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Worth mentioning is that if Royal Mail bosses win on this one then we can expect post late in the afternoon, possibly after 4 each day.  And if you run a business and want your post in the morning you will probably have to cough up ÂĢ2-3,000 per year.  My husband used to start work at 5am, now its 6am and next year 7am, so they have to pay less money to the workers.  My husband used to train young posties and now they act as if you can pull people off the streets give them a full bag of mail and they will be able to handle it like a seasoned postie.  Recipe for disaster and we will suffer.  Also if people like TNT get a look in then forget deliveries to your home if you live outside the main town centres, let alone the more far-flung areas.  The posties are fighting for a good service for each of us customers while I'm not at all sure what the bosses have in mind when this 'modernisation' is in place.
Squigs, I agree. I'm sick of people saying "sack the lot of them" and accusing them of standing in the way of "progress". I'm sure they'd say the same if it was their own jobs under threat, wouldn't they..?
I really feel for posties still working for the service.  They are not mostly militant idiots but good honest working people.  There is a hidden agenda here by Royal Mail bosses, if they ride roughshod over the posties you won't recognise the service 3 years down the line.  One price stamp, delivered to every last corner of these islands at the moment, but for how much longer if we don't support the posties in their action?
Worth mentioning is that if Royal Mail bosses win on this one then we can expect post late in the afternoon, possibly after 4 each day

Mail to my address regularly arrives at 4 and 5 p.m.     I also called Amazon to complain that a delivery I'd paid special delivery for hadn't arrived by 3 p.m. but was showing as signed for at 12.55 a.m.    It arrived at 4.30 p.m. and the postman said someone at the sorting office had obviously put it through as being delivered to get out of paying the compensation.    Often get mail for the wrong address and have had people deliver mail for me that has gone to their address.

Guess where my sympathy lies.
Indeed! We must stop the privatisation of our services.
 In every case where it's happened, we end up paying more for a worse service, just so shareholders and board members can get their cut. Stuff like Royal Mail and our rail networks shouldn't be run "for profit". They are an essential public service and any profits should go back into improving them, not into shareholders' pockets.
I occasionally, and under certain circumstances, have to pay extra for couriers. This means that you get your product thrown and kicked around the back of a white van.
I knew someone who ran one of those courier services, and the term "white van man" could have been invented for him. Total nutter, addicted to amphetamines
I once paid extra for my new passport to be delivered by 'secure' post.  The courier stuck it through the letter box of a house a few doors away, no signature or anything,  Fortunately the person who received it delivered it to me.  And if people think Royal Mail has a shoddy service I'd hate to think what they'd have to say about companies like 'Home Delivery Network' etc
Mail to my address regularly arrives at 4 and 5 p.m. I also called Amazon to complain that a delivery I'd paid special delivery for hadn't arrived by 3 p.m. but was showing as signed for at 12.55 a.m. It arrived at 4.30 p.m. and the postman said someone at the sorting office had obviously put it through as being delivered to get out of paying the compensation. Often get mail for the wrong address and have had people deliver mail for me that has gone to their address. Guess where my sympathy lies.
They have downgraded the service steadily over the last 10 years or so.  They have been bringing in 'casuals' as a way of bringing the regular posties to heel.  Untrained (quite often dishonest) staff who have reduced a once unbeatable service to the shambles it is now.  But if you blame the ordinary working man/woman who is trying to do a good job then just wait and see what happens when the overpaid bosses have finished the job.  I heard on our local radio that Adam Crozier (?) get 12 times the salary of the Prime Minister, don't know if that's accurate.  My husband worked in the Ilford sorting office during the 1987 hurricane and those guys did wonders getting the post out that day.  I too know where my sympathies lie.
I've had some, though I have ordered a Bluetooth headset from Amazon on the 15th and i still haven't received it, also a DVD from Amazon on the 18th, not received...oh, and a book from Ebay on the 20th, not received.....**sigh**. 

My bills still managed to find their way through my front door though....

How long should I wait before I contact Amazon? the Headset was ÂĢ17 and I'm really annoyed about waiting...
The Devil In Diamante
Reference The Devil In Diamante Today at 22:33:
 I've had some, though I have ordered a Bluetooth headset from Amazon on the 15th and i still haven't received it, also a DVD from Amazon on the 18th, not received...oh, and a book from Ebay on the 20th, not received.....**sigh**.
Don't know about Ebay, but as far as Amazon's concerned: the first thing to ask is when did they send the notification that your goods were shipped? The date you placed your order is meaningless on it's own as Amazon often state an expected delay in shipment on your order form (usually because of stock shortages or high demand). After that, what shipment method did you ask for? From memory, their free delivery is estimated at 3-5 working days.

Also - was your headset ordered from Amazon proper, or one of their market traders? If the latter, then that's another layer you have to consider...

TBH, I think it's a little too early to panic. I wouldn't be surprised if your goods arrive Monday or Tuesday as the backlog clears...
Eugene's Lair
Had post Thursday, none on Friday and a bill and the new Albion catalogue on Saturday, as yet none today, but our postie can be a little bit late and sometimes gets it wrong.

I do sympathise with them though,   As for Amazon, I've had problems with them before, with books, saying it had been posted and I didn't receive it, but fair play to them, when queried they have sent another one immediately and I have received in the following couple of days.

Are they planning to strike again this week?
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
hmmm we just got some post dated 2 weeks ago!!! one of which contained an appointment my OH was meant to go to (and missed obviously) with the jobcentre...JSA got stopped because of that...and wont be backdated either (he found this out when he actually signed on at normaly appointment)

so Royal mail just cost us ÂĢ400 (as we have to pay rent for those two weeks too)...cheers royal mail ya twats

the other letters we got were letters telling us JSA had been stopped and housing benefit etc the shitter now
hmmm we just got some post dated 2 weeks ago!!! one of which contained an appointment my OH was meant to go to (and missed obviously) with the jobcentre...JSA got stopped because of that...and wont be backdated either (he found this out when he actually signed on at normaly appointment) so Royal mail just cost us ÂĢ400 (as we have to pay rent for those two weeks too)...cheers royal mail ya twats the other letters we got were letters telling us JSA had been stopped and housing benefit etc the shitter n
Oh blimey, hope you can get that sorted out and soon.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I understood that it was different section of the Royal Mail on strike on Thursday and the collection and delivery section were out on Friday. Anyway, my sympathies are with the posties and not Management/Mandelson
Yeah, different parts of the RM were on strike different days... I got post on Thurs, but not Fri. They've been striking here for months now, I'm bloody sick of it... wish they would all sort something out

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