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I have rarely seen a television programme trailed more heavily than Michael Winner's new series starting tomorrow.

I usually think of him as a pretty unpleasant man who actually enjoys being nasty to people. Some of his restaurant reviews have been very unpleasant and rude.
In my Guardian TV Guide the preview says that this programme is "Fun, but feels like a computer-generated composite of five or six other existing popular shows."
In the same magazine Charlie Brooker says:
"Winner revels in his arrogant eccentric's role. Each moment he's on screen is deeply, unpleasantly strange."
Brooker says "At one point this week everyone in the room is genuinely in tears, and I almost followed suit....

(Oops - don't know what happened there - it just changed to heavy black print.)
Any thoughts on Winner?
Any thoughts on cooking programmes? Are there too many?
Any thoughts on deliberating offending and upsetting people for our 'entertainment'?

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What a horrible man ........the people who have out themselves out in trying to impress him with their cooking are fools. He will never be impressed - he's simply a horrible person IMO .............i'd rather put myself out cooking for friends who'd appreciate it ...............................his seal of approval would mean absoloutely nothing to me.
Soozy Woo

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