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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Videostar:

He was always saying that she just changes her mind all the time and does herself no favours.

When on earth has he lie about her.?

She was the liar, lets not forget that.

He said that he was just chasing her, because he was bored. He knew that she had said that she didn't fancy him, but wanted to chase her anyway.

He spent most of the time telling her how she should be and trying to mold her into the woman she should be, in his eyes, and invested a lot of time in isolating her from others.

He also did the same with others, telling them to trust no one but him.

Very manipulative and controlling - scary!

Yep agreed Bliz..
Senora Reyes
Aww, he wishes he knew someone who was that vulgar as well, so that he could hear them and laugh. It's not that funny when a woman does it, he doesn't think, cos of the old woman=slag, man= stud thing, not that he subscribes to that! If there was another bloke like him, he'd spend the whole day pissing himself laughing.

Basically, he thinks he's hilarious, but a woman with the same sense of humour wouldn't be?

Women are just the targets of his humour! Glance
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by charmer:
any bloke that has his mom living with him is a good bloke in my eyes
(apart from norman bates)

anyway he made me laugh when he said that Big Grin

hey you, you just got up, or are you going to bed Laugh

i got up about an hour ago-ive got that sciatica and its driving me round the bend and i cant sleep
so i thought id come and find you on here Valentine
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Videostar:

He was always saying that she just changes her mind all the time and does herself no favours.

When on earth has he lie about her.?

She was the liar, lets not forget that.

He said that he was just chasing her, because he was bored. He knew that she had said that she didn't fancy him, but wanted to chase her anyway.

He spent most of the time telling her how she should be and trying to mold her into the woman she should be, in his eyes, and invested a lot of time in isolating her from others.

He also did the same with others, telling them to trust no one but him.

Very manipulative and controlling - scary!


There was something very sinister about the way he tried to manipulate the situation with Noirin. He talks about disliking guilt trips but he was the master of them, making her feel bad when she wanted the cuddles to stop.
The Guru
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
I thought it was hilarious - I'd like to bet him and his mother have a great relationship. Does no-one on here ever call their loved ones awful names in jest? I often tell my sister (who I love SO much) that she's an evil psycho bitch who should rot in hell. It's all good.

i agree completely, i think he and his mum are eccentric and happy about
I really don't see the problem with this. If Marcus' mother is in any way offended by the way he speaks to her, then I would agree that what he said was wrong, but I think it was clear that they have the type of relationship where they make joking comments.

In my family we all make comments like this; Growly Jnr has been calling Mr G a 'baldy old bastard' for years - she means it in fun, and he takes it that way. I would hate to live in the type of family where no-one ever joked about each other and where my daughter thought that she couldn't make remarks about me just because I'm her mother.
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Growly Jnr has been calling Mr G a 'baldy old bastard'

See... that's the kind of stuff that I'm used to. It's nice to feel normal.
Mr G has always called me The Old Trout, or a whinging old shitbag - they are terms of endearment Big Grin

Laugh Bless. What would you call John?
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Growly Jnr has been calling Mr G a 'baldy old bastard'

See... that's the kind of stuff that I'm used to. It's nice to feel normal.
Mr G has always called me The Old Trout, or a whinging old shitbag - they are terms of endearment Big Grin

Laugh Bless. What would you call John?
Blush I couldn't possibly say on a public forum. It might make people blush Blush
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Growly Jnr has been calling Mr G a 'baldy old bastard'

See... that's the kind of stuff that I'm used to. It's nice to feel normal.
Mr G has always called me The Old Trout, or a whinging old shitbag - they are terms of endearment Big Grin

Thats exactly how it is in our house, you should hear the things I call my OH and the things she calls me, but we love each other to bits, the "name calling" is just a way to demonstratiing that "love" in an amusing way,
its a demonstration of affection, because WE KNOW that we would NEVER say anything like that and mean it,
its a sign that we are comfortable with each other and know each other well enough to know what we are really saying,

the only thing that has had me ANGRY in this thread is the fact that SOME people seem to think they have the RIGHT to pass judgement on other peoples relationships, even to the point where they have said that "if they overheard ME speak to MY mother like that they would make their feelings known"!!!
just WHO THE HELL do these people think they ARE?
I am NOT a violent man, but seriously IF someone was to overhear my self and my OH having some of our usual "banter" and then DARE to tell ME I obviously DONT LOVE HER,..... I would have to be restrained,
I have no doubt whatsoever that Marcus and his mum have a great relationship and that they both love each other,
AND I also believe that the people "having a go" at him KNOW this as well, but they are so twisted that they just cant help using anything to have "yet another" rant about Marcus,
you see the SAME names in every anti Marcus thread,
yes we know "he disgusts" you, and you find him "revolting" GOOD and LONG may he continue to do so,
am I being "judgemental" when I say I HATE judgemental bastards? Laugh
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Growly Jnr has been calling Mr G a 'baldy old bastard'

See... that's the kind of stuff that I'm used to. It's nice to feel normal.
Mr G has always called me The Old Trout, or a whinging old shitbag - they are terms of endearment Big Grin

Thats exactly how it is in our house, you should hear the things I call my OH and the things she calls me, but we love each other to bits, the "name calling" is just a way to demonstratiing that "love" in an amusing way,
its a demonstration of affection, because WE KNOW that we would NEVER say anything like that and mean it,
its a sign that we are comfortable with each other and know each other well enough to know what we are really saying,

the only thing that has had me ANGRY in this thread is the fact that SOME people seem to think they have the RIGHT to pass judgement on other peoples relationships, even to the point where they have said that "if they overheard ME speak to MY mother like that they would make their feelings known"!!!
just WHO THE HELL do these people think they ARE?
I am NOT a violent man, but seriously IF someone was to overhear my self and my OH having some of our usual "banter" and then DARE to tell ME I obviously DONT LOVE HER,..... I would have to be restrained,
I have no doubt whatsoever that Marcus and his mum have a great relationship and that they both love each other,
AND I also believe that the people "having a go" at him KNOW this as well, but they are so twisted that they just cant help using anything to have "yet another" rant about Marcus,
you see the SAME names in every anti Marcus thread,
yes we know "he disgusts" you, and you find him "revolting" GOOD and LONG may he continue to do so,
am I being "judgemental" when I say I HATE judgemental bastards? Laugh

