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Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by tupps:
I'm a point and laugh at Most Haunted kinda gal. But I have seen a ghost.. or something.. it was not right I tell ya. Ghost

was it you who told us the story of seeing the old man in the car in the US?
if it was tell us again-if it wasnt..then dont Wink

Yes... that is my sooopernatural experience.. and I was not drunk!
I would love to think that there is something more out there.

I used to believe in spirituralists and mediums (never Derek Okora of course), but generally I thought there was life after death.

I used to be able to smell my nana's perfume from time to time and I was convinced that she was watching over me.

My mother died in 2007 - something that I'm still not over. But since then my belief systems have been shattered. How could anyone who loved me as much as she did (and trust me she was all for her family) anyway, how could she not come and say Hi? I just don't know anymore if there is anything else, or if it's, well, you're here and then you're not.

In any event China, I think it's nice that those smells give you some comfort and we need something to cling onto when we lose our loved ones.

I'd love to get some proof that my mam was okay but whether or not it will ever come - I've no idea.
Towno :)
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by tupps:
I'm a point and laugh at Most Haunted kinda gal. But I have seen a ghost.. or something.. it was not right I tell ya. Ghost

was it you who told us the story of seeing the old man in the car in the US?
if it was tell us again-if it wasnt..then dont Wink

Yes... that is my sooopernatural experience.. and I was not drunk!

tell us tupps
it really stuck in my mind
well..there is a lot of room in there Smiler
Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Sexy_Kelly:
My grandad follows me. 2 people have seen him Nod

is he dead?

Yes Frowner He died when i was 11. When he first died i left 2 tic tacs in the bottom of the warbrode for him to have if he ever came to visit me and i would check them every day to see if he had been. Dont ask me why Crazy
Oh gawd I wish I'd written this somewhere and I could cut and paste..

I was driving.. daylight.. Vermont. Boyf at the time in the passenger seat. Remember this is the US and so I'm on the left of the car, driving on the left. The road was like a dual carriageway with a large grassy median in the middle.

I wasn't speeding on this occasion. Bright winters day, road conditions good.

A car was approaching behind me going just a smidge faster than me and pulled out to the left to overtake me... which he did ridiculously slowly imo. As he overtook I looked to my left and saw a younger guy driving and an older guy in the passenger seat. He looked like an older version of the guy driving. The older guy looked at me and smiled. The car passed drove a safe distance and pulled in in front of me. The car seats did not have head rests.. when the car pulled in front of me I noticed there was only the driver.

I thought the old fella had probably bent down to get something. But he didn't resurface. I told the boyf at the time and we stayed behind the car... but still no resurfacing of the old fella. We were behind that car for miiillllees and still no sign. So we thought maybe he had slumped right down in the seat and was having a snooze.

At this point we had become like the Scooby Doo gang.. Ninja

Anyhoo many many many miles later the car in front (who I was stalking Ninja) pulled into one of those rest stops.. the kind where it is just a grassy area, some loos and a couple of woefully stocked vending machines. He parked up and I parked up near him. We watched as he got out and went to the mens loo. We got out... and we didn't take our eye off this car the whole time.. and walked up to the car.

There was no-one else in it.. Ghost
Originally posted by tupps:
Oh gawd I wish I'd written this somewhere and I could cut and paste..

I was driving.. daylight.. Vermont. Boyf at the time in the passenger seat. Remember this is the US and so I'm on the left of the car, driving on the left. The road was like a dual carriageway with a large grassy median in the middle.

I wasn't speeding on this occasion. Bright winters day, road conditions good.

A car was approaching behind me going just a smidge faster than me and pulled out to the left to overtake me... which he did ridiculously slowly imo. As he overtook I looked to my left and saw a younger guy driving and an older guy in the passenger seat. He looked like an older version of the guy driving. The older guy looked at me and smiled. The car passed drove a safe distance and pulled in in front of me. The car seats did not have head rests.. when the car pulled in front of me I noticed there was only the driver.

I thought the old fella had probably bent down to get something. But he didn't resurface. I told the boyf at the time and we stayed behind the car... but still no resurfacing of the old fella. We were behind that car for miiillllees and still no sign. So we thought maybe he had slumped right down in the seat and was having a snooze.

At this point we had become like the Scooby Doo gang.. Ninja

Anyhoo many many many miles later the car in front (who I was stalking Ninja) pulled into one of those rest stops.. the kind where it is just a grassy area, some loos and a couple of woefully stocked vending machines. He parked up and I parked up near him. We watched as he got out and went to the mens loo. We got out... and we didn't take our eye off this car the whole time.. and walked up to the car.

There was no-one else in it.. Ghost

i love that!
proper spooksville Nod
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Originally posted by tupps:

I can confirm that morning I had a cup of reasonably priced coffee and a muffin your honour. Ninja

I was tucking into a buttered muffin as I read that....

Coincidence..? Or a near-tangible glimpse of something beyond all understanding...? Ghost

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio Ghost
Originally posted by tupps:
I have to say, it was one of those woaaaah moments.

Apparently it is quite common to see ghosties travelling in cars with loved ones. Anyway he seemed a nice chap.. smiled.. no menacing grimace or anything. It could have been worse..

Eeker did you speak to the driver when he came back?
Originally posted by barney:
Originally posted by tupps:
I have to say, it was one of those woaaaah moments.

Apparently it is quite common to see ghosties travelling in cars with loved ones. Anyway he seemed a nice chap.. smiled.. no menacing grimace or anything. It could have been worse..

Eeker did you speak to the driver when he came back?

No. I'm not sure how I would have put it. Aside from the apparition of what I can only assume was his late Father or Grandfather.. he had been stalked and followed for miles by two crazy Brits in Scooby Doo mode. Ninja
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Originally posted by barney:

Eeker did you speak to the driver when he came back?

Are you kidding? He chased them into the woods with an axe. Then, in the distance, they heard the strains of 2 duelling banjos... Pumpkin

That's Virginia.. this was Vermont.. far more civilised. They do their killings on ski-doo.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by barney:
Originally posted by tupps:
I have to say, it was one of those woaaaah moments.

Apparently it is quite common to see ghosties travelling in cars with loved ones. Anyway he seemed a nice chap.. smiled.. no menacing grimace or anything. It could have been worse..

Eeker did you speak to the driver when he came back?

No. I'm not sure how I would have put it. Aside from the apparition of what I can only assume was his late Father or Grandfather.. he had been stalked and followed for miles by two crazy Brits in Scooby Doo mode. Ninja

true Nod go Velma Thumbs Up

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