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Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Thanks for sharing BB, what you shared doesn't come as a surprise to me Smiler

Not entirely OT but I also did voluntary work for Riding For The Disabled amongst other things I've enjoyed doing voluntary work for. The time spent with the children has always been one of my fondest and unforgettable memories. They all had an expected short life term and having previously worked with healthy children that I also enjoyed immensely those children taught me more than many adults ever have

Yes, RDA Groups are always short of volunteers. I know only too well because we were endlessly needing to recruit them.

No experience needed. Just have to be over 16 years and physically fit - and reliable!

I can guarantee that it's a fun way of losing weight too. Thumbs Up

I only got involved because a friend who was a volunteer said they were desperate for more helpers and she knew I did voluntary work of various kinds. I became terrified of horses years prior as every time I tried to ride them I'd been thrown off, so I came to love small animals rather than big lol.

Anyway I kept making excuses as to why I couldn't volunteer but after a few weeks she got fed up with my excuses and said she'd call for me at 9pm on a certain day. I was so annoyed with myself that I hadn't been able to say NO in strong terms so she'd stop asking me lol.

On the day she picked me up I was so scared of having to learn how to tack horses and work with them and I was cursing her under my breath lol, especially when she told me on the way there there were two different sessions that day. I consoled myself that I'd be so useless I wouldnt be asked to come back lol. No way that day could I have known it was a life altering experience in so many ways.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
"Most Haunted!" is just a daft show,so staged.However if you believe that somehow humans are more worthy than any other animal on the planet of an "afterlife" then....go for it.

We are atoms in the end that will return to atoms.

Animals have an afterlife dog died 4 years ago and I've seen her twice

good then,I've had several budgies ,and to date four hamsters,booger all have come through.. waits....

|I have two rabbits,hope they live a while yet before they haunt me...."

Keep waiting- they will all come at once. Eeker Big Grin

Filth! well we do have slugs in the garden..

Laugh Well me mam has just appeared ( RIP ) and told me to go to bed so sees ya all laters. Hug Wave

Sensible woman there,,,
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Tequila:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
"Most Haunted!" is just a daft show,so staged.However if you believe that somehow humans are more worthy than any other animal on the planet of an "afterlife" then....go for it.

We are atoms in the end that will return to atoms.

Animals have an afterlife dog died 4 years ago and I've seen her twice

good then,I've had several budgies ,and to date four hamsters,booger all have come through.. waits....

|I have two rabbits,hope they live a while yet before they haunt me...."

Maybe they have Katty but you havent been "open" to it Wink
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
"Most Haunted!" is just a daft show,so staged.However if you believe that somehow humans are more worthy than any other animal on the planet of an "afterlife" then....go for it.

We are atoms in the end that will return to atoms.

I respect your view of your beliefs. Mine are different. My belief is animals have an after life as well, I have seen some of mine that have passed over.

My belief is also that we are Spirit first and foremost but presently in human condition and return to our true Spiritual nature when we pass over. That we chose to come here for experiences needed by our soul that have not been experienced before. Each to his/her own belief Smiler
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Thanks for sharing BB, what you shared doesn't come as a surprise to me Smiler

Not entirely OT but I also did voluntary work for Riding For The Disabled amongst other things I've enjoyed doing voluntary work for. The time spent with the children has always been one of my fondest and unforgettable memories. They all had an expected short life term and having previously worked with healthy children that I also enjoyed immensely those children taught me more than many adults ever have

Yes, RDA Groups are always short of volunteers. I know only too well because we were endlessly needing to recruit them.

No experience needed. Just have to be over 16 years and physically fit - and reliable!

I can guarantee that it's a fun way of losing weight too. Thumbs Up

I only got involved because a friend who was a volunteer said they were desperate for more helpers and she knew I did voluntary work of various kinds. I became terrified of horses years prior as every time I tried to ride them I'd been thrown off, so I came to love small animals rather than big lol.