Calm down, think about your blood pressure.
The world is full of people who are intolerant of anything that does not fit into their rosy ideal world. They who should be pitied not scorned. Smiler
God...Marcus was a complete twat....why does he insist on acting like an adolescent boy desperately trying to impress his mates by being lippy in front of his mam Roll Eyes

The - OOOH look at me aren't I the naughty schoolboy - act is wearing extremely thin now Sick

His puerile antics are the male equivalent of a 40 year old woman prancing around like a fairy princess, dressed in pretty pink with her my little pony collection Roll Eyes

Originally posted by luxor:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Growlybear:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Growly Jnr has been calling Mr G a 'baldy old bastard'

See... that's the kind of stuff that I'm used to. It's nice to feel normal.
Mr G has always called me The Old Trout, or a whinging old shitbag - they are terms of endearment Big Grin

Thats exactly how it is in our house, you should hear the things I call my OH and the things she calls me, but we love each other to bits, the "name calling" is just a way to demonstratiing that "love" in an amusing way,
its a demonstration of affection, because WE KNOW that we would NEVER say anything like that and mean it,
its a sign that we are comfortable with each other and know each other well enough to know what we are really saying,

the only thing that has had me ANGRY in this thread is the fact that SOME people seem to think they have the RIGHT to pass judgement on other peoples relationships, even to the point where they have said that "if they overheard ME speak to MY mother like that they would make their feelings known"!!!
just WHO THE HELL do these people think they ARE?
I am NOT a violent man, but seriously IF someone was to overhear my self and my OH having some of our usual "banter" and then DARE to tell ME I obviously DONT LOVE HER,..... I would have to be restrained,
I have no doubt whatsoever that Marcus and his mum have a great relationship and that they both love each other,
AND I also believe that the people "having a go" at him KNOW this as well, but they are so twisted that they just cant help using anything to have "yet another" rant about Marcus,
you see the SAME names in every anti Marcus thread,
yes we know "he disgusts" you, and you find him "revolting" GOOD and LONG may he continue to do so,
am I being "judgemental" when I say I HATE judgemental bastards? Laugh

Calm down, think about your blood pressure.
The world is full of people who are intolerant of anything that does not fit into their rosy ideal world. They who should be pitied not scorned. Smiler

hehe I AM calm NOW, when I was reading this thread and posting in it last night however, is a different matter I was RAGING, honestly I was so ANGRY I was "vibrating"
I just find it hard to accept that there are people in this world who actuall DO think they are "above" everyone else, I am 56 now and have been on the "sharp end" of this kind of attitude from SOME people for most of my life,(so I should know better) and I am a long way past wanting to "reason" with them, but I will always confront them, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
I thought it was hilarious - I'd like to bet him and his mother have a great relationship. Does no-one on here ever call their loved ones awful names in jest? I often tell my sister (who I love SO much) that she's an evil psycho bitch who should rot in hell. It's all good.

I actually think they don't have a great relationship at all... he has no respect for her, and maybe she deserves no respect for whatever reason, so am not making a point about that... but I didn't find it funny listening to a man talk about his mother like that... thats all
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by luxor:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by old hippy guy:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Growlybear:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:

hehe I AM calm NOW, when I was reading this thread and posting in it last night however, is a different matter I was RAGING, honestly I was so ANGRY I was "vibrating"
I just find it hard to accept that there are people in this world who actuall DO think they are "above" everyone else, I am 56 now and have been on the "sharp end" of this kind of attitude from SOME people for most of my life,(so I should know better) and I am a long way past wanting to "reason" with them, but I will always confront them, Nod

I am about the same age and I get very frustrated about the attitude of some.
My OH works with a lot of social workers and some of the crap they come outwith is unbelievable.
However, I do not say anything as I know they have a difficult job, but their attitude to anybody who does not think like them is atrocious.
Originally posted by Mollie:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
I thought it was hilarious - I'd like to bet him and his mother have a great relationship. Does no-one on here ever call their loved ones awful names in jest? I often tell my sister (who I love SO much) that she's an evil psycho bitch who should rot in hell. It's all good.

I actually think they don't have a great relationship at all... he has no respect for her, and maybe she deserves no respect for whatever reason, so am not making a point about that... but I didn't find it funny listening to a man talk about his mother like that... thats all

that's your right to feel like that, mollie and I hope we can agree to disagree. I just put myself in that position, and I can hear my much loved adult nieces saying just as 'disrespectful' things to me... and say them back. It's just our way of being funny - and we do have a GREAT relationship, so I guess that's why I view Marcus and his mum the same way. Valentine
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Disappointed My entire family's out of order. Blush Ah well.. it works for us. Laugh

yeah us too, and if it was any different in our house I would fear we had entered the stepford reality Ninja

tell you what we said some stuff to our mum who we adored and loved and definately respected! my dad? we really dont like or get on with him, definately DONT respect him and we never spoke like that to him (though there was name calling just not in jest Ninja)

so it doesn't show a lack of respect, peeps really dont know what relationship he has with his mum, but it doesn't seem to be a bad one at all.

TONE has alot to do with how we say things, and i did not hear the tone in a bad way at all.

i'm not a fan of marcus btw, im not a fan of anyone! they all bloody suck noodles

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