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Disagree Frosty. And while it can be easy to make such a stereotype, it's not reflective of the truth. Some people have an eclectic taste and like a bit of everything, including urban stuff like Dizee Rascal and the like, doesn't make all of us fake burberry plaid wearing, pitbull walking chavs.

I don't own any fake Burberry nor do I own a pitbull, and at 36 am a bit old to be classed as a chav really, plus, my diamonds are real
Agree Ditty, I'm a total music freakoid anyway! But where some people just hear a load of noise, I hear art (I'm odd). Like Eminem, Chipmunk and the like, well, especially Eminem, one of the greatest lyricists ever on the scene (imho). Super friggin multi talented, but there's only a couple of tracks of his I actually like. Chipmunk, Dizzee ect, again, a load of bargain basement shite to others, but to me great production, creative and bang tidy!
agree 100%...    I am in awe of his lyrical talent - and yet at first listen he makes it sound so simple...  to have that just roll off your tongue... he is amazing.  

& I wouldn't class myself as heavily into rap or hip hop .... I like bits n bobs... I suppose my usual genres would be rock, and DECENT dance/garage.   But there is so much more out there...  to limit yourself is to rob yourself...  

that said... I am so ready for the next new thing that I love... really love... to come along...  a big thing, like when grunge hit us, or the emerging acid house - dance music.

I am musically a bit bored at the mo!
I'm still a grunger,
it suited me... grunge.   But I will never forget the whole Nirvana thing... we'd kinda left rock behind, and were raving ( Karma - Mozarts Requiem... pmsl! )   and then "Nevermind" by Nirvana came out....   and there it was...  the 'rock' music that we could listen to after we'd been dancing all night at some do with Carl Cox on the decks!    

It was exciting!   It made you proud to be of that generation... if you know what I mean.
Raving *sobs* D'ya know I missed Minstry at the O2 last night - MINISTRY?!!

Yep I have a couple of operatic works on my phone (and my PC). Blame my bossy teacher at music school for that one. Although if I've had a manic day at work I do like to sit on the train, close my eyes (to avoid eye contact mainly - a  Northern line must) and just drift off with that stuff blasting my eardrums. It depends on what mood I'm in though.
Minstry at the O2 last night - MINISTRY?!!
Yeah.... and Soul II Soul you said didn't you?    I have got used to it now...   it hurt last summer... there were some reunion do's locally.... by our local promotion lot...  lots of 30-40 yr olds...  havin it... then having to run home cos of the babysitter! 

And re: the classics.... I like some classical too... its the genre I rejected the most, cos my parents were bang into it... but I do like some stuff...  its hard not to.

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