Anyway I kept making excuses as to why I couldn't volunteer but after a few weeks she got fed up with my excuses and said she'd call for me at 9pm on a certain day. I was so annoyed with myself that I hadn't been able to say NO in strong terms so she'd stop asking me lol.

On the day she picked me up I was so scared of having to learn how to tack horses and work with them and I was cursing her under my breath lol, especially when she told me on the way there there were two different sessions that day. I consoled myself that I'd be so useless I wouldnt be asked to come back lol. No way that day could I have known it was a life altering experience in so many ways.

I'm so glad you stuck at it. Incidently for anyone interested who may be reading this, in most places the staff will tack up the ponies etc and all the volunteers have to do is to actually assist the child in the menage while they are having their riding lersson. For many cvhildrten they need three helpers each. One to lead the pony and two on either side to steady the child if needed. But of course if some volunteers are experiences with riding horses them the staff of the riding school will be very grateful of any help.

Sometimes volunteers are needed to drive the children and a family member to the riding school as they are so often in a rural area with poor bus services.
oh and I cant let this go without having a good old rant at "Most Haunted", I watch it, I watch it ALOT, but it IS a PILE OF KACK,
"paranormal investgators" MY HAIRY ARSE,
WHAT a bunch of tossers, that bloody fielding woman is a cabbage, mind you she has done very well thank you out of it,
I watched their own tv channel the other day jesus christ on a bike, there was her hubby, some bloke I have mever heard of, that Kath, the make up lady who pees her self all the time....WHY DO THEY EMPLOY HER???
ANYWAY they were all sat around a table "debating" various topics, life after death, reincarnation, life on other planets, Alien abductions etc etc,, I have never heard such a load of misinformed SHITE in my life, still, it keeps the money coming in I suppose, Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Thanks for sharing BB, what you shared doesn't come as a surprise to me Smiler

Not entirely OT but I also did voluntary work for Riding For The Disabled amongst other things I've enjoyed doing voluntary work for. The time spent with the children has always been one of my fondest and unforgettable memories. They all had an expected short life term and having previously worked with healthy children that I also enjoyed immensely those children taught me more than many adults ever have

Yes, RDA Groups are always short of volunteers. I know only too well because we were endlessly needing to recruit them.

No experience needed. Just have to be over 16 years and physically fit - and reliable!

I can guarantee that it's a fun way of losing weight too. Thumbs Up

I only got involved because a friend who was a volunteer said they were desperate for more helpers and she knew I did voluntary work of various kinds. I became terrified of horses years prior as every time I tried to ride them I'd been thrown off, so I came to love small animals rather than big lol.

Anyway I kept making excuses as to why I couldn't volunteer but after a few weeks she got fed up with my excuses and said she'd call for me at 9pm on a certain day. I was so annoyed with myself that I hadn't been able to say NO in strong terms so she'd stop asking me lol.

On the day she picked me up I was so scared of having to learn how to tack horses and work with them and I was cursing her under my breath lol, especially when she told me on the way there there were two different sessions that day. I consoled myself that I'd be so useless I wouldnt be asked to come back lol. No way that day could I have known it was a life altering experience in so many ways.

I'm so glad you stuck at it. Incidently for anyone interested who may be reading this, in most places the staff will tack up the ponies etc and all the volunteers have to do is to actually assist the child in the menage while they are having their riding lersson. For many cvhildrten they need three helpers each. One to lead the pony and two on either side to steady the child if needed. But of course if some volunteers are experiences with riding horses them the staff of the riding school will be very grateful of any help.

Sometimes volunteers are needed to drive the children and a family member to the riding school as they are so often in a rural area with poor bus services.

