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Do people who walk out of the Big Brother house have anything in common?
I can't remember many of the walkers from previous series.
But so far the walkers from this series have been cocky (this is assuming Caoimhe actually carries it through this time.)
Shabby, Caoimhe and JJ (who wanted to leave recently) have all set themselves up as experts.
Experts in Big Brother, in human behaviour, in relationships and so on.
Perhaps what they really have in common is delusion and lack of self-awareness.

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no... I think with the exception of Shabnam, they all go in there absolutely convinced they would "never walk".   Shabnam couldn't wait to get out to her deals.. she was actually evicted anyway... but she would have walked.

Much as I hate them walking... I do think they must feel pretty crap at the time to do it.   Whether I agree with the reasons they feel crap is irrelevant - they felt they had to get out at that point in time.   So, for those that got in the house through the normal auditioning process the stress must be immense for them to throw all that away.

Every year all the housemates say you have to be in there to really appreciate how hard it is.  They have seen it previous years, they have had the auditioning teams tell them over & over how hard it is, they think they understand (as do us viewers), but I don't think we really do.

I think it must be tougher than it looks.
Reference Dirtyprettygirlthing Today at 01:25:
 no... I think with the exception of Shabnam, they all go in there absolutely convinced they would "never walk". Shabnam couldn't wait to get out to her deals.. she was actually evicted anyway... but she would have walked.
The one HM I'm absolutely convinced always intented to walk is Orlaith. It was pretty clear she went in there to get noticed, and once she'd done that, she intended to leave PDQ so she could cash in. You could forgive both Science and Kemal for feeling hard done by - they both lost extremely close votes against her, and then she walked anyway...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Gypsie Today at 01:29:
I think some of them do it for attention, not so much in this series but in previous ones.
No - I really don't think so. Looking back over the series, most walkers left early, and I think it was usually because they felt the experience simply wasn't for them.
I would say that was broadly the case for Sunita, Shabaz (who really shouldn't have been there anyway), Dawn (technically ejected, but I've always counted her as a walker, because she intended to walk anyway), George and Lesley (BB8). Sandy's leaving (especially the nature of it) felt like attention-seeking, but I think he genuinely couldn't hack it any more either.
Jonathan (BB8) was a bit of a special case, and I can't  remember Maysoon's reasons.
I'm not sure about Tom in BB9, but I think all the other walkers last year (Saffia, Kenneth and Isaac) went in for the wrong reasons and probably shouldn't have been there in the first place.  

I've mentioned Orlaith elsewhere. The other one I was rather suspicious of was Chanelle. It always felt strange that she stuck it for so long, and then left immediately after Charley was evicted. However, her relationship with Ziggy was getting fraught, and as I mentioned a lot at the time, she was in the house longer than the BB1 finalists...
Eugene's Lair
The one HM I'm absolutely convinced always intented to walk is Orlaith. It was pretty clear she went in there to get noticed, and once she'd done that, she intended to leave PDQ so she could cash in
I agree with that "one million"* percent!

*Copyright, Saskia and her misunderstanding of maths.
I'm not sure about Tom in BB9
I think he took one look at the other housemates and though "nooooo way"

Can't blame him....   its the one year I would have considered turning and walking straight back out as well
Tom just wanted to leg it from Noirin and Marcus. He was just too grounded for that shower.
I remember George (from Grace and Nikki's year) legging it as well. Can't say I really blamed them.
Shabby wanted to get out to meet her public and get the band waggon rollong for all her 'projects'.
Do people who walk out of the Big Brother house have anything in common? I can't remember many of the walkers from previous series. But so far the walkers from this series have been cocky (this is assuming Caoimhe actually carries it through this time.) Shabby, Caoimhe and JJ (who wanted to leave recently) have all set themselves up as experts. Experts in Big Brother, in human behaviour, in relationships and so on. Perhaps what they really have in common is delusion and lack of self-awareness.

I think we need to separate facts from assumptions. We have had one walker and MANY other hm’s who have talked about walking (including Ben and Josie). Those that talk of walking but don’t actually do the deed have just as much in common with those, such as Mario, that feel the need to express the opinion that they would never walk


I’m not sure how you tie Shabby in with: Experts in Big Brother, in human behaviour, in relationships and so on or Perhaps what they really have in common is delusion and lack of self-awareness..


We certainly saw that she wasn’t an expert in relationships and admitted her failure – including an apology to BB as she left for not being able to cut it…

Cold Sweat
I think the genuine 'can't hack it' walkers are those who don't go around proclaiming to all and sundry that they are going to go, but just quietly make their minds up and leave. The rest smacks of attention seeking, especially when they keep saying that they are leaving and never do..and as  has been said, some are more than eager for their mag deals etc and what they may get out of it.Some like Keever may realise that they aren't popular and want to avoid the eviction process.
Anyway, if any HM says they want to go...let them
Much as I hate them walking... I do think they must feel pretty crap at the time to do it.
Sandy (BB3) had a wee in the kitchen bin then climbed over the wall with Alex shouting, "Be careful Sandy!".
Sandy thought he was all above everyone.

Leo Sayer ran out of clean undies and refused to wash his dirty washing in public so had a tantrum because BB wouldn't send them to the laundry (so some poor soul could wash his grimey gussets), so he bashed open the fire exit.
He thought he was above everyone
Reference:cold sweat
I think we need to separate facts from assumptions. We have had one walker and MANY other hm’s who have talked about walking (including Ben and Josie). Those that talk of walking but don’t actually do the deed have just as much in common with those, such as Mario, that feel the need to express the opinion that they would never walk   I’m not sure how you tie Shabby in with: Experts in Big Brother, in human behaviour, in relationships and so on or Perhaps what they really have in common is delusion and lack of self-awareness..   We certainly saw that she wasn’t an expert in relationships and admitted her failure – including an apology to BB as she left for not being able to cut it…
What the bloody hell does any of that mean? Explain it, like you would to a child. First, you say we should separate facts from assumption and then we have a paragraph of guff assumption type gobbledeegook...

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