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Interesting discussions on here of late re hms who stick to BB's rules and those who don't. The different approaches are maybe especially evident between Siavash and David, one who, when told to jump asks how high,sticking by what his father taught him, the other who has 'broken' his dad's rules, culminating in rejection and a 5 year rift between them.
So, what about you?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by brisket:
Sticking to all the rules could lead to a very dull and limited life.
Good judgment is required. Many rules are there for very good reasons obviously.
But it would be rather blinkered to never bend or break a rule.
(The law of the land is a different matter I think.)

I would never in a million years describe my 61 year old life as having been very dull and limited.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I wouldn't break the law but can't stand officialdom in the broader sense, don't like being controlled, which is why I'd never going anywhere near anything like wanting to be in BB. Have never understood why anyone would want to go in there

I'm getting worried about you Yellow Rose, you are becoming quite a rebel lately. Laugh Hug Valentine
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I wouldn't break the law but can't stand officialdom in the broader sense, don't like being controlled, which is why I'd never going anywhere near anything like wanting to be in BB. Have never understood why anyone would want to go in there

I'm getting worried about you Yellow Rose, you are becoming quite a rebel lately. Laugh Hug Valentine

Lol, I'm more of a rebel about some things than may be assumed heehee Laugh Valentine
Yellow Rose
the majority of people stick to the rules, especially the law and order rules. but when it comes to a stickler for all rules then no the ones that carry a lesser offence are the ones that are often bent or broken.

Using the example of the BB house then the producers that make up the rules are not enforcing them themselves so this gives the green light for those with a rebellious streak to break them, they know they are not punished in a court of law and they wont carry a criminal record for their crimes.

people like David who says he abides by rules are usually the ones exploited in their work place.
first of all, pointing out something that happened to Siavash and his father that led to a very long falling out is unfair being that we do not know all the details.

what if their fight is over an arranged marriage? what if Siavash's father wanted him to marry his cousin (many removed, of course) which happens a LOT in their culture? And what if Siavash rebelled and said NO? Would you blame him?

Rules are set by man. And those that set the rules have their own intentions. They might not always fall in line with your own thinking and especially, with everything happening in your life day to day.

Life is tough, things are thrown at you/me all the time. You have to do what's right for YOU -- not for 'the man'.
furthermore, honestly, DAIVD is one of the dumbest HMs ever on BB.

for him to prove that he'd jump no matter what, for BB if asked, was cringe-worthy.

HOW PATHETIC is he? He would!! He'd throw his own mother under the bus if told to do so. He's just proved that with his line of 'thinking'.

Funny thing is, he doesn't know HOW TO THINK. He's THAT dumb (and he can't even see it.)
Originally posted by Anita Biernow:
furthermore, honestly, DAIVD is one of the dumbest HMs ever on BB.

for him to prove that he'd jump no matter what, for BB if asked, was cringe-worthy.

HOW PATHETIC is he? He would!! He'd throw his own mother under the bus if told to do so. He's just proved that with his line of 'thinking'.

Funny thing is, he doesn't know HOW TO THINK. He's THAT dumb (and he can't even see it.)

You see very angry Glance Big Grin
Originally posted by Anita Biernow:
furthermore, honestly, DAIVD is one of the dumbest HMs ever on BB.

for him to prove that he'd jump no matter what, for BB if asked, was cringe-worthy.

HOW PATHETIC is he? He would!! He'd throw his own mother under the bus if told to do so. He's just proved that with his line of 'thinking'.

Funny thing is, he doesn't know HOW TO THINK. He's THAT dumb (and he can't even see it.)
Originally posted by Anita Biernow:
furthermore, honestly, DAIVD is one of the dumbest HMs ever on BB.

for him to prove that he'd jump no matter what, for BB if asked, was cringe-worthy.

HOW PATHETIC is he? He would!! He'd throw his own mother under the bus if told to do so. He's just proved that with his line of 'thinking'.

Funny thing is, he doesn't know HOW TO THINK. He's THAT dumb (and he can't even see it.)

Just for an instance do you think he was just referring to playing the game. Afterall that was what they were all supposed to be doing.
The point of BB is to obey the unseen authourity.
Originally posted by luxor:
Originally posted by Anita Biernow:
furthermore, honestly, DAIVD is one of the dumbest HMs ever on BB.

for him to prove that he'd jump no matter what, for BB if asked, was cringe-worthy.

HOW PATHETIC is he? He would!! He'd throw his own mother under the bus if told to do so. He's just proved that with his line of 'thinking'.

Funny thing is, he doesn't know HOW TO THINK. He's THAT dumb (and he can't even see it.)

Just for an instance do you think he was just referring to playing the game. Afterall that was what they were all supposed to be doing.
The point of BB is to obey the unseen authourity.

No i do not. David is as dumb as a bag of bricks. He would do anything for fear of being disliked, fired from a job, banned, anything.

He tried to prove his worth by justifying his stance of principles just to rub it in the face of a man that was threatening him. In this case, the threat was Siavash's attempt to get everyone up for nomination.

David is a laugh. Not a funny one, though. a joke.
I have been rebellious when I was young and I do like that in a person but not in a way it affects others, I take it we are talking BB here yes it is fine to break the rules but not when you are thinking of yourself like Siavash does with disregard for others no it is not fine, and then keep doing it knowing others will be punished and you get off scott free all it does is show the person up for what they are completely and utterly selfish.

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