I really hope you get some FM's interested in volunteering BB. Unless anyone spends time with such incredible children they'll never understand how much so called "disabled" children can teach them of the true values in life
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
oh and I cant let this go without having a good old rant at "Most Haunted", I watch it, I watch it ALOT, but it IS a PILE OF KACK,
"paranormal investgators" MY HAIRY ARSE,
WHAT a bunch of tossers, that bloody fielding woman is a cabbage, mind you she has done very well thank you out of it,
I watched their own tv channel the other day jesus christ on a bike, there was her hubby, some bloke I have mever heard of, that Kath, the make up lady who pees her self all the time....WHY DO THEY EMPLOY HER???
ANYWAY they were all sat around a table "debating" various topics, life after death, reincarnation, life on other planets, Alien abductions etc etc,, I have never heard such a load of misinformed SHITE in my life, still, it keeps the money coming in I suppose, Shake Head

The majority of entities they come into contact with are negative spirits stuck close to the Earth Plane either because of their beliefs, or non beliefs, or because they refuse to move on to a better place. That prog is very negative and shows nothing of the other side of the spiritual coin
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
oh and I cant let this go without having a good old rant at "Most Haunted", I watch it, I watch it ALOT, but it IS a PILE OF KACK,
"paranormal investgators" MY HAIRY ARSE,
WHAT a bunch of tossers, that bloody fielding woman is a cabbage, mind you she has done very well thank you out of it,
I watched their own tv channel the other day jesus christ on a bike, there was her hubby, some bloke I have mever heard of, that Kath, the make up lady who pees her self all the time....WHY DO THEY EMPLOY HER???
ANYWAY they were all sat around a table "debating" various topics, life after death, reincarnation, life on other planets, Alien abductions etc etc,, I have never heard such a load of misinformed SHITE in my life, still, it keeps the money coming in I suppose, Shake Head

The majority of entities they come into contact with are negative spirits stuck close to the Earth Plane either because of their beliefs, or non beliefs, or because they refuse to move on to a better place. That prog is very negative and shows nothing of the other side of the spiritual coin

Its not even that, its a serious subject, and shouldnt be brought down to the level of a tv "game show" the cut in shots of that Fielding woman wearing something daft, the silly video and camera effects,
on the live show the dry ice the strobe lights the cheering crowd of morons in the audience, Fielding and co marching in to loud music all wearing long leather coats "doing a rock star entrance" its NOT show biz,
Derek Achora has been caught out LYING THREE TIMES at least, they make a mockery of the whole subject, Nod
they are a bunch of disrespectful twats
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
oh and I cant let this go without having a good old rant at "Most Haunted", I watch it, I watch it ALOT, but it IS a PILE OF KACK,
"paranormal investgators" MY HAIRY ARSE,
WHAT a bunch of tossers, that bloody fielding woman is a cabbage, mind you she has done very well thank you out of it,
I watched their own tv channel the other day jesus christ on a bike, there was her hubby, some bloke I have mever heard of, that Kath, the make up lady who pees her self all the time....WHY DO THEY EMPLOY HER???
ANYWAY they were all sat around a table "debating" various topics, life after death, reincarnation, life on other planets, Alien abductions etc etc,, I have never heard such a load of misinformed SHITE in my life, still, it keeps the money coming in I suppose, Shake Head

The majority of entities they come into contact with are negative spirits stuck close to the Earth Plane either because of their beliefs, or non beliefs, or because they refuse to move on to a better place. That prog is very negative and shows nothing of the other side of the spiritual coin

Its not even that, its a serious subject, and shouldnt be brought down to the level of a tv "game show" the cut in shots of that Fielding woman wearing something daft, the silly video and camera effects,
on the live show the dry ice the strobe lights the cheering crowd of morons in the audience, Fielding and co marching in to loud music all wearing long leather coats "doing a rock star entrance" its NOT show biz,
Derek Achora has been caught out LYING THREE TIMES at least, they make a mockery of the whole subject, Nod
they are a bunch of disrespectful twats

