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Just briefly going back to dizzee...   What initially appealed to me was that he raps in his normal accent... his london accent.   I hate it when uk rappers go all american gangsta... I love the sound of london accented rapping.

Just as I loved it that the arctic monkeys sang their earlier stuff in their Yorkshire accents (its fading now though... their northern accentness)
Mardy Bum
oh yes!   & the intro to Ritz to the Rubble... "last night these two bouncers one of them was alright the other was scary his way or no way totalitarian he's got no time for ya looking or breathing now he don't want you to so step out the queue he makes examples of you .... "  I could go on - my daughter & I were competative to get every word of that perfect before the other one could!
Frosty, to be fair, (and I'm not just sticking up for Ditty, this could be anyone), I read your post in the same way she did, that you were making a generalisation of people who liked a particular genre of music. Fair enough, anyone you know associated with it is that particular way, but I think as both of us do like it and are not in that stereotype (although some here would disagree when it comes to me ) we just felt an automatic defence mechanism kick in.

Very hard to get a point or real intention across in text, but if we all agreed on everything the world would be vanilla. Carry on reading the thread and you'll see that. Stick around, don't go anywhere, I like your posts
Frosty the best advice I can offer you is that it's not what you say.. it's how you say it.

And how you say it is not a problem (many people like it..... I refer you to Karmas post ) as long as you expect to have people responding in a negative way if you phrase things badly.

If you want to speak you mind on here you have to be strong enough to handle the responses.... that's life. If you're not, you need to change the way you write things.

Neither way is right or wrong.... it's just picking the way that works best for you.
ok... I am trying to stay out of it, cos I reckon I'll prob make things worse... but if you really want to know Frosty...

your post did offend me... hence my reply.      Most of the time I would have ignored it, in fact, I have ignored past posts of yours that have irked me a bit.... today you caught me at a time when it really irked me.

Consequently, I try to post around you, today I found I was unable to.
I don't know how long you've been around Frosty and how well you know the friendship groups on here.... but very often the things you are talking about do occur between friends, but not in the way you mean. For example if I posted something... there are a few people in here who can  come in and be openly rude to me and I know they are joking because I've know them for so long.

It sometimes crosses my mind that people who don't know our connection could quite easily take the comments themselves seriously when actually it is all said in jest. This must happen with lots of other groups of friends on here too. I'm not saying the incidences you're talking about don't happen, but I do believe they are rare.

The vast majority of people on here are easy going....and everytime I've offended someone I always read back to see if what I wrote could have caused offence before I even think of responding in anger, because 9 times out of 10 that's the cause rather than someone just having a go for the sake of it.

I've always found the easiest way to get along in a forum is to assume EVERYTHING is a joke until it's been proven otherwise.

(mind you.... even that's sometimes got me into trouble  but that's another story! )
Aww don't leave Frosty.

I find myself sometimes wondering where I fit in on here too as I'm not part of a group and sometimes I do find myself thinking 'If one of the regulars posted that everyone would have laughed' but hey!

It takes all sorts and I enjoy reading your posts as others have expressed and if you are holding out for universal popularity you will be waiting forever. If you want to say something , say it!

Sometimes bear in mind that things can looks different in print than they do in your head and perhaps thats what Ditty took offence to as on the whole she is a grand bird

As you said duckypup, things are taken as a joke if it's someone they are used to, but if someone who isn't a 'regular' says something, there is always someone who goes into a huff.
Oops sorry, that's not quite what I meant Frosty. I mean they're taken as a joke if you know for sure the person sincerly meant  them as a joke. Friend or not.... BUT ....If they're not a friend it's natural to be more wary.

If you meant the chav connection as a joke it might be a good time to say so to avoid further misunderstandings.
Drippy Rapper???

The biggest pile of over-hyped crap it has ever been my misfortune to hear, and unfortunately you cannot get away from his drivel, as he seems to be the Beebs latest pet project, they are pushing him and his nonsense everywhere, his lyrics are pointless, meaningless and make no sense, his erm musicality? is non-existant, and well he gets more airtime than the weather or news.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying all rap is rubbish, but british mainstream is more than a bit lame, I can live with Chipmunk, I even like N'dubz, but Drippy and his fortunately not heard from in a good long while Loathsome beremoth or Lethal Bizxle contemporary are just pure and utter rubbish.
Cigarettes & Alcohol

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