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Signed and totally agree with all the comments made. Tories picking on the infirm and disabled again. There are not enough jobs out there for the able bodied so what chance have the disabled got in finding work? Its just a ploy to be able to cut the disabled persons benefit with it coming under a new name.   Cameron must be the lovechild of Thatcher.
Crispy Christmas
I've done it. I've only just started getting DLA after a 3 - 4 year battle. Live is so much easier because I can have somebody to clean up after me (just the big stuff) and I can afford to pay them, without that, I'd need Kim and Aggie on a regular basis because everything gets me so badly out of breath that I have to stop every 2 minutes, which makes simple things like hoovering or cleaning the bath take hours.
cologne 1
it ticks me off royally that every time there are cuts to be made, the first group to suffer are always the elderly (sorry older adults) and the disabled.

I keep getting letters from our local council offering to find me voluntary places to get me back to work   are they going to magically wave a wand and improve my health????    They make me sick    rant over 

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