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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

And then I was listening to Ashleigh telling someone it had all been misconstructed when she meant misconstrued - TBH I've lost count of the malapropisms so far this year - they do seem to be 'a bit ov a fick bunch'.

I don't want to say: 'I told you so' but I will. You as in one. The English language has taken a nosedive and won't retrieve itself. I really have no idea why I had to study the languge for 13 years only to see it being bastardised.

cologne 1

Michael Gove has the right idea I think


Learning a language will be compulsory from the age of seven and children as young as five will be expected to learn and recite poetry by heart under new proposals by Education Secretary Michael Gove

Following a major overhaul of the national curriculum for schools in England, primary schools could offer lessons in Mandarin, Latin and Greek as well as French, German and Spanish from September 2014.

He has promised a new focus on the traditional virtues of spelling and grammar when he sets out his plans for the teaching of English in primary schools later this week.

The Education Secretary is said to be determined to make the teaching of English at primary school "far more rigorous" than it is at present.


Everytime I pop over to the 'schland I'm amused by the new bits n bobs in the language, different expressions, and different meanings which have evolved just like here. It's no surprise in this globalised area of text, emails and twitter.

Strictly speaking the kids and hip cats at the forefront aren't particularly bothered about any rules for something which is constantly changing.

However numeracy does seem to be part of a proper science and as I normally point out at this juncture, it's not the people who had zero tolerance for Ronald Ridout who got us in this mess, it's the people who can't count.

Nevertheless I'm sure that if Mr Ridout was still with us he would surely tell Gove and his pals to do one.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Just noticed Chris saying he doesn't want people's perspections of him to change!

I don't think that they will, Supes.


Didn't he end last night's show by exclaiming that "We are all cannibals"? 

Well it might make interesting viewing for some, but I think I'll stop watching


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