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Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Hotpants Helen:
Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Worse than that, fake or not - it was like soft porn on the highlights! Come on guys, get a room.... Eeker

What must their parents think. Have they no respect? They've only known each other days and they're so keen to jump in the sack?

Geesh, I'm way to old fashioned lol.

Their families must be so proud.

Absolutely agree. I would be mortified if that was my son or daughter.

Glad I'm not the only one. x
Towno :)
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I will repeat what I said earlier on a thread I started that is similar to this, and let my thread drop...

Re: Kris and Sophie and their 'great romance;' it looks like BB can see straight through them too, as they said they will NOT tolerate FAKE romances.... IMO, this is the most monumentally fake romance I have ever seen. This pair have absolutely NOTHING in common, and they have NO RELATIONSHIP; it makes me cringe to watch them.

They just sit there together, looking blank, as if they are trying to think of something to say, but very little is said. He feels her boobs now and again, and strokes her neck/back/thigh whatever, then she smiles at him in a simpering manner, flutters her eyelashes and blushes a little. He says 'alright babe?' then walks off and tells whoever is listening that she is very young and there no banter or conversation between them. The same thing repeats over 3 or 4 times a day.

I have more of a 'relationship' with the guy that works in Greggs, where I go once a week for an egg custard.. We certainly chat more and have more in common. This 'relationship' between Kris and Sophie is laughable and pathetic and totally unbelievable, and as I said; even BB can see through it.

Anyone agree? or do you think this 'relationship' is REAL?

And no, re the original post; I am NOT interested in the main focus of every BB show being 'who is snogging who!' It's boring!

Yep - totally agree with every word

agreed no connection no flirting no electricity nothing nada nowt

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