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Camilla Kerslake. (sp) The best voice out of all the warblers. Amazing I'm bored of Diversity now. Same old thing and I'm fed up with the mixes they use. Fell asleep after Alex Burke, did I miss owt? Was like a dog on heat when Buble was on though. Yum! Peter Kay made me howl, so did the ventriloquist guy, and the Aussie guy with the fake foot weren't bad either.
Yes, Camilla, that's it! Wonderful voice...

That ventriloquist was hysterical - when he initially came on I thought same old same old and by the end was crying with laughter

Peter Kay was very good and made me laugh throughout the whole thing.

Just such a shame Diversity weren't so great
I enjoyed the majority of the acts, loved Buble of course  Would have liked to hear Chakka Khan sing solo. Peter Kay was funny and the comedians were also good. Like others have said I too was a bit disappointed with Diversity. I still admire their dedication and what they're capable of but yes the lights and smoke were distracting. I just didn't feel the same buzz as when they were on BGT. Also would have liked to hear another style of music as theirs is becoming a bit repetitive
Yellow Rose
and too little real dancing killed it

Bingo The reason I loved Diversity and Flawlesswas because of their formations and how tight they were. It was like there was an invisible bar running through their legs their timing was that spot on. It was amazing to watch 10 or so dancers in perfect unsion, and the dancemoves were frickin amazing. Last night there was hardly any of that, it was far too complicated and there was too much going on. I think they should have worn better outfits or masks aswell for effect (not saying they're ugly or owt, in fact I so would with Ashley, dont worry, he's legal   )

And I would like to hear some more beat music, not all the mixed stuff.

*gets off soapbox*
I was a bit disappointed in Diversity, loved them on BGT, in fact my SIL saw them the first time they were on  and said they would win, but there just seemed to be too much going on, too much smoke and the lighting wasn't good.

I really enjoyed some of the singers Michael Buble especially, I so would!! And I have to say I enjoyed Bette Midler as well, the ventriloquist was brilliant, was not expecting him to be so good and I also enjoyed Paddy McGuiness's Northern segment, especially the Corrie  theme as the Northern National Anthem.

Peter Kay was good, but very nervous, Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa frankly for me were a waste of time, but I enjoyed the opening number apart from Lulu!!  Too much botox love.

Katherine Jenkins was ok, but I felt the song didn't suit her and she did not perform it well, I loved the Evanessence version and don't think it could be bettered.

All in all, I don't think it was that bad a show for a change, it was nice to see some variety and some names that weren't perhaps household names, and no Brucie which is always a bonus!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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