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Originally posted by Duckypup:

Have you been on holiday forgetmenot???

Saffia walked. Mixture of jealousy/arguments/missing her babies. Crazy
Fat chance!! no, been so so busy as dog had puppies and then lots to do out side and been trying to decorate, plus this years BB so disapointing, watched opening night then hardly seen any as no high lights and on so late!!
it was one of the most watched episodes....

kris sat down with saffia.....took her hand and gazed into the mirror behind her...

'look' he said....'i have to be're down the pecking order..i love myself,my hair and charlie in that order'.....

saffia looked horrified....'you don't mean that kris' she croaked....

kris fluffed his hair.....'i forgot my mates as well...i love them'.....

'i can't believe you're gay' cried saffia...

'gay?'kris stormed...'gay?...i'm not gay!'...

saffia stormed to the diary room and said she was missing her kids......she was allowed to leave.....

meanwhile kris stalked round the house..and had a chat with charlie...'ere charlie...whose the blonde bird with the big tits?'....

'oooo it nikki?'..replied charlie....'nikki?' repeated kris..'there's no nikki here'.....

'ohhhh aye..daft as a brush me' laughed charlie...'canna get no one's name right me like'.....(charlie then thought to himself....what a great idea for nomination day....the public will love it)....

eager to prove he wasn't gay......kris got it on with dogface.....
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
it was one of the most watched episodes....

kris sat down with saffia.....took her hand and gazed into the mirror behind her...

'look' he said....'i have to be're down the pecking order..i love myself,my hair and charlie in that order'.....

saffia looked horrified....'you don't mean that kris' she croaked....

kris fluffed his hair.....'i forgot my mates as well...i love them'.....

'i can't believe you're gay' cried saffia...

'gay?'kris stormed...'gay?...i'm not gay!'...

saffia stormed to the diary room and said she was missing her kids......she was allowed to leave.....

meanwhile kris stalked round the house..and had a chat with charlie...'ere charlie...whose the blonde bird with the big tits?'....

'oooo it nikki?'..replied charlie....'nikki?' repeated kris..'there's no nikki here'.....

'ohhhh aye..daft as a brush me' laughed charlie...'canna get no one's name right me like'.....(charlie then thought to himself....what a great idea for nomination day....the public will love it)....

eager to prove he wasn't gay......kris got it on with dogface.....
love it!!
are all the blokes gay? I cannot seem to see or hear any one "man" like..

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