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Whenever any of my work coleagues etc. see me blow my nose, they always ask if I have a cold. Why? Am I the only person in the world that blows their nose at times OTHER than when they have a cold?

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'm a snuffly person and always have a hanky nearby, and always have been like it. Also, in the mornings when I'm not fully awake, and at night when I'm tired, I have a husky croaky voice.. So no, you're not the only one, and yes it's very annoying when people assume you have a cold! we should ban these people! I also have customers who don't like it when I do have a cold, but they still come in and give me germs when they're ill
~Sparkling Summer~

I have sinus problems and people are always asking me if i have a cold  my mum can't get rid of her cold, she's had it for about 2 mths now and dad is ready for throttling her for always sniffing 


I have a horrible one at the mo, it's a throaty, chesty one; not a sniffly one at all.


I'm not a sniffly person but I suffer badly with asthma so people often ask me if I have a chesty cold when I am just a bit wheezy, so I sympathise with the OP

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I like those balm tissues

They're the only kind I use now, both when I have a cold and when I don't.


In my understanding, if you only blow your nose when you have a cold, then your nasal  mucus membrane isn't working properly and is not acting as a barrier to dirt and germs.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Lol theres a Benylin advert at the bottom of this thread

Is there? I only have a wee box inviting me to download Google Chrome which I already have, but I'm using FF.

 If I was using Chrome do you think the box would be inviting me to download FF?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I have Allergic Rhinitis too Rexi. It's quite mild though, and is often set off by the consumption of hot food - which is quite annoying - it miraculously clears up the minute the food's finished.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I have Allergic Rhinitis too Rexi. It's quite mild though, and is often set off by the consumption of hot food - which is quite annoying - it miraculously clears up the minute the food's finished.

Mine started when I had my eldest daughter - the doctor said that once my body recovered from the birth it would disappear.


She was 21 last week

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by nuts:

I haven't got any ads....I've got an ad blocker 

So have I, but it still lets a few through.

LOL! mine doesn't appear to 


Well you can blow your nose with hay fever or anything can't you?  Even if I go out in the wet and cold, I blow my nose sometimes.


What pisses me off, is that I don't feel the cold much, so I generally just wear a thin-ish top, and jeans or whatever, and if I had a pound for every time someone has said 'AREN'T YOU COLD?' I could retire now!  It really irks me!


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