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Evening shedders x x


I'm going to put my fingers in my ears when Bobby starts slagging of our Kezza 


update of members I'm so organised 



1 Dame

2 Spongey 

3 Ev

4 Tayto

5 Barney

6 Angnlis

7 Aimee

8 Rexi

9 Justa

10 ms kaffers katona of the shed

11 Gyps 

12 Jonesy

13 Jenson

14 Velvet (even though I think his intention was to burn the shed)

15 Stonks

16 Hoochie (she's away on her jollies on Saturday, she'll not notice her winners badge until she gets back) 

!7 Smarting Buttocks (prepares SB's cocktail and prawn ring) 

18 Sprooty (squashes Fosters in gas fridge)

19 NSF welcome Norman Stanley another great role model (brings a tear doesn't it )

20 Scatts  another member with taste 

21 Skylark

22 Soozy Woo

23 Ells

24, Mrs B

25 Abo

26. Jackson B

27 Ros

28 Kaffy's sister

29 Kaffy's Uncle Fred

30 Kaffy's Aunt Gertrude

31 Supes

32 Kaffy's next door neighbour

33 Kaffy's postman

34 Kaffy's dentist

35 Kaff Pirate

36 Crunchy Nuts

37 Kaffy's gardener

38 Kaffy's coal man (hope he wipes his feet on our clean floorboards )






1 Dame

2 Spongey 

3 Ev

4 Tayto

5 Barney

6 Angnlis

7 Aimee

8 Rexi

9 Justa

10 ms kaffers katona of the shed

11 Gyps 

12 Jonesy

13 Jenson

14 Velvet (even though I think his intention was to burn the shed)

15 Stonks

16 Hoochie (she's away on her jollies on Saturday, she'll not notice her winners badge until she gets back) 

!7 Smarting Buttocks (prepares SB's cocktail and prawn ring) 

18 Sprooty (squashes Fosters in gas fridge)

19 NSF welcome Norman Stanley another great role model (brings a tear doesn't it )

20 Scatts  another member with taste 

21 Skylark

22 Soozy Woo

23 Ells

24, Mrs B

25 Abo

26. Jackson B

27 Ros

28 Kaffy's sister

29 Kaffy's Uncle Fred

30 Kaffy's Aunt Gertrude

31 Supes

32 Kaffy's next door neighbour

33 Kaffy's postman

34 Kaffy's dentist

35 Kaff Pirate

36 Crunchy Nuts

37 Kaffy's gardener

38 Kaffy's coal man (hope he wipes his feet on our clean floorboards )

39 Jason Donovan 


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Evening Rexi, to be honest I'm not bothered who wins.....without live feed BB does nothing for me. 

Ain't that the truth


I don't watch it at night ... I usually catch up in the morning.


And, ha ... talking about mornings, I shall be up at the crack of sparrows tomorrow, my 17 yr old baby is going to Reading. I am traumatised

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

Evening Rexi, to be honest I'm not bothered who wins.....without live feed BB does nothing for me. 

Ain't that the truth


I don't watch it at night ... I usually catch up in the morning.


And, ha ... talking about mornings, I shall be up at the crack of sparrows tomorrow, my 17 yr old baby is going to Reading. I am traumatised



I'm up at the crack of dawn too, watching my grandchildren, 6 2 and 1  (all day) 


I've not seen Spongey or Ev since the weekend, and spoke to the leafy one last night...not sure why she's logged on...I will find out  She didn't send a note or anything 

Originally Posted by MrsB:

Evening Shedders xxx


Dame...I think it is lack of LF that means our interest is waning...tis hard to sustain a level of excitement for a show that no longer exists as we loved it!

Evening Mrs B  and I totally agree.BB is to start the day after this one finishes, I hope the live feed campaign works or I might not even bother to switch on 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 She didn't send a note or anything 

Disgraceful behaviour (wouldn't happen down south!!)


6, 2 and 1 all day


My daughter is leaving here at 6 am, I am going to be at Tesco by 7 am, then ... the whole day is my own. Everyone is out. Peace. Perfect peace.


Am I looking forward to it? Whaddya you think?

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
 She didn't send a note or anything 

Disgraceful behaviour (wouldn't happen down south!!)


6, 2 and 1 all day


My daughter is leaving here at 6 am, I am going to be at Tesco by 7 am, then ... the whole day is my own. Everyone is out. Peace. Perfect peace.


Am I looking forward to it? Whaddya you think?



Want some company  enjoy it Rexi


.... Roll on Sunday and I'll get a day off, we've been doing finishing touches all day, I'm busy up until Sunday and I aint moving for anyone 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


Want some company  enjoy it Rexi



Get yer bott down here for 11 am. I have a couple of girlie friends coming round for coffee then, we will have a giggle


I am going to a wedding on Sunday, a good girlie friend's daughter. It's a bit posh, country house, 'tea', then a barbeque, band and fireworks


S'ok ... I've found all my boys old Mighty Max stuff out


It's home made chocolate brownies too, so don't be late. The brownies should have been pudding for a big barbeque that we are doing on Friday night, but, after they had been in the oven for 15 mins I realised that I had forgotten to put the nuts in, and they are uber chewy!!


Good enough for my friends though

Originally Posted by Rexi:

S'ok ... I've found all my boys old Mighty Max stuff out


It's home made chocolate brownies too, so don't be late. The brownies should have been pudding for a big barbeque that we are doing on Friday night, but, after they had been in the oven for 15 mins I realised that I had forgotten to put the nuts in, and they are uber chewy!!


Good enough for my friends though


*looks at time, better set off now, packs doggy bag*  


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