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It's one thing to be annoyed at someone not pulling their weight in there, fair enough, Ben by his own admission is a lazy git!   The relentless attack by the 'mob' this morning was way too much, and as usual  Steve was the instigator, acting tough in front of his 'men'!  Pfffft..... but like the old woman he is, he started it all, then stood behind  the windows twitching the curtains.  Mob rule at it's worst, and it's time they left him alone.  Fops, and hapless ones at that,  have feeling too you know! Call themselves MEN?   Not a decent pair amongst the lot of them IMHO!
It's one thing to be annoyed at someone not pulling their weight in there, fair enough, Ben by his own admission is a lazy git! The relentless attack by the 'mob' this morning was way too much, and as usual Steve was the instigator, acting tough in front of his 'men'! Pfffft..... but like the old woman he is, he started it all, then stood behind the windows twitching the curtains. Mob rule at it's worst, and it's time they left him alone. Fops, and hapless ones at that, have feeling too you know! Call themselves MEN? Not a decent pair amongst the lot of them IMHO!
Well Said Tiddly
It's one thing to be annoyed at someone not pulling their weight in their, far enough, Ben by his own admission is a lazy git!   The relentless attack by the 'mob' this morning was way too much, and as usual  Steve was the instigator, acting tough in front of his 'men'!  Pfffft..... but like the old woman he is, he started it all, then stood behind  the windows twitching the curtains.  Mob rule at it's worst, and it's time they left him alone.  Fops, and hapless ones at that,  have feeling too you know! Call themselves MEN?   Not a decent pair amongst the lot of them IMHO!
My heart goes out to him at times Tidds,I want to give him a big hug and say chin up....yes he needs to get motivated with the tasks but this day after day being on his case is actually tantamount to bullying imo,lord I hate that word and using it.
Corin isn't sweet....she's one tough little cookie, who is only after herself!  Same as Gloria (aka iffy) her voice changes depending on who she's talking to, and she had a moan about Corin not sharing her clohes, when she got her case back, and Iffy was moaning that she could have shared with her.  Still on the subject of Iffy...does she forget that as a smoker, she feels entitled to help herself to Ben's biscuits?
But even Corin is wagging a little finger at him. Why do they all feel they have the right to lecture him? May be because he refuses to see where he makes mistakes but is hot off the press to see it in others. And even though he is polite, he can be extremely patronising himself.
You seen him lecturing others suzy?
You seen him lecturing others suzy?
Yes I have, on numerous occasions squiggle. Just because you choose not to see any bad points in him doesn't make you a super fan, it makes you blinkered. I've seen what you've said in the fan thread about everyone else being aggressive and as we've been over this ground before, I'll not give you the satisfaction of losing my rag. Ben is witty at times, is polite most of the time, but he is not perfect or without fault. So hold your Boudicca shield firm in the knowledge that you wont be getting any further arrows from me 
I really hope he doesn't leave. He more than the others have made me laugh, which is more enjoyable than an HM who makes me mad or frustrated.

It's a bit much for them all to keep having a go at him re tasks etc. He's not good at them, not good at most physical things but they should now accept him for who he is just as they all have to try and accept traits that others have that annoys them. In the process leading to Ben being chosen by BB he will have gone through tasks given to all possible HM's. BB knew he was hopeless at them, still selected him, probably because they knew it would cause arguments in the house. He's taken all the verbal flack quite well so far, no tantrums or shouting back. They should give him a break.
Yellow Rose
Yes I have, on numerous occasions squiggle. Just because you choose not to see any bad points in him doesn't make you a super fan, it makes you blinkered. I've seen what you've said in the fan thread about everyone else being aggressive and as we've been over this ground before, I'll not give you the satisfaction of losing my rag. Ben is witty at times, is polite most of the time, but he is not perfect or without fault. So hold your Boudicca shield firm in the knowledge that you wont be getting any further arrows from me
There really is no need to over-react suzy.  What you read in Ben's Buddies was a warning to a friend so that she did not blunder into the sort of situation which caused her to feel so upset in the past.  I can't of course stop you calling me names that is your prerogative.

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