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Originally Posted by pirate1111:

says UKIP is racist cos of nigels comments about people not wanting to live next door to a house full of Romanian blokes


same woman who tweeted


Abbott's comment about 'divide and rule' have caused a Twitter storm with users calling for her resignation


i really dont like that woman


mind you im not keen on nigel farage/homer simpson either


and for the record

i wouldnt want to live next door to a house full of Romanian blokes



Sadly all MP's from the 3 main party's are hypocrites, Diane Abbott's heart might be in the right place but her gob and brain certainly isn't.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
An interesting day on FB mind. I've been called all sorts of stuff today. Mainly ageist insults. I must change my profile picture! These UKIP people can't debate one bit without losing their temper .

That's funny because that's how I feel about those who are anti UKIP.


They tend to threaten abuse or name call.


Lets just get Thursday out the way and get ready for BB.


I always roll my eyes when she appears on the telly.


But she keeps being elected year in and year out, so lots of people think she's doing a decent job.


All the Romanians I've come into contact with have been just like everyone else I have come into contact with, except that they are Romanian.

They can live next door if they want.


I think the problem on getting abuse on FB,Vids, is that the abusers assume that people who support UKIP are of low intelligence, so incapable of fighting back, in any meaningful manner.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

I always roll my eyes when she appears on the telly.


But she keeps being elected year in and year out, so lots of people think she's doing a decent job.


All the Romanians I've come into contact with have been just like everyone else I have come into contact with, except that they are Romanian.

They can live next door if they want.


I think the problem on getting abuse on FB,Vids, is that the abusers assume that people who support UKIP are of low intelligence, so incapable of fighting back, in any meaningful manner.

Maybe so, maybe it's that they are so certain they are right on this and maybe every other subject that they dont want to listen to another point of view, go to the FBpage "Hope Not Hate" and just see what I mean....they might have hope but theres a hell of alot of hate. Lol

I don't  believe that all UKIP voters are of low intelligence, but to a man or woman, they are guilty of lazy political analysis.
I haven't sought them out. They appear on my FB, like we are meant to suppose that they follow t'Grauniad.
They tend to arrive with all sorts if misinformation and disinformation, and then, when faced with the great political thinkers :smug: resort to abuse and name calling.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Rather like Jeremy Clarkson and his material, I tend to think that's her act. They are all lovey dovey on that show, and she has known Portillo since school. It's all very light hearted with a stack of running gags!

Sadly not, I'm afraid.  She's genuinely awful.  Neil loathes her and that's no inside joke either!  

Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Rather like Jeremy Clarkson and his material, I tend to think that's her act. They are all lovey dovey on that show, and she has known Portillo since school. It's all very light hearted with a stack of running gags!

Sadly not, I'm afraid.  She's genuinely awful.  Neil loathes her and that's no inside joke either!  

Dunno why but thats cheered me up immensely, Cosmo  

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Do you follow him on twitter? I have a childish respect for him since he is the only  "Famous Person" to enter into a conversation with me. Everyone else was too grand!

Twitter's a funny thing.  I tend to follow a lot of people that I don't necessarily like/agree with, whereas in any other social media situation I'd blank them completely.  I think my twitter timeline is made up of 30% political commentators, 30% people I know personally regardless of their notoriety , and the rest are just funny b*ggers who make me laugh.  


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