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Former Member
Did you? If you did when?

Why are we so upset by it? i dont think for me its because of the program its because i was part of something that was organic and grew and will never be recreated. In this day and age even if another fantastic reality program came along it would come in all guns blazing and burn out in 3 years max.

BB was so long and we were so integral to it, and sooooooo much personal stuff has gone on in 11 years .... i think thats why its sad.

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It wasn't BB it was all the things that happened around it. Yes I cried, only once, but not for BB, for all the people I've known because of it and the fact I've found someone I love more than life itself through it.

End of an era, the good, the bad, the ugly, it all came out in one night it was almost as though watching the last show was an action replay of the years of talking to people because of BB and all the emotions, good and bad came back in a wave that was kind of confusing.

This post makes sense to me if nobody else lol.
I really didn't think I'd get emotional cos as UBB was the last I was really disappointed in it, preferred BB11 hm's overall tbh, but a few in UBB kept me glued till the end, Brian, Vic and Nick especially. The music in the burial scene of BB was the first thing that got me tearful but then that music always has whenever I've heard it.

Next was the Jade tribute that made me tearful as I was thankfully successfully treated for that condition some years ago, before Jade's experience. She was so misunderstood by some for a variety of reasons but having watched the several Living reality tv series of her life I really came to understand and love her, so unique, she so lived life to the full, she laughed more than anyone I've ever known, so positive, so many things I could say what I learnt about her that was all good. That through her condition and eventually dying she woke so many thousands of women up to to the necessity of regular smears which they'd never bothered with before spoke volumes, and for me totally discounted all the negative stuff that people said about her over the years cos they just didn't get her.

I know Davina was popular with some but not all. I liked and disliked her at various times, usually disliked her on BBBM and her making it obvious over the years who she liked/disliked, unprofessional. After tonight I understand her passion for BB, everyone has a passion for something, hers was BB so she'll be upset at the ending as so many BB fans are.
Yellow Rose
Well I chatted with some friends we grew up with in a few miles of each other and some times lived or worked within a few streets of each other. We had the same acquaintances and probably marched in the same Anti Poll tax demos.... but we never met until big brother. 

They know who they are, and they know when and why I cried if not they can pm me  
Yes; like a baby. From quarter to eight when the UBB peeps went into the DR to say how BB has affected them until about 30 mins after the white dot disappeared I went through periodic, shoulder-shakingly mahoosive tear-fests. And I'm not embarrassed to say so. It's been exactly what you said, Gypsie; like attending a three month long house-party each year for 10 years (and it assisted me through some dark and lonely times). More than a programme,it was a social and cultural phenomenon and televisual paradigm shift I'm glad I was part of it. I'll miss you, old mate.
subatomic partygirl
It wasn't BB it was all the things that happened around it
Its been a backdrop to life for the past 10 years, remembering those early BBs makes you remember what has happened and changed in all that time, both in the forum and RL... I didn't realise that til last night, and that might not make any sense to anyone else anyway
Yep cried like a gobshite. For me it was because sooo much has changed in my life. The first bb myself, the sisters and mum would talk about it over the dinner table while dad would say ''dunno why you watch that crap!!'. The second year mum wasn't there, dad was still saying 'dunno why you watch that crap!' while watching it with us. Then when he got sick three or so years ago he would secretly watch it in his room and when the ads came on we'd pile in and discuss the goings on of the house. He didn't make the end of last years one and this years was a bit meh for me & I think the sisters as we didn't discus it much. So yeah, I cried. Still am.
Yep cried like a gobshite. For me it was because sooo much has changed in my life. The first bb myself, the sisters and mum would talk about it over the dinner table while dad would say ''dunno why you watch that crap!!'. The second year mum wasn't there, dad was still saying 'dunno why you watch that crap!' while watching it with us. Then when he got sick three or so years ago he would secretly watch it in his room and when the ads came on we'd pile in and discuss the goings on of the house. He didn't make the end of last years one and this years was a bit meh for me & I think the sisters as we didn't discus it much. So yeah, I cried. Still am
Yep cried like a gobshite. For me it was because sooo much has changed in my life. The first bb myself, the sisters and mum would talk about it over the dinner table while dad would say ''dunno why you watch that crap!!'. The second year mum wasn't there, dad was still saying 'dunno why you watch that crap!' while watching it with us. Then when he got sick three or so years ago he would secretly watch it in his room and when the ads came on we'd pile in and discuss the goings on of the house. He didn't make the end of last years one and this years was a bit meh for me & I think the sisters as we didn't discus it much. So yeah, I cried. Still am.

Me too Ozzy, although I did hold it together this morning. Last night was a different story, I bawled my eyes out. It started with Jade's tribute and then again when Brian almost lost it when Davina came to get him. I only cheered up when Big Brother said, "big brother will get back to you".
I hope they make an announced soon if it is going to C5. 

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