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 Getting the hump with someone beause of something you DREAMED they did? No...
But I've often dreamed that I've woken up, when in fact it's just a new strand of the same dream.

And the OH is really random - I gave him a shove because he was muttering and fidgeting in his sleep, and told him if he didn't pack it in, he'd have to go and sleep downstairs.
He just said (in a very superior, exasperated voice): "But it's the 15th Century downstairs." I asked what he'd said and he repeated it, in an even more incredulous tone. Then turned over and went back to sleep!
I know he's a history grauate, but still..
so realistic you wake up and for a few seconds youre convinced it happened?
Not personally, but I have a friend who has had dreams that have come true, such as her brother-in-law died and stood at the end of the bed asking her to tell his wife he was OK (and he died in the clothes she saw him wearing in the "dream"). There was more to that dream that made it really spooky but too much to go into here.

And she dreamt that a foot came through the bedroom ceiling and a week later or so it actually happened - some weird neighbour who used to watch her went through the loft spaces between the terraces and his leg came through her ceiling - he was trying to get in her house.

So, on this evidence I would say your OH is having an affair!
Baby Bunny
my hubby has had the hump with me cos he dreamed I was having an affair...

more than once as well!

I just ask him if my lover was hot.... and then start pestering him to describe him to me... that soon snaps him out of it!

Oh & baby bunny.... I've had the premonition dreams too...  loads when I was pregnant - nothing major, stuff like an outfit someone would buy for my daughter, an argument I would have with a friend...   I walked around for the first six months of my daughters life constantly getting bouts of deja vous... and then realising it was because I'd dreamt it!
Once  when my parents were going on holiday I dreamt that someone put a bomb on their plane...  I freaked out and told my Mum... told her she had to watch out for dodgy blokes in overalls near the plane!  (doh!)

I was younger then... I wouldn't freak her out like that now... she's a terrified flyer as it is.

When they were waiting to check in they were offered an upgrade to first class if they agreed to fly on the next plane...  my mother went into indecision meltdown... frantically wittering to my Dad "but which plane did Kate (me) dream about... this one... or the upgrade one"

They took the upgrade... but my Dad said he had to get my mum to drink nearly half a bottle of scotch to get her on the plane!

I was discussing this with my friend tonight - I asked had she had a similar dream and she had.

She dreamt that her OH left her for some stunner but at the same time she had also met someone and was really happy and didn't care that the OH had toddled off with said stunner.

Next morning she was in a bad mood with him because of the dream (she had no guilt about her own adulteress behaviour in it ) and OH asked "What's the matter with you?" and she snapped "NOTHING!!".

She told me she was in a bad mood with him because she suspected he would have behaved in RL as he did in the dream given the opportunity!!
Baby Bunny
I made the mistake once of saying to my little brother...'do you remmeber when we were kids and we would jump off the top of the pigpens with our hands in our anorak pockets and we could fly a bit if it was windy enough?' 

It must have been some dream cos I couldn't understand why he looked at me like I was certifiable (I was in my 20's at the time)
I have the dreams that come true too  but a strange thing happened on Wednesday, my dad is retired now and is bored, so he likes to do all my gardening for me  anyway, i needed to go to the shop and was expecting my shopping to be delivered and told my dad to look out for the delivery, off i went to the shops and on my way back an ambulance and a delivery van past me, i thought to myself i hope the delivery van is for house and not the ambulance, on this thought i started walking faster, got home and neither was there only my dad cutting the grass

While he was cutting the grass, i started putting together a table i'd bought earlier and got stuck, so dad said he'd help me when he'd finished the grass, all was going well till we went to put the top on the table and dad stood up and cracked his head on the old table that was standing up againast the wall  there was blood all over the place, his shirt was covered back and front  luckily a nurse lives across the road and she came and looked after him, i hate these thoughts i have cause they nearly always come true accept the lottery ones  dad is ok btw
There is nothing better than waking up from a particularly distressing dream and realising that it was just a dream and everything is alright
it takes me ages to throw off the doom & gloom though...  even though my logical mind knows it was a dream.   Its one of the best things about being married & sharing a bed ....  being able to shoot across the bed and cling onto him when I've had a bad dream...  I'm not sure it quite outweighs the snoring... but it helps!
I'm not sure it quite outweighs the snoring...

I am familiar with this problem

According to my husband I have quite a few nightmares -  apparantly I'm always shouting out in my sleep...arms flailing

Fortunately I don't seem to remember many of them - only the very "lifelike"ones that seem like they could actually happen.

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