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fOriginally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I have loathed them with a passion ever since they went into the BB house last yr [wasn't keen on them before this] as part of the task where theHM's had to ignore what was going on and knocked over geek boy. [I forget his name..] when they were running around causing mayhem, it wasn't in an accidental way either it was a huge push that sent him flying . .


This 'act' they do, and acts like this by people like Keith Lemon are puerile and not one bit funny.. what a fine example they are setting.. bleeding twats..  both them and Keith Lemon have had quite a few stints on This Morning lately as well. .they make it into kiddies TV whenever they are around... they need to be banned from anything that is remotely adult oriented TV and banished to the kiddies channels..




I actually thought Jedward were right doing that to Andrew last year in the Ignore The Obvious task, the housemates were doing a good job of ignoring Jedward on the stage until Andrew decided to go close up and cost the housemates one fail in the task by directly going up to them when he was supposed to obviously ignore it and there were cameramen on the stage too, so it was just a shove so they could carry on performing. He should have just stayed where he was.


Wasn't it Corin or Josie's earring they stole too?


I like Jedward but they were in the wrong yesterday. Yes they're annoying, immature and some think they're spoilt brats etc or whatever but deep down they're not nasty people. However, they do give off a ADHD vibe to me but i'm not a Psychologist so don't know.



darloboy (Play The Game!)

i thought amy was quite decent about it tbh, darren made more of a fuss


what got me was coleslaw incident - ok, it fell as it came out of the fridge, but the jed or the ward (whichever one it was) caught it and seemed to tip it upside down (didnt he??) 


even if not, i am sure their mother would not let them get away with that at home   or maybe she would, i think a few more bottom spanks when growing up could have done them the world of good


Originally Posted by barney:

i thought amy was quite decent about it tbh, darren made more of a fuss


what got me was coleslaw incident - ok, it fell as it came out of the fridge, but the jed or the ward (whichever one it was) caught it and seemed to tip it upside down (didnt he??) 


even if not, i am sure their mother would not let them get away with that at home   or maybe she would, i think a few more bottom spanks when growing up could have done them the world of good


  ...... they would never be getting off the naughty step if they were mine!

Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):


I actually thought Jedward were right doing that to Andrew last year in the Ignore The Obvious task, the housemates were doing a good job of ignoring Jedward on the stage until Andrew decided to go close up and cost the housemates one fail in the task by directly going up to them when he was supposed to obviously ignore it and there were cameramen on the stage too, so it was just a shove so they could carry on performing. He should have just stayed where he was.




in the show I watched that lad was just standing there minding his own business staring into space as a way of 'ignoring' the eejits as they ran around the place jumping on everything and creating havoc. .they ran back into the house and as they passed him one of the twats shouldered him quite strongly out of the way. .  it was so hard he fell over backwards.. there was plenty of room to run around him not thru him ..they were darting all over the place and got him when they were running out of the house ..most blokes on the outside world would have decked them for that..


now if I have got it wrong and he did walk up to them , but said nowt just stared [or even if he did say something so what?]  does that still give them the right to roughly  and physically shoulder him out of the way so hard that he falls over? I think not .. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!):

I actually thought Jedward were right doing that to Andrew last year in the Ignore The Obvious task, the housemates were doing a good job of ignoring Jedward on the stage until Andrew decided to go close up and cost the housemates one fail in the task by directly going up to them when he was supposed to obviously ignore it and there were cameramen on the stage too, so it was just a shove so they could carry on performing. He should have just stayed where he was.


Andrew didn't get closer to the stage than any other HM. The worst offender was Dave, who performed what looked like stretching exercises right in front of the stage. Unlike most of the other HMs, Andrew didn't mill around, but stood rock still for virtually the entire performance. I can't imagine that Andrew got a task fail for that (or rather if he did, most of the other HMs must have done so too).

Rachel was standing next to Andrew and talking to him when the twin (John, I think) barged right into him (he wasn't actually knocked over).


