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Originally posted by WILDER X:
but most haunted? ahahahahahhaha, i like watching it sometimes but it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fake

I agree its laughable.
Have you noticed they never hardly show you the room shots on night cam.
it always focused on the presenter and team.

it's always yvette's hubby who 'sees something' too Roll Eyes never seen anything that's made me think that it must be a ghost. most of the time i dont even hear what they apparently do.
Next! My cousin (who is adopted,and a reader she went to stated she was a powerful psychic)lived in a tenemant in Glasgow,she often felt a presence in the house,not always friendly.I never once stayed over at hers while she lived there,I always got a taxi home.She heard as she thought her husband come in the door and started talking to him etc,when she went to see him,no one there.

She saw a woman at the kitchen sink dressed in old fashioned clothes,circa 1920's.She phoned me up in hyterics.I believe folk experience things ,whether they are supernatural or otherwise is open to interpretation.
well go on then

Here's one that made us all wonder.

I was working in a large Victorian psychiatric hospital that was formally the city's lunatic asylum.

We were on night duty in what was by now the Elderly Care Unit. A colleague on an adjoining ward was very started to see a man walking towards her down the centre of the Nightingale ward from the direction of the fire escape. He continued walking and passed her then disappeared round the corridor.

She was very shaken up. Remember this was during the night and all exterior doors and fire escapes were secured. She contacted the Night Duty Charge Nurse and he came across to the unit from his office and asked her what she had experienced and after listening to her he also asked her for a complete description of the man.

He was sure it wasn't an intruder as the fire escape door was still secured and also because the description rang a bell with him but he had to wait until the next day before he could check up on what he was thinking.

We were both back on night duty the following night and this time we were working together on the same ward. I was there when the Charge Nurse came in to see her and he brought a framed photo with him which he showed her and asked if the man she saw was dressed like the person in the photo. She said he was dressed exactly like that!

He then explained that he had gone to the private museum in the hospital that belonged to a retired psychiatrist. As I said it was a private collection and not open to any of the staff or the public. But this Charge Nurse was a friend of the psychiatrist and had been there before and has seen the photo which had jogged his memory.

The photo was of a male nurse in the asylum and had been taken in the 19th century.
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i like watching ghost hunters international though (on in a min on living2)

mainly because we see the stuff they see, hear the stuff they hear and they at least try to debunk some of what they experience in a scientificish way. considering it's american it's not half as dramatised as most haunted.

I love that programme ... Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i like watching ghost hunters international though (on in a min on living2)

mainly because we see the stuff they see, hear the stuff they hear and they at least try to debunk some of what they experience in a scientificish way. considering it's american it's not half as dramatised as most haunted.

I love that programme ... Thumbs Up

tis much better Nod

gonna go watch it now with a pot noodle lol
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Right a couple of ghost storioes.

My uncle (now dead himself) was on guard during world war two at Edinburgh Castle,he saw a bloke and challenged him,the bloke walked right through him! Now my late uncle was a regular in the army and not prone to hysteria.He swore blind it happened,maybe folk leave behind an image or "essence" of themselves that when conditions are right it replays.

Thats what I have heard Katty. It sounds plausible.

It brought to mind something I read about that happened many years ago in a town that was once a Roman stronghold.

Workmen were working in a very large cellar when two of them were gobsmacked to see a long line of Roman soldiers march past them! Eeker

Research by the local paper discovered evidence to show that the cellar they were working in was directly on the site of an old Roman road.
Here's one that made us all wonder.

I was working in a large Victorian psychiatric hospital that was formally the city's lunatic asylum.

We were on night duty in what was by now the Elderly Care Unit. A colleague on an adjoining ward was very started to see a man walking towards her down the centre of the Nightingale ward from the direction of the fire escape. He continued walking and passed her then disappeared round the corridor.

She was very shaken up. Remember this was during the night and all exterior doors and fire escapes were secured. She contacted the Night Duty Charge Nurse and he came across to the unit from his office and asked her what she had experienced and after listening to her he also asked her for a complete description of the man.

