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What does everyone think of the requirement of a degree for nurses these days?

I think ( and as a qualified nurse I think I can say this) that nurses should do a 3 year programme, This should be practice based. They need to learn the basics and they need to learn them well.
They need to learn how to run a ward and how to manage a group of patients. They need to learn how to spot potential problems and how to deal with them,.

In short they need to learn what it is to be a nurse.
They need good knowledge and teaching of A and P and they need to know how to form a rationale for practice.
They need to learn how disease affects the body - physically and mentally,

Then, when they qualify, THAT is the time to hone their craft.
That is the time to do the degrees and the courses.
THAT is how we will get nursing back on parr.

IMO of course.
I particularly object to the ones that ask what I want to see the doctor about...    nowt like a bit of patient confidentiality is there

I only ever ask if they are asking for an emergency appointment cos we have to judge whether it is or not...(and more often than not it isn't).

I also get all the out of hours reports and A & E reports....half of them stuff people consider worthy of turning up to Grabadoc or the A&E for I wouldn't even bother making a Dr's appointment for!
I only ever ask if they are asking for an emergency appointment cos we have to judge whether it is or not...(and more often than not it isn't).

yes.. and I understand the need for that....    but some take it to the point where what they are actually doing is triage... 

I also get all the out of hours reports and A & E reports....half of them stuff people consider worthy of turning up to Grabadoc or the A&E for I wouldn't even bother making a Dr's appointment for!
yeah... I know.     20:80 rule..    20% of patients make 80% of appointments.    I don't get it..  the last place I want to be is at the doctors (all those germs!!!)..  or in A&E  (even more germs.)
I was at my Doctor's this week... jab booster for a trip.... anyway there is a scrolling LED screen telling you that using your mobile phone at the surgery will lay waste to half of mankind interspersed with the statistics of booked but missed appointments nand how much that costs...mostly wasted on the people there on the basis that they have to have turned up to read the message

is a scrolling LED screen 

how quaint.    Ours has a big plasma tv with a load of billy basic info adverts presented in crap cartoon form on a continuous loop.   

It gets exciting when it gets to the "meet your surgery staff" bit though...    A quick profile on all the doctors, & the nurses, & the pharmacy staff, and the practise manager...   then a subliminal blip where they have squeezed all the admin staff onto one page... and shown it onscreen for .02 of a second! 
Mine has lesbian art..  

I kid you not..     I assume it changes... and they exhibit a selection of paintings by various local artists..   but when I was there it was a few very abstract paintings (dots... & lines... ) and the little bit of white card underneath them said "Lesbian Art"  by local lesbian artist doobery wotsit!

It made me want to have a conversation with somebody about it...     but I thought best not to!

*wonders whether I need to put a disclaimer explaining I have no problem with art producted by a lesbian... but by the need for it to be labelled as such*

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