Noirin had turned to look in Angel's eyes she would have seen that.
Originally posted by Baz:
I don't agree with what she said, but I don't like to see the sort of pack mentality that is going on, lead by Mother Lisa!!
I agree with you apart from its Noirin who is the nasty antagonist, I have never ever in all my years heard such a screaming I am in charge shrew as Noirin, who the hell put her in charge, Angel must have a strong will to put up with that nasty vile barrage from mouth almighty Noirin.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Sky:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Sky:
Is she misunderstood? Or is she her own worst enemy? Confused
Both. She has loose lips, but she isn't a bad person.... just a bit thoughtless. Still like her. And good on her for saying sorry to the 'beautiful one'

Thumbs Up

That was a very heartfelt apology. If only Noirin had turned to look in Angel's eyes she would have seen that.

Exactly! I noticed that Noirin just couldn't look Angel in the eye throughout the highlights show.
Originally posted by stoory:
Has anyone visited her website?

I'm sure it's a cultural misundersanding.

She's different for sure, but refreshing from the *normal* housemates they lumber us with. Nod

I agree. I feel, has as been said, that I *should* feel sorry for her (and I do a bit) as she seems incapable of getting along with people; low emotional intelligence, slow social learner, cultural differences, arrogance, just 'not a nice person'...who knows? It's just not nice to see a person so far out of the social loop.

Having said that, I can't say I've particularly enjoyed watching her. Too dour and brooding Slavic-type eccentricities to be comfortable watching for me.
subatomic partygirl

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