He was sure it wasn't an intruder as the fire escape door was still secured and also because the description rang a bell with him but he had to wait until the next day before he could check up on what he was thinking.

We were both back on night duty the following night and this time we were working together on the same ward. I was there when the Charge Nurse came in to see her and he brought a framed photo with him which he showed her and asked if the man she saw was dressed like the person in the photo. She said he was dressed exactly like that!

He then explained that he had gone to the private museum in the hospital that belonged to a retired psychiatrist. As I said it was a private collection and not open to any of the staff or the public. But this Charge Nurse was a friend of the psychiatrist and had been there before and has seen the photo which had jogged his memory.

The photo was of a male nurse in the asylum and had been taken in the 19th century.

I would of been scared to work there again lol.

i like watching ghost hunters international though (on in a min on living2)

mainly because we see the stuff they see, hear the stuff they hear and they at least try to debunk some of what they experience in a scientificish way. considering it's american it's not half as dramatised as most haunted.

Just bought 2 dvd on ghost hunters.
Originally posted by WILDER X:
Here's one that made us all wonder.

I was working in a large Victorian psychiatric hospital that was formally the city's lunatic asylum.

We were on night duty in what was by now the Elderly Care Unit. A colleague on an adjoining ward was very started to see a man walking towards her down the centre of the Nightingale ward from the direction of the fire escape. He continued walking and passed her then disappeared round the corridor.

She was very shaken up. Remember this was during the night and all exterior doors and fire escapes were secured. She contacted the Night Duty Charge Nurse and he came across to the unit from his office and asked her what she had experienced and after listening to her he also asked her for a complete description of the man.

He was sure it wasn't an intruder as the fire escape door was still secured and also because the description rang a bell with him but he had to wait until the next day before he could check up on what he was thinking.

We were both back on night duty the following night and this time we were working together on the same ward. I was there when the Charge Nurse came in to see her and he brought a framed photo with him which he showed her and asked if the man she saw was dressed like the person in the photo. She said he was dressed exactly like that!

He then explained that he had gone to the private museum in the hospital that belonged to a retired psychiatrist. As I said it was a private collection and not open to any of the staff or the public. But this Charge Nurse was a friend of the psychiatrist and had been there before and has seen the photo which had jogged his memory.

The photo was of a male nurse in the asylum and had been taken in the 19th century.

I would of been scared to work there again lol.

i like watching ghost hunters international though (on in a min on living2)

mainly because we see the stuff they see, hear the stuff they hear and they at least try to debunk some of what they experience in a scientificish way. considering it's american it's not half as dramatised as most haunted.

Just bought 2 dvd on ghost hunters.

Believe me, many of the nurses were scared working there! There were lots of incidents happen but I think they all had rational explanations apart from this particular event.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Right a couple of ghost storioes.

My uncle (now dead himself) was on guard during world war two at Edinburgh Castle,he saw a bloke and challenged him,the bloke walked right through him! Now my late uncle was a regular in the army and not prone to hysteria.He swore blind it happened,maybe folk leave behind an image or "essence" of themselves that when conditions are right it replays.

Thats what I have heard Katty. It sounds plausible.

It brought to mind something I read about that happened many years ago in a town that was once a Roman stronghold.

Workmen were working in a very large cellar when two of them were gobsmacked to see a long line of Roman soldiers march past them! Eeker

Research by the local paper discovered evidence to show that the cellar they were working in was directly on the site of an old Roman road.

Well two hundred years ago ,photographs and videos would be "witchcraft" etc.Scientific conditions for capturing images etc.Maybe nature or non science conditions could do the same.Lots of things we still don't undrstand before going down the "supernatural" trail.
i was sure i saw my dad about a year after he died standing at the bottom of my bed....

sometimes i get a 'feeling'(can't describe it) and it feels like he's in the room.

dunno if it's just my mind playing tricks or not though

My grandad who dead now saw his father at the bottom of the bed when he was really ill. This was about 20 years before he died.

