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Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I quite like her. Wanted to see more of her. I want to see less of Kirk and Romeo and Frankie, those three are dull, dull, dull.

I agree. I'm not happy to put myself as judge and executioner about what happened in the past for Natasha. I know for sure I'd rather have her there as an HM instead of Nicola who has come across as much of an attention-seeking w*hore as Andrew did. And a bitch, to boot. 

Originally Posted by Syd:

I quite liked her as a housemate, BUT, there is something wrong with a character that can carry on an affair with their husbands brother for 8 years, seriously wrong...IMO.

Exactly Syd...And I would be of the same opinion about whatever guy was involved,him having an affair with his brothers wife,he's a darn lowlife imo.


i was talking to a woman today, it's not that an unusual occurrence  that i have to rush on here to post about it, but... we had a discussion about just how nasty women are to each other, visous, sipteful and  that being how they are is why although they are the the stronger and more adaptable  gender  of the two, they  will never make it anything other than a man's world.


which they aslo whine on about endlessly.


Originally Posted by jacksonb:

i was talking to a woman today, it's not that an unusual occurrence  that i have to rush on here to post about it, but... we had a discussion about just how nasty women are to each other, visous, sipteful and  that being how they are is why although they are the the stronger and more adaptable  gender  of the two, they  will never make it anything other than a man's world.


which they aslo whine on about endlessly.


ain't that the truth 

Originally Posted by Angel:

I'd like to bet there wouldn't be half this vitriol if she was a guy who'd had an affair with his sister in law.

Possibly ...........rightly or wrongly we expect more of a fellow woman, mother of children etc. Not sure why that is and it's not excusable's pretty bad either male or female but - we expect more.


And personally I find it despicable that she's making a career out of it and raking up past hurts. Has she no thought at all for her husband and young children? It was beginning to settle - with time it would be almost forgotten - it aint gonna happen now though. Awwwwwww bless - she's made a bit of money - bugger everyone else's feelings.


nice woman ................NOT!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Angel:

I'd like to bet there wouldn't be half this vitriol if she was a guy who'd had an affair with his sister in law.

Possibly ...........rightly or wrongly we expect more of a fellow woman, mother of children etc. Not sure why that is and it's not excusable's pretty bad either male or female but - we expect more.


And personally I find it despicable that she's making a career out of it and raking up past hurts. Has she no thought at all for her husband and young children? It was beginning to settle - with time it would be almost forgotten - it aint gonna happen now though. Awwwwwww bless - she's made a bit of money - bugger everyone else's feelings.


nice woman ................NOT!

how old are her children?

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Angel:

I'd like to bet there wouldn't be half this vitriol if she was a guy who'd had an affair with his sister in law.

Possibly ...........rightly or wrongly we expect more of a fellow woman, mother of children etc. Not sure why that is and it's not excusable's pretty bad either male or female but - we expect more.


And personally I find it despicable that she's making a career out of it and raking up past hurts. Has she no thought at all for her husband and young children? It was beginning to settle - with time it would be almost forgotten - it aint gonna happen now though. Awwwwwww bless - she's made a bit of money - bugger everyone else's feelings.


nice woman ................NOT!

how old are her children?

5 and 10

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I think it is just that we have lower expectations of Men and higher expectations of our fellow sex.

Why? I certainly don't expect that! 


I'm sure we can all think of mistakes we've made in the past that we regret, regardless of our gender. 

8 years for a young woman with children looking her sister in law in the eyes at family get togethers has me stumped......

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

If Ryan Giggs were also on CBB (the show that we are commenting on) I would expect that there would be a few choice comments on him 


I totally agree Hoochie, I can't abide Ryan Giggs and his wife needs her head looking, but he's not on the show. Six of one and half a dozen of the other, but she should have let sleeping dogs lie, she brought it back into the public eye and people are going to comment. 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I think it is just that we have lower expectations of Men and higher expectations of our fellow sex.

Why? I certainly don't expect that! 


I'm sure we can all think of mistakes we've made in the past that we regret, regardless of our gender. 

8 years for a young woman with children looking her sister in law in the eyes at family get togethers has me stumped......

And 8 years of a wealthy footballer who can string her along and look his wife and niece and nephew (or both of either) in the eyes still allows him to be less culpable? That has me stumped Syd! 

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Syd:

I think it is just that we have lower expectations of Men and higher expectations of our fellow sex.

im not buying that...


Buy it, buy it!  It's a get out of jail card if ever there was





People make mistakes - true.

People who make mistakes, if they're decent human beings, try and rectify their mistakes.  Sharpish.


You've gotta be pretty thick (amongst other things) for it to take 8 years to realise your mistake in these circumstances.

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:


And 8 years of a wealthy footballer who can string her along and look his wife and niece and nephew (or both of either) in the eyes still allows him to be less culpable? That has me stumped Syd! 

Does that excuse her going into the house and opening up old wounds? I have no time for him either but hardly makes her less offensive in what she's chosen to do IMO.

Soozy Woo

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