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They are running scared of young Sam because they know he must be popular.  He got cheered on Friday night - ok a few boos but on the whole cheers.  They are now confused because they have tried to make him look as bad as possible before eviction night.  So, they will just continue on with their crusade until he is out.  To me, it is not making Sam look bad but them. Unfortunately, the teenies won't have the intelligence to see what they are doing and will probably vote Sam out because of what they are saying about him.
They are running scared of young Sam because they know he must be popular. He got cheered on Friday night - ok a few boos but on the whole cheers. They are now confused because they have tried to make him look as bad as possible before eviction night. So, they will just continue on with their crusade until he is out. To me, it is not making Sam look bad but them. Unfortunately, the teenies won't have the intelligence to see what they are doing and will probably vote Sam out because of what they are saying about him.
Well said LL
If you watch HLs and don't belong to a forum, then you won't have anything against Dave....sad but true. Even some who do know what he's been up to won't care either, that's the way it is unfortunately. He's been edited well on the show, probably to save C4, who actually put a man like him in there in the first place and to save them from further embarrassment after the Shilpa/Jade affair
If you watch HLs and don't belong to a forum, then you won't have anything against Dave....

Thats very true Kaytee, i have told some people about him and they look at me as if i were mad , unfortunately the HL shows dont show the nasty side of Dave...the plotting and scheming and the 2faced side of him
Thats very true Kaytee, i have told some people about him and they look at me as if i were mad , unfortunately the HL shows dont show the nasty side of Dave...the plotting and scheming and the 2faced side of him
I think the majority of BB watchers only bother with the HLs and vote on Fridays according to who is up for eviction. Although I used to watch BB, I only discovered the forum during the one with Rex in it. There must be loads around that never did
[Mentalist] Mentalist online 4,848 Forum Posts Today at 12:42 Last Edited:
 I've just watched LF from the other night and the part where Dave was twisting Sams nipple made me want to slap him. It must have hurt Why is that acceptable?
Because Sam didn't react in a negative way. I didn't like seeing it and Sam missed a trick there really, because if he'd protested and reacted badly Dave would have got a major warning.
I think some of them were warned after that night, because the next day was very subdued.

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