I agree it's a serious subject when it comes down to a subject of life and death, something that affects everyone whether they're interested or not. Yes it's all very show biz and they have a tendency to concentrate on the dark side so it's not something I find spiritually interesting or uplifting, I'm aware of it but don't concentrate on it
Yellow Rose
Listen - I dont really believe in ghosts, but for arguments sake I am willing to accept the faintest possibility that there is a slim chance that 'creatures' have some form of energy that may have a slight chance of remaining, or appearing, somewhere after they have died in physical form, and by some unexplained process that energy can create an illusion reminiscent of its original form such that we (the living) can recognise it. What I am not willing to accept in any way shape or form is that (a) a bolt of cloth, (b) a piece of metal or leather has the same energy and the same qualities. So how did the 'see'r know that they were Roman Soldiers, or Victorian ladies or anything other than STARK NAKED HUMANS running about where they shouldn't be ????
doris stokes was a con artist with a good memory, she took money from people who had lost someone close and that is a terrible thing to do.

her tactics were to get her researher to get the local papers of the town she was next apearing at, she then trawled the obituries.
a week before she sent her resercher to stay in said town and go to the local pubs and get any info they could on people.
nasty bitch, i hope wherever she is she is in torment now.
Yes I do believe and am certain thar I have seen one, also I believe that family members come back to you in certain ways.

I would like some one to explain the significance of white feathers to me as I believe it is something to do with a loved one, and I get a lot of these in my house and car. I would like to think it is from my nan who I loved very much and couldn't face going to the hospital to see her after she had died or going to her funeral, but I now wear her wedding ring. I hope she understood it was because I loved her so much, I couldn't face that final goodbye. Crying
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Oh Wilder! This will be really very difficult for me as I have bad short term memory loss. But perhaps I can remember some of the details as it happened over 26 years ago.

OK, I will have to be ever so careful not to give away anything that may give a clue to the people involved other than what has been printed in one of her books.

This story dates back to the Falklands War. There was this family I knew very well. They had a wee physically disabled child. I knew the child and his family from the local Riding for the Disabled Group where I was a volunteer and committee member.

His brother was a soldier in the Army and was at the time currently serving in the Falklands. The boy proudly showed me a large watch he was wearing on his wrist. He told me it belonged to his soldier brother who gave him it and asked him to take care of it and to keep it safe until he returned safely back from the war. The child had been very upset when he heard what his brother was leaving the country for but the watch helped him to come to terms with it and he truly believed that if he kept the watch safe then his brother would be kept safe.

Well his brother was later reported as missing in action.

After the war was over and his brother's body had never been found, the family visited Doris Stokes and asked her if she could contact him.

She tried but ended up very confused. The family saw that something was not right and pressed her to be honest with them. She said she didn't know how to say this but she then said he is not dead!

The family couldn't believe what she was saying and they kept on pressing her for more details, could she somehow prove to them that she was indeed in contact with their son?

Doris then went on to mention a watch and a child. She hadn't a clue what it meant but she said she was getting messages saying tell him I will want my watch back.

That proved to the family that their son was alive somewhere. They then contacted the Army and told them about this. Now my memory becomes very hazy. I think Doris had asked the person she had contacted where he was and he said he was lost but he gave her very vague discriptions of his surroundings. I may be wrong about this.

The army found hin with those details I think. He had been living rough in a cave in the war zone and was in a pretty bad way. They think he had been concussed or shell-shocked during the heavy fighting, knocked unconcious and when he came to he was alone and had no memory of what had happened.

Thats all I can remember. It's a true story. Some of it appears in one of her books, but not all of it. Apologies to any of you who either read the story in the book and think I may have got some of the facts wrong, or to anyone else who knows this particular family. I have left a lot out because I can't trust that my memory may play tricks and add in things that may not be factual.

Doris was shocked. She didn't know how it came to happen that she ended up communicating with someone who was still alive.

As I said in an earlier post, Doris Stokes was not a charlaton. Before she became famous she went through hell with her gift and ended up being treated by a psychiatrist for a long time. She only became relaxed and comfortable with her gift after joining the local Spiritualist Church and getting support and guidance from the mediums there.

Originally BrianBunny

Thanks. That was interesting.

I was led to believe that your soul goes back to god after death.

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