The incident is at roughly 1:35 on this clip:

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

thanks for clearing that up for me Eugene. 


.in my head it had grown into something even bigger because that was the turning point where I went beyond thinking try and give em a chance 'they are just norty iccle boys and deserved an awwwwwwwww bless look at them the iccle tinkers' attitude.. .I then realised they were first class twats and needed a good boot up the backside.. . .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Croctacus:
 Darryn was a right prick about it!


He was just waiting for any excuse to have a go.


I didn't see the bikini bottom pinging or the coleslaw flinging, cos I was too busy being inattentive....... but I did see Darryn's reaction. I don't like that man!

I'm with you there Ducky  Darryn is not a very nice person at all ..........John and Edward are immature but perfectly harmless unlike Darryn who knows this show inside out and has an agenda - TBH - he's a complete and utter dickhead!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

thanks for clearing that up for me Eugene. 


.in my head it had grown into something even bigger because that was the turning point where I went beyond thinking try and give em a chance 'they are just norty iccle boys and deserved an awwwwwwwww bless look at them the iccle tinkers' attitude.. .I then realised they were first class twats and needed a good boot up the backside.. . .

The boot up the backside will be when the "moneymakers" lose interest in their antics.....and the sad thing is all the ickle peeps that have watched them being laughed at will grow up trying to emulate them. 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

.in my head it had grown into something even bigger because that was the turning point where I went beyond thinking try and give em a chance 'they are just norty iccle boys and deserved an awwwwwwwww bless look at them the iccle tinkers' attitude.. .I then realised they were first class twats and needed a good boot up the backside.. . .

It's funny how your memory plays tricks on you, isn't it? I thought he knocked Andrew over too.

At the time, it looked like John deliberately barged into Andrew, but now I don't believe there was any malice and  it looks like a typical case of the twins deciding to do something but not thinking about how it would affect others: John wanted to show-off with some acrobatics, and if someone was in the way - tough.


Looking back on it though, I'm reminded that the thing that annoyed me most at the time was not the barging into Andrew or the breaking of the "no outside contact" rule with Josie, but the twin kicking over the table and glasses. It just seemed rude, almost to the point of vandalism. I mean, they were guests in someone-else's home!

Eugene's Lair

opps sorry I had turned me puter off so missed your reply. .but yeah Eugene you're right about things seeming bigger than they were but also reminded me it was the whole combination of behaviours that night that finally put them in the no longer gonna give em a chance pile for me.. I'm past the putting it down to slightly overuly sp? little boys phase..  they are just a pair of ignorant twonks who need to grow up 


and I rewound the part where he knocked into Andrew and it is definitely on purpose.. there was shed loads of room to the side of him but he ran straight into him.. cos it is just a small part of a larger clip it comes suddenly and passes just as quickly so kinda gets lost a bit. .but the rewind prepares you for it coming so you can 'see' what happened better.. and the table thing ..I'd forgotten all that as well..  like Saz, they make me feel very stabby

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I have, like a lot of FM's, found Jedward quite fascinating to watch.  The thing is their real age bears totally no relation to their mental age.  They have obviously lived in this 'twin world' reality all of their lives and since they became famous they have been encouraged to do their thing and just let it rip.  Watching John apologise to Kerry he really hadn't realised how his behaviour would be taken, any more than, say, a 4 year old would.  I certainly wouldn't like to be stuck in the house with them but there is no malice in them.

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

and I rewound the part where he knocked into Andrew and it is definitely on purpose.. there was shed loads of room to the side of him but he ran straight into him.. cos it is just a small part of a larger clip it comes suddenly and passes just as quickly so kinda gets lost a bit. .but the rewind prepares you for it coming so you can 'see' what happened better.. and the table thing ..I'd forgotten all that as well..  like Saz, they make me feel very stabby

It definitely looked deliberate - he's a turd Mind you, I'd forgotten how much of a 5* twat that Dave was until just now Argh, stabby stabby stabby


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