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went to see aboot a job last week at this little call centre place n ther was a few of uz ther n this lad sed to me a bet them lasses get the job coz theyv got nice tits n the bloke looks like a tit man he was in his 40s so i thort nowt of it then guess what hapens he sez sorry lads ur not what we lookin for n let the lasses stay for an extra intervew.

it just anoys me coz its not fair is it they gettin jobs just coz theyv got 32dd boobs.

oh well looks like its the dole agen for me

shit man

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it just pisses me off am tryin to get a job bu what chance av a got wen thats what they lookin for in ther staff. also this bloke mockd me at the jobcenter wen he seen me cv just meks me wana giv up man

mate who a met in durham nick sez hel learn me how to do shopliftin but a sed no coz a dont wana end up back inside he sed a wudnt get caught but didnt wana tek the chance but after this set back am finkin it mite not be a bad idea.

fed up agen man av bin positive so far in 2010 but now a can just see a life on the dole or a life inside the way its gan now man. no bird no job no car just me stella nothing gan for me. a duno why a bother
*bubbles*, what kind of job do you want? If your up for anything, then try out for a bar job at a pub or something. The pay's standard but you get lots of tips and give you more work experience. Plus the time flies by when working at a bar....and the attention you get off the ladies ain't to bad either.....unless they are some has been that's looking for a toy boy....thats when you run
its been a slave not a job

Its money at the end of the day and its an honest job. All depends on what pub/bar you work for. Sometimes you've got to do things you don't necessarily want to, to get further in life.

And with all the students going back to college/university there will be plenty of jobs available in bars.

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