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that is pretty spot on (in a tongue in cheek kinda way)..   


I especially liked these bits about the Asda shopper profile.. 



Who Shops There? Budget-conscious old folk in comfy slacks and sandals, bravely jostling for space alongside young mums with six unruly children in tow wearing more hair scrunchies and leisure suits than you can shake a stick at.  Shop there and you’ll notice that as far as the younger Asda shoppers are concerned, Satay and Coulis are nice names to call twins.

The Asda Experience: As well as the usual staples, Asda is the supermarket that gladly caters for the less sophisticated palate — where you can still buy cheese that you squeeze from a tube, fruit yoghurts the colour of highlighter pens, and pickled onions that haven’t been rebranded as ‘cocktail onions’.

The GoodCheap, unchallenging and an adventure playground for anyone who wants to lose themselves in a world of E numbers rather than live a virtuous life on organic, eco, Fair Trade.

But best of all is Asda FM — their in-store radio station—  where you can bop to Abba and Brotherhood Of Man while filling your trolley with delicious junk food and not feel a twinge of shame.

The Bad: Let’s be honest, it’s some of the customers. Trolley rage is rife, as the younger clientele treat the aisles like an indoor karting track.

Out in the car park, competition for the spaces nearest the doors is fiercer than an EasyJet boarding queue.

Typical Basket: Panda pop, Findus Crispy Pancakes, Turkey Twizzlers, Take A Break Magazine, Vienetta ice cream and a bottle of Malibu

I have experienced all of the above when down at our Asda..    I have learned to never go there after 9pm (its like the wild west)..    

And before anyone thinks I am a supermarket snob..    my main supermarket is a Tesco.     I shop at Asda now & then, and very occasionally at Waitrose 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

Zen like calm in Waitrose?! They obviously haven't been to the Canary Wharf store, rudest, pushiest people in any supermarket ever. Twatty bankers probably

tis definitely a zen like calm in our Waitrose .... 


I only go there on special occasional  (like my birthday - I kid you not!!!!)


its all quiet, & bright, & clean, & only a few people in there...   the trolleys glide silently.. 


my only issue with them is that they hid put raw broad beans in my prawn & mango salad..  undeclared broad beans..   it wasn't called prawn, mango & broad bean salad..   oh no!



(sorry Saz..  I thought I was over it..    obviously I'm not quite there yet )


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I use Morrisons for my main shop ...........toiletries cleaning stuff and some meat and veg and the twice a week (or so) i use Marks and Spencer ..............two opposite ends of the spectrum. The thing is - (eapecially if like me you don't drive) you shop where it's near and convenient.

yup I go to Azdah for me big shop cos its cheaper And top up with things from Tesco/Waitrose/M&S

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
tis definitely a zen like calm in our Waitrose .... 


I only go there on special occasional  (like my birthday - I kid you not!!!!)


its all quiet, & bright, & clean, & only a few people in there...   the trolleys glide silently.. 


my only issue with them is that they hid put raw broad beans in my prawn & mango salad..  undeclared broad beans..   it wasn't called prawn, mango & broad bean salad..   oh no!



(sorry Saz..  I thought I was over it..    obviously I'm not quite there yet )


you have broad bean rage!


Honestly, the nobbers in my Waitrose make the people in my Asda look calm and civillised even the ones with 5 unruly kids


What a load of crap  Some people have too much time on their hands if they can sit and pigeon hole people like that. 


I shop in Tesco because it's close, it's cheap and they have double points which means at Xmas I get over ÂĢ100 in free vouchers to spend. All shops have products for all price ranges and if you walk round them it's not just one type of person you see. 


I also shop a lot in the pound shop. 


Hilarious article, nearby there are asda, tesco, morrison's, sainsbury's aldi and a coop so i have a lot of choice.  i tend to use tesco with "top-up" from coop and morrisons - i don't fit either stereotype!   i avoid asda because people will do anything to park near to the entrance especially parking in parent and child spaces


I don't really get the scrabble to park right next to the entrance thing, unless it's pissing with rain or summat. If I'm driving (which is never here - I sometimes drive to big Tesco when I'm at my parents) I always park a reasonable distance from the entrance. Less likely the car will get bumped/scratched by some muppet not looking where they are going with their trolley

Originally Posted by machel:

Hilarious article, nearby there are asda, tesco, morrison's, sainsbury's aldi and a coop so i have a lot of choice.  i tend to use tesco with "top-up" from coop and morrisons - i don't fit either stereotype!   i avoid asda because people will do anything to park near to the entrance especially parking in parent and child spaces

They do that at ALL supermarkets, in my experience. I've seen people roaming round for ten to twenty minutes in order to get a spot close to the door.


Do they not realize they could have been in and out and away off home in that time if they had just parked farther away? But of course....that would have meant WALKING!!!!


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I hate paying that Saz (tight Scot!).. but I really think I save it by not being tempted to pick extra stuff up in the shop (and not missing any special offers because they're all in a nice list).. besides.. ÂĢ3.95 is worth it to me to gain back the time.    I work quite long hours and never having to go shopping on the way home is fabby! 


ps.. I also have three flights of stairs and having a nice bloke cart it up all them and deposit it in the kitchen is also fabby.   Although.. I'm not sure how he's going to cope tonight because I'm getting a new roof and the house is surrounded by scaffolding - it took me to get my handbag past it all tonight....



Tis a shame the high street butcher, fishmonger, baker, Ironmongers, are slowly disappearing, BUT........who's fault is it?.. OURS...we found an easier way to shop...


Soon Shops of any kind will close down and we will all be typing in our requests to warehouses...


Of course there will always be the which warehouse do you use?  snobbery...


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