Believe me, many of the nurses were scared working there! There were lots of incidents happen but I think they all had rational explanations apart from this particular event.

Ok. Thanks.
Interesting. Need to phone haunted homes team. lol.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i was sure i saw my dad about a year after he died standing at the bottom of my bed....

sometimes i get a 'feeling'(can't describe it) and it feels like he's in the room.

dunno if it's just my mind playing tricks or not though

If it brings you comfort ,does it matter. Hug

i suppose not katty......

i've always carried the guilt i didn't make it to the hospital in maybe it's my mind making me feel better

i like to think he's around somewhere though.

i was a daddy's girl and i miss him loads.
Well I have lived in my house for 51 years(I'm 53) My granda died in the back room,my dad died too(suddenly),my mother died in hospital and a couple of years back my brother died in the living room(suddenly).So you would think, something would "linger",so far booger all.I suspect more folk died in this house too,it was built in 1920's.

So I am a cynic...
Originally posted by WILDER X:
i've always carried the guilt i didn't make it to the hospital in maybe it's my mind making me feel better

i like to think he's around somewhere though.

i was a daddy's girl and i miss him loads.

That so sad.
Wasn't your fault.
My mum died 9 years ago and it was awful.

wilder.... Hug

i just wanted one last time yer know???

hope you're ok now xxxxx
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i was sure i saw my dad about a year after he died standing at the bottom of my bed....

sometimes i get a 'feeling'(can't describe it) and it feels like he's in the room.

dunno if it's just my mind playing tricks or not though

If it brings you comfort ,does it matter. Hug

i suppose not katty......

i've always carried the guilt i didn't make it to the hospital in maybe it's my mind making me feel better

i like to think he's around somewhere though.

i was a daddy's girl and i miss him loads.

Don't be daft! Think of the poor souls that have
accidents/sudden deaths etc.You cannot plan how you feel etc.You loved him,that is all that matters to you and him. Valentine
Originally posted by WILDER X:
just wanted one last time yer know???


I know.
I just try to remember the good times.
Watching someone die not nice. especially if there in pain.
It get easier as times passes.

for's been 13 years now.....and i do mainly laugh at the memories...cos that's how he wanted it...

just not having that final goodbye gets me...last time i saw him i said 'see you tomorrow'...and i never did.

anyways.soz.don't want to be a doom and gloom merchant... Hug
for's been 13 years now.....and i do mainly laugh at the memories...cos that's how he wanted it...

just not having that final goodbye gets me...last time i saw him i said 'see you tomorrow'...and i never did.

anyways.soz.don't want to be a doom and gloom merchant...

I never got the chance to say good bye either.
My sister sent me home from hospital as my children were upset.
She said she would phone if she got worse. She passed before I got there.
But the state she was in she wouldn't of none if I was there anyway.
I try not to dwell on it as it fetches you down and makes you sad.
Just one of those things. They know you loved them and that's what counts.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Well I have lived in my house for 51 years(I'm 53) My granda died in the back room,my dad died too(suddenly),my mother died in hospital and a couple of years back my brother died in the living room(suddenly).So you would think, something would "linger",so far booger all.I suspect more folk died in this house too,it was built in 1920's.

So I am a cynic...

We once lived in a house where both occupants had died. There was a strong feeling of a presence in there. I was often looking over my shoulder thinking someone was behind me even though I knew I was alone in the house each time. I never said anything while we were there because we had two young children, but I mentioned it to my husband a couple of years ago and I was very surprised when he agreed with me!
Originally posted by WILDER X:
It's a terrible thing to say,a sudden passing or a long drawn out cancer induced illness,same ending...

I suspect most of us will experience it.

My mum had lung cancer that went to the brain. She changed because it went to the brain.
Once she was told it was cancer she died 4 months later.

Life is a bitch,especially the ending of it. Hug

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