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Originally posted by Trollop:
I did today infact. In a meeting with a client he asked if we could settle his claim as quickly as possible. 'Hes self employed, times are hard...hes already had a couple of his clients go down on him....'

Try as I did, my sniggers got louder...

Luckily he saw the funny side Ninja

Nice one Trollop - I would have laughed too! Laugh
*Triggers sniggers*
I used to work for a newspaper taking ads and the Lost and Found.

a lady rang to say that she'd found a little teddy outside her house dressed in Christmas clothes. she said that she'd sat it on the wal (hoping someone would claim it) but it kept blowing off. Laugh

i was in bits imagining this little trumping teddy bear ......someone had to finish the phone call for me and take her details.
Soozy Woo
I was once at a German language school in Austria and one of the tutors was explaining about Tyrolean hats and that the feather was a sign of virility and strength of the man in such serious tones but I couldn't stop laughing and the more I tried the more I laughed so I had to stuff my scarf in my mouth to deafen the sounds Ninja
Originally posted by Trollop:
I did today infact. In a meeting with a client he asked if we could settle his claim as quickly as possible. 'Hes self employed, times are hard...hes already had a couple of his clients go down on him....'

Try as I did, my sniggers got louder...

Luckily he saw the funny side Ninja


Its always happening to me.
Usually I'm finding something one of the kids does at school inappropriately funny.I know I shouldnt laugh.I've had to leave the room before now because i knew I was going to snort with laughter.
Originally posted by Triggers:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I got the giggles in the Headmaster's office, when he read me out some nonsense that I'd written, instead of an essay, during a detention. Glance

Maybe it's time to see this again - Don't laugh! Mad

I tried not to laugh Blizzie! Laugh Laugh

LOL! Laugh
is that real or a set up
it made me laugh anyway Laugh
the bloke with high voice talking about 'sweet talk' Laugh
Maybe it's time to see this again - Don't laugh!
OMG - what a video ... laughed myself silly and yet so sad too ...

in my younger years, my sister and I got to laughing in class one day and she swallowed the eraser from her pencil which caused me to laugh even harder while she is over there gagging ... make a long story short I ended up in the principals office with a board whippin (and not laughing fer a while)

my daughter says she gets that nervous laugh when she gives blood ...
Absolutely all the time, I tend to find everything funny (apart from things that are intended to be) and the sound of laughing makes me laugh and if someone else is laughing with me I just never stop. It's the only thing I get in trouble for at college/school is laughing when I shouldn't. I think one of the worst times was in Music, the teacher was a hilarious man anyway and he was doing this call and response thing and lunging forward with this guitar and everything he was doing was hilarious, I was screaming with laughter, I couldn't breathe and the teacher was getting SO angry at me, he made me move then asked me my name and I could only squeak at him before continuing laughing from my new position.

Another time I was at a wedding and me and my nan said something funny to me so I turned to repeated it to my mum before fully realising how funny it was, it was just as they were about to do the vows and me and my mum just burst out laughing and we had to try and suppress it so we were just heaving up and down, bright red, crying but trying so hard to be silent, and of course every time we calmed down we just remembered it again and started alll over again.

Ohh and another time, I was at college in an assembly about poverty and there was a video being shown about sending aid boxes to Africa and the voice over man had the most hilarious voice which me and my friend found hysterical, so we were crying with laughter whilst this really serious video was being played and it looked so much like we were laughing at the famine and poverty being shown on the video

I always laugh when people tell me important things as well, like when one of my best friends came out to me I just laughed in his face and then had to spend ages apologising. And my laugh is really loud and cackling and I tend to...thrash about a bit and slap my thigh or anything in reach so it's hardly subtle.

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