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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

7.5lbs away from my target Moonie but i am thinking i might lower it another 1/2 stone... so a total loss of 4st instead of the 3.5st target i plucked out of the air last June  Not sure about lowering it yet though, I'm quite happy atm and have 1/2 stone to go!

Okay, then if you lose more my donation will go up to ÂĢ30

Think I must have missed something, are you sponsoring Jen?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

7.5lbs away from my target Moonie but i am thinking i might lower it another 1/2 stone... so a total loss of 4st instead of the 3.5st target i plucked out of the air last June  Not sure about lowering it yet though, I'm quite happy atm and have 1/2 stone to go!

Okay, then if you lose more my donation will go up to ÂĢ30

Aww what a lovely thing to do Moonie  


Go Jen! You can do it!!! xx 


i went bonkers on birthday week (all of our birthdays are in 10days of each other)

ive had a chippie then a curry


my weight loss has stayed the same

going for a buffet meal for another birthday tomorrow afternoon


i might opt for salad

with a bit of fried chilli beef

then a boxing workout when i get home


eat myself simple then go to bed


nah gonna try my best

cos i lost nearly a stone

daft to go back to the old ways innit

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Just watched a programme on ITV that tell us a high saturated fat die is actually good for us and you lose weight and lower bad cholesterol!!


Who knows what we should do.

It's mad EC... Just look at the Atkins... it works but i can only imagine what it does for peoples arteries over time and anyone i know who has tried it has always put the weight straight back on and had to do it all over again!


I love slimming world extra easy, it's taught me to cook with fresh ingredients everyday and actually think about what I'm eating and whether i really want it for the price it will cost

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Just watched a programme on ITV that tell us a high saturated fat die is actually good for us and you lose weight and lower bad cholesterol!!


Who knows what we should do.

It's mad EC... Just look at the Atkins... it works but i can only imagine what it does for peoples arteries over time and anyone i know who has tried it has always put the weight straight back on and had to do it all over again!


I love slimming world extra easy, it's taught me to cook with fresh ingredients everyday and actually think about what I'm eating and whether i really want it for the price it will cost


The frustration seems to be conflicting and changing advice on foods coupled with diets (some of which work but as you say can revert back).


I saw a programme which proposed that people are very different and you need to find the types of foods which are good for you in particular.


It suggested that some people also have a propensity to be slightly or very overweight and this is part of your physical makeup and you need to accept and manage your situation accordingly.


It's a subject which seems not to be black and white. The more research they do the better as I think understanding your body and working with it to stay healthy is the best way.


I have known many (I must say mainly women) people in my office environment who have been on one diet or another over the years. Hand on heart I would find it very hard to name one who has lost weight and maintained it.


Interesting subject though. 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

EC, I agree that everyone is made up differently and not every eating plan will work for every person. however i believe it's more down to motivation and determination... Look at smokers... it's possible for everyone to quit... But not everyone can... That's because they don't have the right mix of will power, support, motivation and determination. Imo its the same with weightless.


I am determined to never buy clothes up a size ever again! If they get a bit tight I will do something about it rather than creep back up!


We're both nearly there then Jen I'm absolutely thrilled and feel so much better for it. SW are trying to persuade me to be a Consultant, even came home to a letter from the Area Manager asking me. Really not sure I've got the time and I'd kind of like to do less work rather than more! I have however been talked in to being a helper, so started doing the weighing this week. Hopefully that will mean I keep on going to class and don't put it back on!

Last edited by Former Member

That's great Supes, that must show you how well you have done  My consultant said somthing tonight and it made me a bit  ...... I have been on SW nearly a year and my consultant mentioned that 1lb a week is 3st10lb in a year.... i never lose 1lb a week (until recently!) but those little gains have stacked up! 

Last edited by Jen-Star

Just caught up on the thread and have to say WOW to you lot!  Brilliant losses on here and I am amazed at your willpower.


A few weeks ago (after starting diets, stopping them again and again and then moaning about never losing weight) I talked my partner into starting weight watchers with me and it's been a really good success.  5 weeks in and he has lost 20lbs and I've lost 11.  I think having him do it along with me is really helping me stick with it.  He's enjoying all the new meals he's getting and even though I thought he would hate going to weigh in, he actually loves hearing how much he's losing.  


Something I made recently that my partner was amazed at (ha...just shows how bad a cook I usually am!) was an Indian curry.  Tasted just like something he orders at the take away so it's been in rotation every few days. It's weight watchers but easily made SW friendly too.....



(first recipe)

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Supes:

WHOOP, WHOOP, reached the goal, (plus a bit,) that I'd set myself nearly a year ago for my bf daughter's wedding this Sat. Lost 5lbs whilst I was away on hol, total loss now 4stone 2lbs 


And you look bloomin' fantastic    




Awww thanks sweetie Been on the scales this morning and think I've gained most of those 5lbs this w/e LOL: worth every lb though

Originally Posted by Jen-Star:

Yes Supes, WI tomorrow.. I'm doubtful i've done enough to get the whole 3lb this week but i've had a damn good try and will keep it up next week


How have you been doing Supes? How did the conference go?

Hope you do it soon then Jen, you've done sooooo well I've had a v v busy few months with lots of eating out, partying, drinking, visiting and friends and family staying, so have been up and down, but given the almost non stop socialising I'm more than pleased to have kept off 4 stone 1.5lb. Last of the house guests left on Monday so I'm going to try and really get back on it now, (apart from a wedding on Sat!) I decided to change my target again, so 10.5lbs to go now. Oh and conference was brilliant thanks, particularly the 'Grease' themed murder mystery fancy dress dinner with a professional company. I wore a size small red and white polka dot halter neck dress with net petticoat, size 10 black leather 'rocker' jacket and pink Ray Bans. Was supposed to have a pink bob wig too but the damn thing didn't arrive so curled my hair 'Olivia Newton John' style instead! I wouldn't have been wearing anything like that 4 stone ago

Last edited by Former Member

Jen, you MUST try the Pastitsio from this month's mag, one of the nicest SW recipes I've tried. Adapted it as I didn't fancy yet another salad, so made a base for the mince of sauted onions, celery and carrots, halved the amount of mince then also added aubergines and courgettes and halved the amount of pasta. Tasted AMAZING


Last edited by Former Member

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